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Ladsgroup (Amir Sarabadani)
Shah of Bugs, Emir of database architecture, World-renowned rubber duckAdministrator

Projects (36)


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Oct 6 2014, 9:53 PM (506 w, 1 d)
IRC Nick
MediaWiki User
Ladsgroup [ Global Accounts ]

Staff Database Architect in SRE data persistence team in WMF. Used to be Wikidata software engineer at WMDE

I'm also open source enthusiast, mediawiki volunteer developer, and long-term Wikipedian.

All edits on tickets about databases are in my work capacity and anything else is in my volunteer capacity unless mentioned otherwise.

Babel: fa-N, en-4, de-2, tr-1, hu-1

Recent Activity


Ladsgroup closed T365915: Create a mailing list for Bangla Wikimoitree as Resolved.


Tue, Jun 18, 9:38 PM · SRE, Wikimedia-Mailing-lists
Ladsgroup added a comment to T283028: Unnecessary horizontal scrollbars.

There was a new version of mailman deployed today. I can't reproduce this anymore. Can you check @Reedy?

Tue, Jun 18, 8:51 PM · Upstream, SRE, Wikimedia-Mailing-lists
Ladsgroup closed T367640: Create a mailing list for Kashmiri Wikimedians User Group as Resolved.


Tue, Jun 18, 8:47 PM · SRE, Wikimedia-Mailing-lists
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366354: Create the a new DB schema to store the worklist data.

FWIW, having PK is always encouraged, it helps with data integrity and replication but it doesn't need to be a dedicated auto_increment id column. If tables are getting rather big, give it a dedicated column since it helps with backups and checksum runs. If it's not, you can group a couple of integer columns that could make a unique index and call it PK. If table is going to be monstrous (like pagelinks level), then adding column costs outweighs the backup benefits. i.e.

  • If small: Group a couple of integer columns and call it PK
  • If large: Give it a dedicated auto_increment column
  • If really large: Back to number 1, group of couple of integer columns and call it PK
Tue, Jun 18, 7:30 PM · Patch-For-Review, MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.9; 2024-06-11), DBA, Campaign-Tools (Campaign-Tools-Current-Sprint), Event-Discovery
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project.

I switched the proxy to point to codesearch9 now and shut off codesearch8. I will delete it tomorrow.

Tue, Jun 18, 6:13 PM · cloud-services-team, VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T256190: Update footer image links on all MediaWiki skins to be legible and accessible.

I don't have the design expertise to say it's okay or not. It's @JScherer-WMF's domain ^_^

Tue, Jun 18, 3:58 PM · Patch-For-Review, MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Wikimedia-Hackathon-2024, Wikimedia-Design, Design, MediaWiki-General, Accessibility
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366354: Create the a new DB schema to store the worklist data.

From the schema point of view: My only note is that cewa_page_wiki seems to be redundant. If you have FK to ce_invitation_lists and that table has the wiki, you don't need to store it again here.

Tue, Jun 18, 3:49 PM · Patch-For-Review, MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.9; 2024-06-11), DBA, Campaign-Tools (Campaign-Tools-Current-Sprint), Event-Discovery
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project.

attached the new volume, it's being rebuilt.

Tue, Jun 18, 3:46 PM · cloud-services-team, VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T362323: Move 100% of external traffic to Kubernetes.

Macro itshappening:

Tue, Jun 18, 3:08 PM · Patch-For-Review, MoveComms-Support, SRE, Traffic, serviceops, MW-on-K8s
Ladsgroup added a subtask for T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project: T367878: Extra 80GB volume to allow migration of buster VM to bullseye.
Tue, Jun 18, 1:47 PM · cloud-services-team, VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)
Ladsgroup added a parent task for T367878: Extra 80GB volume to allow migration of buster VM to bullseye: T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project.
Tue, Jun 18, 1:47 PM · VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Quota-requests)
Ladsgroup created T367878: Extra 80GB volume to allow migration of buster VM to bullseye.
Tue, Jun 18, 1:46 PM · VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Quota-requests)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367833: Update grants for mailman.

This is done I think but then maybe we should drop the grant on lists1001 then?

Tue, Jun 18, 1:42 PM · DBA, collaboration-services, SRE
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367764: updateMenteeData should reload db config.


Tue, Jun 18, 11:54 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.11; 2024-06-25), Growth-Team (Sprint 16 (Growth Team)), GrowthExperiments-Mentorship
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project.


ladsgroup@codesearch8:~$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs           799M   82M  717M  11% /run
/dev/sda1        20G   10G  8.9G  54% /
tmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdb         75G   49G   23G  68% /srv
tmpfs           799M     0  799M   0% /run/user/0
tmpfs           799M     0  799M   0% /run/user/3182
Tue, Jun 18, 11:38 AM · cloud-services-team, VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project.
ladsgroup@codesearch9:~$ sudo service hound-search status
● hound-search.service - hound-search
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/hound-search.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-06-18 06:00:30 UTC; 5h 34min ago
   Main PID: 489792 (docker)
      Tasks: 9 (limit: 9521)
     Memory: 24.9M
        CPU: 4.424s
     CGroup: /system.slice/hound-search.service
             └─489792 /usr/bin/docker run -p 6080:6080 --name hound-search --user=root -v /srv/hound/hound-search:/data -v /etc/hound-gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig docker-registry.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/labs-code>
Tue, Jun 18, 11:36 AM · cloud-services-team, VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T299947: Normalize pagelinks table.

I am running MW 1_43-wmf9 and started running update.php yesterday night. It seems that the updater is very slow (running migrateLinksTable on pagelinks). I now started to run this migration in a separate process. Do you have any idea how long the migration might take? My first estimation is 12 days for our 12M pages. This seems very slow, does that make sense?

Tue, Jun 18, 9:51 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.11; 2024-06-25), User-notice, MediaWiki-Page-derived-data
Ladsgroup committed rSCHCHfbca636b1720: Merge branch 'T367856' into 'main'.
Merge branch 'T367856' into 'main'
Tue, Jun 18, 9:49 AM
Ladsgroup committed rSCHCH82c346738564: change_revision_rev_id_T367856.py: New schema change (authored by Marostegui).
change_revision_rev_id_T367856.py: New schema change
Tue, Jun 18, 9:49 AM
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367645: The background of some SVG maps is not rendered.

As it has been said before, this seems to be an issue with the files not the thumbnailing service. The upgrade of the service just exposed the issue.

Tue, Jun 18, 9:46 AM · User-notice, Wikimedia-SVG-rendering
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367632: Drop ipblocks in production.


Tue, Jun 18, 9:42 AM · DBA
Ladsgroup added a comment to T361041: Create wikipedia-pl-sysop.wikimedia.org (was: sysop-pl.wikipedia.org).

If understand it correctly, that's for a private wiki with local upload enabled but this wiki doesn't have upload enabled?

Local file uploads: disabled
Tue, Jun 18, 9:28 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.5; 2024-05-14), Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367841: Display of custom footer icons is broken.

That's sorta intentional. The poweredby svg needs to remove that "button" part. I can try to make the svg if find the time.

Tue, Jun 18, 9:26 AM · MediaWiki-General

Mon, Jun 17

Ladsgroup added a comment to T210206: Deprecate raw SQL conditions for IDatabase methods (select, insert, etc.).

So the raw SQL part has not been deprecated yet since there are many usecases left but the replacement in all cases is in place. I suggest renaming this ticket to narrow its scope to "provide replacement for raw SQL in conditions" and file a new ticket for the actual deprecation. Does that sound fine by people?

Mon, Jun 17, 7:13 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.8; 2024-06-04), MW-1.42-notes (1.42.0-wmf.26; 2024-04-09), DBA, API Platform, MediaWiki-libs-Rdbms
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project.

Yeah, I don't think we had any specific need for a very specific docker engine, it's just whatever works, works. It's not large-scale or specific setup in any way.

Mon, Jun 17, 6:48 PM · cloud-services-team, VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T256190: Update footer image links on all MediaWiki skins to be legible and accessible.

In terms of performance, it is now 3.06 + 5.5 = 8.65KB in total vs. 3.36 + 3.20 = 6.56KB (I'm counting gzip compressed) which is a small jump but not too big given that it heavily gets cached client side and it's desktop only (that should change though) and it's lazy loaded from what I'm seeing.

Mon, Jun 17, 6:39 PM · Patch-For-Review, MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Wikimedia-Hackathon-2024, Wikimedia-Design, Design, MediaWiki-General, Accessibility
Ladsgroup added a comment to T256190: Update footer image links on all MediaWiki skins to be legible and accessible.

@Jdlrobson Actually this now needs to be adopted with dark mode:

image.png (92×311 px, 5 KB)

Mon, Jun 17, 6:36 PM · Patch-For-Review, MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Wikimedia-Hackathon-2024, Wikimedia-Design, Design, MediaWiki-General, Accessibility
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366852: Discover and fix under-utlizied replicas.

So I used FTT (a type of DFT) to remove the noise and move the information from a time series to frequency domain.
The result is stuff like this:

s8_codfw_ftt_real.png (1×2 px, 61 KB)

Mon, Jun 17, 4:28 PM · DBA
Ladsgroup renamed T367781: Drop deprecated abuse filter fields on wmf wikis from Delete deprecated abuse filter fields on wmf wikis to Drop deprecated abuse filter fields on wmf wikis.
Mon, Jun 17, 4:28 PM · Data-Engineering, Schema-change-in-production, DBA, Data Products
Ladsgroup created T367764: updateMenteeData should reload db config.
Mon, Jun 17, 2:48 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.11; 2024-06-25), Growth-Team (Sprint 16 (Growth Team)), GrowthExperiments-Mentorship
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T352010: Gradually drop old pagelinks columns.
Mon, Jun 17, 1:47 PM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Page-derived-data
Ladsgroup closed T342697: Audit of unused indexes, 2023 as Resolved.

We dropped several large indexes. There are some more to be checked but from a quick view nothing with large gains stood out. I call this done.

Mon, Jun 17, 1:22 PM · MW-1.42-notes (1.42.0-wmf.17; 2024-02-06), MediaWiki-Platform-Team (Radar), DBA
Ladsgroup closed T367495: Apply schema change to add type column on GlobalRenameQueue table to the live databases as Resolved.

I only found it on centralauth. Ran it with replication since it's rather small and it's showing up everywhere now.

Mon, Jun 17, 1:20 PM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Platform-Team (Radar), Data-Engineering, Account-Vanishing, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralAuth, Data Products
Ladsgroup closed T367495: Apply schema change to add type column on GlobalRenameQueue table to the live databases, a subtask of T367740: [EPIC] Phase 1 - Improve GlobalRenameQueue views of vanishing account, as Resolved.
Mon, Jun 17, 1:20 PM · MediaWiki-Platform-Team (Radar), Epic, Account-Vanishing, Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog, Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralAuth
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367495: Apply schema change to add type column on GlobalRenameQueue table to the live databases.

I need to figure out where is this table exactly and or there are tables like this in private wikis, etc.

Mon, Jun 17, 1:10 PM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Platform-Team (Radar), Data-Engineering, Account-Vanishing, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralAuth, Data Products
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363682: Incorrect counters on [[Special:LintErrors]].

After ten days the numbers are better but not much:

mysql:research@s4-analytics-replica.eqiad.wmnet [commonswiki]> select linter_template, linter_cat, linter_tag, count(*) from linter where linter_template != '' group by linter_template, linter_cat, linter_tag order by count(*) desc limit 50;
| linter_template                                 | linter_cat | linter_tag | count(*) |
| Template:Self                                   |         22 |            | 28305118 |
| Template:FlickreviewR                           |         22 |            |  7972413 |
| Template:Artwork                                |         22 |            |  7277358 |
| Template:Information                            |         22 |            |  7072181 |
| Template:Wikidata_Infobox                       |         22 |            |  5027304 |
| Template:Book                                   |         22 |            |  4724893 |
| Template:Geograph_from_structured_data          |         22 |            |  4465691 |
| Template:NASA-image                             |         22 |            |  4225693 |
| User:FlickreviewR/reviewed-pass                 |         22 |            |  3896881 |
| Template:Artwork                                |         23 |            |  3386630 |
| Template:PD-USGov-NASA                          |         22 |            |  3051415 |
| Template:Autotranslate                          |         22 |            |  2020877 |
| Template:PD-scan                                |         22 |            |  2020711 |
| Template:Information                            |         23 |            |  2009704 |
Mon, Jun 17, 12:30 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.4; 2024-05-07), Content-Transform-Team-WIP, Essential-Work, MediaWiki-extensions-Linter
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363622: Watchlist times out.

We are improving the performance in several areas, one patch has got merged but not deployed yet and the second is being reviewed and hopefully merged and deployed soon.

Mon, Jun 17, 12:17 PM · Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist

Sun, Jun 16

Ladsgroup closed T367538: Cloud VPS "mailman" project Buster deprecation as Resolved.

I just deleted the VM.

Sun, Jun 16, 6:43 PM · Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)

Sat, Jun 15

Ladsgroup added a subtask for T355034: Deploy new block_target schema: T367632: Drop ipblocks in production.
Sat, Jun 15, 10:57 AM · Community-Tech (June 17-28 2024 Bat-Eared Fox), MW-1.42-notes (1.42.0-wmf.21; 2024-03-05), Multiblocks, MediaWiki-Blocks
Ladsgroup added a parent task for T367632: Drop ipblocks in production: T355034: Deploy new block_target schema.
Sat, Jun 15, 10:57 AM · DBA
Ladsgroup created T367632: Drop ipblocks in production.
Sat, Jun 15, 10:55 AM · DBA

Fri, Jun 14

Ladsgroup added a comment to T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project.

I can help.

Fri, Jun 14, 5:01 PM · cloud-services-team, VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)
Ladsgroup updated subscribers of T367521: Mailman Downtime: Migrate mailman from lists1001 to lists1004.

Wrote this in tech news:

Mailing lists will be unavailable for roughly two hours on Tuesday 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC. This is facilitate migration to a new server and upgrade its software. [9]

Fri, Jun 14, 3:10 PM · Patch-For-Review, User-notice, collaboration-services, Wikimedia-Mailing-lists, SRE
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363622: Watchlist times out.

Sure. I can do that and done it before. We avoid changes like this on Fridays. I will it first thing on Monday.

Fri, Jun 14, 1:32 PM · Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367479: Replace or remove Debian Buster VMs in 'codesearch' cloud-vps project.

I will try to fix it during this weekend (to also minimize disruptions)

Fri, Jun 14, 11:44 AM · cloud-services-team, VPS-project-Codesearch, Cloud-VPS (Debian Buster Deprecation)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366982: Simple filter restrictions on meta causes Recent Changes to time out.

Thank you!

Fri, Jun 14, 11:41 AM · DBA, mariadb-optimizer-bug, Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Recent-changes
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T352010: Gradually drop old pagelinks columns.
Fri, Jun 14, 11:36 AM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Page-derived-data
Ladsgroup edited projects for T367495: Apply schema change to add type column on GlobalRenameQueue table to the live databases, added: DBA, Schema-change-in-production; removed Schema-change.
Fri, Jun 14, 10:26 AM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Platform-Team (Radar), Data-Engineering, Account-Vanishing, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralAuth, Data Products

Thu, Jun 13

Ladsgroup updated the task description for T366938: Reduce relying on database locks .
Thu, Jun 13, 6:00 PM · MW-Interfaces-Team, MediaWiki-Engineering
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366982: Simple filter restrictions on meta causes Recent Changes to time out.

Yeah, I know changing that code is probably not ideal. I'll try to see what I can do with the optimizer stats and reproduce the same plan db1227 uses.

Thu, Jun 13, 5:56 PM · DBA, mariadb-optimizer-bug, Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Recent-changes
Bawolff awarded T367172: Watchlist formatter is doing a user edit count database query in every row of the result a The World Burns token.
Thu, Jun 13, 4:03 PM · Patch-For-Review, DBA, MediaWiki-Watchlist, Performance Issue, Growth-Team, Regression
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T366938: Reduce relying on database locks .
Thu, Jun 13, 3:44 PM · MW-Interfaces-Team, MediaWiki-Engineering
Ladsgroup closed T367383: Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBUnexpectedError when querying revisions from the action API as Resolved.

Hi, This is part of a new defense mechanism we have in place to protect production in case of overload. You can read more about the work in T360930: Section-wide circuit breaking and more about circuit breaking in general in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circuit_breaker_design_pattern

Thu, Jun 13, 3:27 PM · MediaWiki-Action-API, Wikimedia-production-error
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363622: Watchlist times out.

LinkBatch should split queries into batches of fifty or 100 pages. Not all in one go.

Thu, Jun 13, 2:37 PM · Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363622: Watchlist times out.

With that req id, there is this: https://logstash.wikimedia.org/app/discover#/doc/logstash-*/logstash-mediawiki-1-7.0.0-1-2024.06.13?id=2b_AEZAB_bxzc-Pm1mZU

	Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
Thu, Jun 13, 2:32 PM · Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363622: Watchlist times out.

$wgShowExceptionDetails will just shows the user details of the error. We do have that information in logstash, we just don't show it as it might leak private information. Now that I have the req id, I can look it up in logstash.

Thu, Jun 13, 2:25 PM · Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367172: Watchlist formatter is doing a user edit count database query in every row of the result.

Turning off the gadget won't make a difference. The query adds the class to the HTML and it will continue to do so regardless.

Thu, Jun 13, 2:24 PM · Patch-For-Review, DBA, MediaWiki-Watchlist, Performance Issue, Growth-Team, Regression
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T352010: Gradually drop old pagelinks columns.
Thu, Jun 13, 1:15 PM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Page-derived-data
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T352010: Gradually drop old pagelinks columns.
Thu, Jun 13, 1:10 PM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Page-derived-data
Ladsgroup added a comment to T354939: Migrate GrowthExperiments to virtual domains.

@Ladsgroup Will there a depreciation timeline for extensions that store their data outside the main database to use a virtual database domain?

Thu, Jun 13, 12:33 PM · Growth-Team, GrowthExperiments
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366982: Simple filter restrictions on meta causes Recent Changes to time out.

The SQL is a bit messy so I might have missed more changes, but the one I found is that you're doing straight join of RC to actor?That's technically possible but there are two problem:

  • IIRC, currently mw doesn't allow straight join of one table, adding STRAIGHT JOIN option makes the whole order of joins on all tables to become straight and that can cause issues.
  • Since in RC you can mix and match criteria so much, there might be cases that straight join could cause large issues (e.g. in wikidata if you set the filter to see only edits by logged out users, it'd add actor_user is null there)
Thu, Jun 13, 12:29 PM · DBA, mariadb-optimizer-bug, Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Recent-changes

Wed, Jun 12

Ladsgroup moved T362529: Create a Wikimedians of United Arab Emirates User Group Wiki from Backlog to Ready on the Wiki-Setup (Create) board.
Wed, Jun 12, 8:43 PM · Patch-For-Review, Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366649: Create an 'Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C)' private wiki.

I restarted sanitarium master on eqiad and codfw in s5 and it picked up the new config. From DBA point of view, this is good to go.

Wed, Jun 12, 8:34 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup moved T361041: Create wikipedia-pl-sysop.wikimedia.org (was: sysop-pl.wikipedia.org) from Not ready to Ready on the Wiki-Setup (Create) board.
Wed, Jun 12, 8:34 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.5; 2024-05-14), Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup moved T363825: Create private wikipedia_it_arbcom wiki from Not ready to Ready on the Wiki-Setup (Create) board.
Wed, Jun 12, 8:33 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Patch-For-Review, Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup moved T366649: Create an 'Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C)' private wiki from Not ready to Ready on the Wiki-Setup (Create) board.
Wed, Jun 12, 8:33 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363825: Create private wikipedia_it_arbcom wiki.

I restarted sanitarium master on eqiad and codfw in s5 and it picked up the new config. From DBA point of view, this is good to go.

Wed, Jun 12, 8:33 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Patch-For-Review, Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T361041: Create wikipedia-pl-sysop.wikimedia.org (was: sysop-pl.wikipedia.org).

I restarted sanitarium master on eqiad and codfw in s5 and it picked up the new config. From DBA point of view, this is good to go.

Wed, Jun 12, 8:32 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.5; 2024-05-14), Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup moved T361041: Create wikipedia-pl-sysop.wikimedia.org (was: sysop-pl.wikipedia.org) from Backlog to Not ready on the Wiki-Setup (Create) board.
Wed, Jun 12, 8:22 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.5; 2024-05-14), Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup moved T363825: Create private wikipedia_it_arbcom wiki from Backlog to Not ready on the Wiki-Setup (Create) board.
Wed, Jun 12, 8:22 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Patch-For-Review, Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup moved T366649: Create an 'Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C)' private wiki from Backlog to Not ready on the Wiki-Setup (Create) board.
Wed, Jun 12, 8:21 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Wiki-Setup (Create)
Ladsgroup added a comment to T107875: Use InnoDB engine for searchindex table in MySQL.
  1. Similar question for the vector type of postgres.. i can only do this in a post processing step of the postgres installer/updater using an db specific patch right ?

You could probably change the postgres integration we have. It's not trivial but not hard either. Has been done before. Check MWPostgreSqlPlatform

The idea would then be to create a new MWVectorizedText column type, and then define how that column is implemented in postgres with tsvector and in mysql as TEXT with a collation ?

That'd be correct.

I would probably also need to implement a new query builder method ->search() or something that would then do a LIKE %% search in mysql and and tsquery() call in postgres right ?

You could probably introduce a subclass of SQB called SearchQueryBuilder and do that magic there. That would avoid introducing a new function on a class that's widely used just for one usecase.

Hmm, ok not sure if I want to get in this deep :)
Lets first finish the mysql part, and we'll keep the postgres version of this as unused zombie before trying to merge that in then, because that seems WAY more complicated.

Yes :D

Wed, Jun 12, 8:04 PM · User-TheDJ, Patch-Needs-Improvement, MediaWiki-Installer, MediaWiki-Search
Ladsgroup added a comment to T290759: Undeploy VipsScaler from Wikimedia wikis.

I played with it and it's waaay more complicated than it looks. So I much that I gave up. If someone is willing to work on it, I'd be happy to help.

Wed, Jun 12, 7:53 PM · Release-Engineering-Team (Radar), MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.23; 2021-09-13), Wikimedia-Extension-setup, Structured Data Engineering, Structured-Data-Backlog, MediaWiki-extensions-VipsScaler
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T352010: Gradually drop old pagelinks columns.
Wed, Jun 12, 6:55 PM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Page-derived-data
Ladsgroup closed T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script as Resolved.
Wed, Jun 12, 12:54 PM · AbuseFilter, Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure
Ladsgroup closed T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script, a subtask of T188180: Read from and write to `actor` table in AbuseFilter, as Resolved.
Wed, Jun 12, 12:54 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), Patch-For-Review, AbuseFilter (Overhaul-2020), MW-1.33-notes (1.33.0-wmf.17; 2019-02-12), Schema-change
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script.

It had 31 case. I fixed it via stuff like:

$users = ['Prodego', 'Tim1357', 'Ruslik0', 'Mr.Z-man', '28bytes', 'Reaper Eternal', 'NawlinWiki', 'Beetstra', 'Shirik', 'Kww', 'Mindmatrix', 'Feezo', 'Hersfold', 'Cenarium', 'The Earwig', 'PeterSymonds', 'Xeno', 'EdoDodo', 'NuclearWarfare', 'Od Mishehu', 'Someguy1221', 'Soap', 'Nakon', 'Maxim', 'Gogo Dodo', 'Martijn Hoekstra'];
foreach ( $users as $userName ) {
    $user = \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserFactory()->newFromName( $userName );
    var_dump( $userName);
    if ( $user ) {
        \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getAuthManager()->autoCreateUser( $user, \MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_MAINT, false );
        \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getActorStore()->acquireActorId( $user, wfGetDB( DB_PRIMARY ) );
Wed, Jun 12, 11:05 AM · AbuseFilter, Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script.

I think it's because it was imported from production. While the users were not imported. You can see the user id stored in af table is the production user.

Wed, Jun 12, 9:47 AM · AbuseFilter, Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script.

Fixed commons. Let's see what's next.

Wed, Jun 12, 9:33 AM · AbuseFilter, Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T352010: Gradually drop old pagelinks columns.
Wed, Jun 12, 8:20 AM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Page-derived-data
Ladsgroup committed rSCHCHc93427aa55cc: Merge branch 'T367261' into 'main'.
Merge branch 'T367261' into 'main'
Wed, Jun 12, 8:15 AM

Tue, Jun 11

Ladsgroup added a comment to T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script.

Now commonswiki is broken. I hope we didn't import too many abuse filters from production.

Tue, Jun 11, 10:36 PM · AbuseFilter, Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script.

I did some magic that involved doing stuff like this:

$user = \MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserFactory()->newFromName( 'Antime' );
\MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getAuthManager()->autoCreateUser( $user, \MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_MAINT, false );
\MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getActorStore()->acquireActorId( $user, wfGetDB( DB_PRIMARY ) );
Tue, Jun 11, 10:12 PM · AbuseFilter, Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script.

Ran this:

MariaDB [arwiki]> update abuse_filter set af_user = 72, af_actor = 70 where af_user_text = 'Meno25';
Query OK, 17 rows affected (0.018 sec)
Rows matched: 17  Changed: 17  Warnings: 0
Tue, Jun 11, 9:50 PM · AbuseFilter, Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367144: Beta cluster fails to update database due to MigrateActorsAF maintenance script.

User name "Meno25" is usable, cannot create an anonymous actor for it. Run maintenance/cleanupUsersWithNoId.php to fix this situation.

Tue, Jun 11, 9:48 PM · AbuseFilter, Beta-Cluster-Infrastructure
Ladsgroup added a comment to T361695: The log type {log_type_one} has the same translation as {log_type_two} for {lang}. {log_type_one} will not be displayed in the drop down menu on Special:Log..

FWIW: https://az.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=7661082

Tue, Jun 11, 9:41 PM · MW-1.42-notes (1.42.0-wmf.25; 2024-04-02), WMF-General-or-Unknown, Wikimedia-production-error
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363622: Watchlist times out.

I think I found why main queries are not being killed but users are reporting general slow downs.

Tue, Jun 11, 1:11 PM · Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist
Ladsgroup triaged T367172: Watchlist formatter is doing a user edit count database query in every row of the result as Medium priority.
Tue, Jun 11, 1:08 PM · Patch-For-Review, DBA, MediaWiki-Watchlist, Performance Issue, Growth-Team, Regression
Ladsgroup triaged T367175: Gender cache is not filled (via Thanks\Hooks::generateThankElement) as Medium priority.
Tue, Jun 11, 1:07 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), DBA, Performance Issue, Regression, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T367175: Gender cache is not filled (via Thanks\Hooks::generateThankElement).
Tue, Jun 11, 1:06 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), DBA, Performance Issue, Regression, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist
Ladsgroup created T367175: Gender cache is not filled (via Thanks\Hooks::generateThankElement).
Tue, Jun 11, 1:01 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.10; 2024-06-18), DBA, Performance Issue, Regression, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist
Ladsgroup created T367172: Watchlist formatter is doing a user edit count database query in every row of the result.
Tue, Jun 11, 12:57 PM · Patch-For-Review, DBA, MediaWiki-Watchlist, Performance Issue, Growth-Team, Regression
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366982: Simple filter restrictions on meta causes Recent Changes to time out.

I think all would be reproducible but I tested it on dbstore1008:3317

Tue, Jun 11, 11:28 AM · DBA, mariadb-optimizer-bug, Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Recent-changes
Ladsgroup added a comment to T295007: Upload by URL should use the job queue, possibly chunked with range requests.

I’m not aware of any issues, but if this is working (great!), then we should probably enable it by default in MediaWiki, and everywhere in production? Right now AFAICT $wgEnableAsyncUploadsByURL still defaults to false in core and is only enabled in commonswiki, testwiki and the Beta Cluster in wmf-config.

aiui this is blocked on UI elements (see T364644#9793065)

Tue, Jun 11, 10:24 AM · MW-1.42-notes (1.42.0-wmf.24; 2024-03-26), MediaWiki CodeJam Dec 2023, MediaWiki-Uploading
Ladsgroup updated the task description for T352010: Gradually drop old pagelinks columns.
Tue, Jun 11, 10:18 AM · Schema-change-in-production, DBA, MediaWiki-Page-derived-data

Mon, Jun 10

Ladsgroup updated subscribers of T366982: Simple filter restrictions on meta causes Recent Changes to time out.

Nope, it didn't fix it.

Mon, Jun 10, 9:23 PM · DBA, mariadb-optimizer-bug, Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Recent-changes
Ladsgroup added a comment to T366982: Simple filter restrictions on meta causes Recent Changes to time out.

One of the queries that are failing:

mysql:research@s7-analytics-replica.eqiad.wmnet [metawiki]> explain SELECT  rc_id,rc_timestamp,rc_namespace,rc_title,rc_minor,rc_bot,rc_new,rc_cur_id,rc_this_oldid,rc_last_oldid,rc_type,rc_source,rc_patrolled,rc_ip,rc_old_len,rc_new_len,rc_deleted,rc_logid,rc_log_type,rc_log_action,rc_params,rc_actor,recentchanges_actor.actor_user AS `rc_user`,recentchanges_actor.actor_name AS `rc_user_text`,comment_rc_comment.comment_text AS `rc_comment_text`,comment_rc_comment.comment_data AS `rc_comment_data`,comment_rc_comment.comment_id AS `rc_comment_cid`,rc_title,rc_namespace,wl_user,wl_notificationtimestamp,we_expiry,page_latest,(SELECT  GROUP_CONCAT(ctd_name SEPARATOR ',')  FROM `change_tag` JOIN `change_tag_def` ON ((ct_tag_id=ctd_id))   WHERE (ct_rc_id=rc_id)  ) AS `ts_tags`  FROM `recentchanges` JOIN `actor` `recentchanges_actor` ON ((actor_id=rc_actor)) STRAIGHT_JOIN `comment` `comment_rc_comment` ON ((comment_rc_comment.comment_id = rc_comment_id)) LEFT JOIN `watchlist` ON (wl_user = 2134281 AND (wl_title=rc_title) AND (wl_namespace=rc_namespace)) LEFT JOIN `watchlist_expiry` ON ((wl_id = we_item)) LEFT JOIN `page` ON ((rc_cur_id=page_id))   WHERE (((actor_user IS NOT NULL))) AND rc_bot = 0 AND (rc_type != 6) AND (rc_source != 'wb') AND (rc_namespace NOT IN (1198,1199,866,867)) AND (rc_timestamp >= '20240601170235') AND rc_new IN (0,1)   ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT 50 ;
| id   | select_type        | table               | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                         | key          | key_len | ref                                                                       | rows     | Extra                                                  |
|    1 | PRIMARY            | recentchanges_actor | range  | PRIMARY,actor_user                                                                                                    | actor_user   | 5       | NULL                                                                      | 11268769 | Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|    1 | PRIMARY            | recentchanges       | ref    | rc_timestamp,rc_name_type_patrolled_timestamp,rc_ns_actor,rc_actor,rc_namespace_title_timestamp,rc_new_name_timestamp | rc_actor     | 8       | metawiki.recentchanges_actor.actor_id                                     | 42       | Using index condition; Using where                     |
|    1 | PRIMARY            | watchlist           | eq_ref | wl_user,wl_user_notificationtimestamp,wl_namespace_title                                                              | wl_user      | 265     | const,metawiki.recentchanges.rc_namespace,metawiki.recentchanges.rc_title | 1        |                                                        |
|    1 | PRIMARY            | watchlist_expiry    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                               | PRIMARY      | 4       | metawiki.watchlist.wl_id                                                  | 1        | Using where                                            |
|    1 | PRIMARY            | comment_rc_comment  | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                               | PRIMARY      | 8       | metawiki.recentchanges.rc_comment_id                                      | 1        |                                                        |
|    1 | PRIMARY            | page                | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                               | PRIMARY      | 4       | metawiki.recentchanges.rc_cur_id                                          | 1        |                                                        |
|    2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | change_tag          | ref    | ct_rc_tag_id,ct_tag_id_id                                                                                             | ct_rc_tag_id | 9       | metawiki.recentchanges.rc_id                                              | 1        | Using index                                            |
|    2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | change_tag_def      | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                               | PRIMARY      | 4       | metawiki.change_tag.ct_tag_id                                             | 1        |                                                        |
8 rows in set (0.003 sec)
Mon, Jun 10, 9:14 PM · DBA, mariadb-optimizer-bug, Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Recent-changes
Ladsgroup added a comment to T367104: Avoid use of pure black, or, use Canvas and CanvasText CSS values as the background color in the Dark mode.

Hmm, I see #000 as background of links:

grafik.png (768×1 px, 449 KB)

Mon, Jun 10, 8:10 PM · Design-System-Team, FY2023-24-WE 2.1 Typography and palette customizations, Web-Team-Backlog
Ladsgroup added a comment to T363622: Watchlist times out.

We kill any watchlist or recentchange query that takes more than 30 seconds. That's quite normal to call it with filters that could be so expensive that gets killed. So that is normal.

Mon, Jun 10, 7:13 PM · Wikimedia-Slow-DB-Query, MediaWiki-Watchlist, Growth-Team
Ladsgroup added a comment to T107875: Use InnoDB engine for searchindex table in MySQL.

@Ladsgroup I updated some of the searchindex patches a bit, but i got questions :)


  1. This migration approach drops the table and recreates it. There's quite a few changes in there wrt to types, engines and indexes so i guess there is something to be said for that. ata the same time..

That is actually quite messy. Once you use the abstract schema change, it takes care of it automatically, you don't need to do anything. See http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Schema%20changes on how to use that.

Mon, Jun 10, 6:59 PM · User-TheDJ, Patch-Needs-Improvement, MediaWiki-Installer, MediaWiki-Search