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Showing posts with label drupal 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drupal 6. Show all posts

Monday 2 September 2013

Deleting all nodes of a content type using drush and devel

While developing the open source data logger (started here but expanded to post from Arduino to Drupal) the need to regularly delete all content of a given type arises fairly regularly. This can be done through the user interface with the Devel module but it is much quicker to use Drush:

drush genc 0 --kill --types=article

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Biblio autocomplete

A new Drupal module: Biblio autocomplete.

Previsoulsy as part of eMonocot we started to use the IPNI webservice to autocomplete some fields in the Biblio content type. As one of the eMonocot objectives is to "Ensure that the tools developed are compliant with zoological nomenclature" I have extended this functionality to use the ZooBank API which is currently in a testing phase. In addition values for the autocomplete suggestions can be made from values previous entered in other Biblio nodes.

Instead of having either previsously entered values, IPNI or ZooBank attempt to autocomplete the field this module has been developed to allow any combination of these plugins to attempt the autocompletion. This will have uses in cases like the recent Lyme Regis Geo-BioBlitz where a single classification spand both animal and plant kingdoms (in this case the Dictioanry of UK Species).

The module is designed so that additional plugin modules can easily contribute results for other webservices.

This work was done as part of eMonocot as a contribution to the Scratchpads project.

Monday 4 June 2012

Biblio Scholar

Various Scratchpad sites I work with, most notably the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (@ZooNom) and the Natural Sciences Collections Association (@Nat_SCA) both use Scratchpads as a platform the online components of their journals (Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature; NatSCA News).

In order to provide some increased metadata to aid search engines in indexing this kind of content I wrote the Biblio Scholar module for Drupal which provides some metadata that may be used by Google Scholar (see Inclusion Guidelines) and potentially other services.

Some more background to the Biblio Scholar project.

Friday 20 February 2009

Blogger feeds and Drupal 6 Aggregator Issue

If you want to import Blogger feeds using the Drupal 6 Aggregator (core module) then you must use the RSS feed (just add "/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss" to the end of your blog's URL). If you don't then the aggregator will list posts correctly, but the links will all be to the same post.

