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CX2: Show issue cards when they are relevant
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, the issue card summary and detailed version are more hidden than needed:

cx-issue-initial.png (464×955 px, 105 KB)
cx-issue-focused.png (464×955 px, 82 KB)
cx-issue-expanded.png (465×955 px, 102 KB)
Despite an issue being highlighted, the issue summary card is not shown.The summary card is shown when the section with the issue gets the input focus.The detailed card is only shown when the user clicks "view details".

As described in T189488, the cards should be visible earlier:

  • The issue summary card should be visible when there are errors. The purpose of such card is to communicate the total number of errors in the document and allow the user to start reviewing them.
  • When the problematic paragraph gets the focus, the expanded card should be visible instead of the summary. This allows to get the details of the issue that the user selected.

The mockup below illustrates the process (more examples in T189488):

CX-issues-expand-on-focus.png (640×3 px, 89 KB)

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF created this task.
Pginer-WMF moved this task from Backlog to Priority backlog on the Language-2018-July-September board.

Change 445042 had a related patch set uploaded (by Petar.petkovic; owner: Petar.petkovic):
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Extract issue tracking away from translation nodes


As part of the investigation for T200683, I found out that the "too much unmodified content" warning (T190279) was not showing the issue summary card when the error marks appear:

Jul-30-2018 12-36-19.gif (314×480 px, 2 MB)

Maybe it is just one more instance of the current ticket or maybe it requires some specific work as part of other tickets, but I wanted to share it in case it was relevant here.

As part of the investigation for T200683, I found out that the "too much unmodified content" warning (T190279) was not showing the issue summary card when the error marks appear

This is what's expected to happen. Patch for this ticket isn't merged yet.

Change 445042 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Show issue cards when they are relevant


@Petar.petkovic - regarding the following spec

The issue summary card should be visible when there are errors. The purpose of such card is to communicate the total number of errors in the document and allow the user to start reviewing them.

The question is: too much MT content warning is not an error message and it's treated differently? There are two issues with it:
(1) The MT warning appears only when a MT-translated paragraph is manually edited (btw, the particular error that @Pginer mentioned in his comment is gone).

(2) The issue summary won't have the warnings (and the counter for warnings) when a saved translation is loaded but an error message is saved.
In ContentTranslation

  • remove a translated article title (an error indicator will be displayed and make MT for several pagegraphs
  • the warnings will be displayed only when a MT paragraph will be edited ( which is a part of T200683: CX2: Adjust when to check warnings for a paragraph)
  • then, with the issue counter displaying one error(the title is missing) and several warnings (too much MT content), click on "All translations" to navigate away.
  • load again the article in progress - the error message is still there but all warnings are gone.

The question is: too much MT content warning is not an error message and it's treated differently?

There are warnings and errors (commonly called issues), and while displaying them, they aren't treated differently. Difference between error and warning is that error can prevent publishing, warnings do not.

What you're describing in your last comment is the problem of loaded drafts not being checked for too much MT warnings. That is known problem and not related to how issue displaying system works. Some parts of how too much MT should be displayed are tracked in T200503 and some in T200683.

This ticket was about a different kind of change, independent of any particular error or warning.
Previously, when translation had issues, we were having indicator next to the section/title with that issue and when that section/title gets focus, we display the collapsed issue card in the tools column. After this ticket is completed, we should have issue tracking system where card is always displayed in the tools column, when there is any warning or error. Giving focus to the section/title with warning/error should open the details about the particular issue. Also, if there are multiple issues in the translation, navigating inside of issue card should give focus to the section/title which has that issue.

@Petar.petkovic - thanks for clarification! The description below is exactly how the issue card behaves now:

After this ticket is completed, we should have issue tracking system where card is always displayed in the tools column, when there is any warning or error. Giving focus to the section/title with warning/error should open the details about the particular issue. Also, if there are multiple issues in the translation, navigating inside of issue card should give focus to the section/title which has that issue.

In brief - if a section has an indicator, then focusing on the section will bring the issue card with details Also, when navigating inside the issue card, the focus will be changing to the problematic section.

I added comments to T189488: CX2: Show translation issues to test two specific cases when the specs will be implemented.