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Planning for analytics implementation for iOS shared Reading List events
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In order to track interactions with Shared Reading Lists we will want to measure import fail/success counts on the iOS side. We can use the existing MobileWikiAppiOSReadingLists schema, adding new values for action similar to what we are using for Android where relevant - see MobileWikiAppReadingLists

Relevant Android actions used to track Shared Reading Lists interactions:

Adding we will want to measure user interaction with survey - users who saw survey count and users who click through so we have click through rate. We can these survey actions to MobileWikiAppiOSReadingLists.

New schema revision number (see diff): 24086844

Event Timeline

LGoto triaged this task as High priority.Nov 10 2022, 5:07 PM
This comment was removed by SNowick_WMF.

Hi @SNowick_WMF - I expect the experience will end up being something kind of like https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T322158#8387361. Do these actions sound right?

"receive_start" - Whenever import screen (7) pops up.
"receive_preview" - Not sure when this would get logged?
"receive_cancel" - Tapping X on import screen
"receive_finish" - When user completed importing on 7 and sent to 9?

@Tsevener Looks good, we can leave receive_preview out since it's Android specific.

For survey events can we use survey_shown and survey_clicked? I believe those are the only 2 events we will need.

@SNowick_WMF yep that sounds good! I was looking at the schema and it looks like I might need to send the required category value along with these new actions. What should I set category to for these?

Tsevener edited projects, added ios-app-v7.0; removed ios-app-v7.0.1.
Tsevener moved this task from Tasks from Product Backlog to Doing on the ios-app-v7.0 board.

@Tsevener Good question, the Android ReadingList schema doesn't have a category designation, not sure why they're different but we can work around it. It could be useful to add another category for sharing since the intent is to track origination of the action, so all the actions we add would only be applicable when category = sharing. What do you think?

@SNowick_WMF The schema has been updated. I accidently set the category as shared instead of sharing, sorry about that! I'm going to keep it as-is, but let me know if you need me to make a new revision with sharing.

shared is great, no need to change. Thanks!

PR for logging - https://github.com/wikimedia/wikipedia-ios/pull/4400

@SNowick_WMF FYI, I decided to add the number of articles in the receive_start and receive_finish actions, via the existing optional measure property. Hope that's okay!

These events will available to test in TestFlight build 7.0.0 (2010). After enabling logging in the app, you can try tapping this link to trigger the import modal. You may need to tapping the "Import" button on the landing page, if the app doesn't automatically open for you here:


Validating we are seeing all events as expected, receive_ events are showing values in measure column as well.