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Pathfinder Reference Document

Spell Lists

The following lists summarize all the mythic versions of existing spells presented in this section, as well as new spells that draw upon, grant, or steal mythic power.

Order of Presentation: In the spell lists and the short descriptions that follow them, the spells are presented in alphabetical order by name except for those belonging to certain spell chains. When a spell's name begins with "lesser," "greater," or "mass," the spell is alphabetized under the second word of the spell name instead.

Hit Dice: The term "Hit Dice" is used synonymously with "character levels" for effects that affect a specific number of Hit Dice of creatures.

Caster Level: A spell's power often depends on caster level, which is defined as the caster's class level for the purpose of casting a particular spell.

Creatures and Characters: "Creature" and "character" are used synonymously in the spell descriptions.

New Spells: An asterisk (*) after a spell name indicates a new spell presented in Mythic Adventures.

Augmented Mythic Spells: A superscript "A" appearing at the end of a spell's name in these lists indicates the spell has an augmented effect when the caster expends additional uses of mythic power. See the individual spell descriptions for information on the augmented effect.

Alchemist Mythic Formulae

1st-Level Alchemist Mythic Formulaeanticipate peril, cure light wounds, endure elements, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, reduce person, true strikeA.

2nd-Level Alchemist Mythic Formulaeablative barrier, animal aspect, barkskinA, blistering invectiveA, cure moderate wounds, false life, invisibilityA, levitateA, protection from arrows, resist energy, spider climb, touch injection.

3rd-Level Alchemist Mythic Formulaebattle tranceA, beast shape IA, burrowA, cure serious wounds, draconic reservoirA, flyA, gaseous formA, hasteA, heroismA, monstrous physique IA, vomit twinA.

4th-Level Alchemist Mythic Formulaebeast shape IIA, cure critical wounds, deathlessA*, dragon's breath, elemental body IA, fire shield, monstrous physique IIA, scorching ash formA, stoneskin.

5th-Level Alchemist Mythic Formulaebeast shape IIIA, dream, elemental body IIA, monstrous physique IIIA, nightmareA, sendingA.

6th-Level Alchemist Mythic Formulaebeast shape IVA, elemental body IIIA, form of the dragon IA, healA, misleadA, monstrous physique IVA, transformation, walk through space.

Antipaladin Mythic Spells

1st-Level Antipaladin Mythic Spellsbane, command, death knellA, inflict light wounds, murderous commandA, protection from good/law.

2nd-Level Antipaladin Mythic Spellsblindness/deafness, darkness, desecrate, invisibilityA, pernicious poisonA, silence.

3rd-Level Antipaladin Mythic Spellsanimate deadA, battle tranceA, contagionA, defile armorA, dispel magic, inflict moderate wounds, magic weapon (greater)A, vampiric touch.

4th-Level Antipaladin Mythic Spellsinflict serious wounds.

Bard Mythic Spells

1st-Level Bard Mythic Spellsanticipate peril, chord of shards, cure light wounds, ear-piercing screamA, expeditious retreat, feather fallA, greaseA, hideous laughterA, jitterbugs, memory lapseA, saving finaleA, silent imageA, sleepA.

2nd-Level Bard Mythic Spellsblindness/deafness, blistering invectiveA, boiling bloodA, cure moderate wounds, darkness, dust of twilightA, heroismA, invisibilityA, mirror image, shadow anchor, share glory*, shatter, silence, suggestion, summon swarm.

3rd-Level Bard Mythic SpellsblinkA, confusionA, cure serious wounds, daylight, deep slumberA, dispel magic, divine favor, gaseous formA, hasteA, phantom steedA, restore mythic power*, slow.

4th-Level Bard Mythic Spellsbreak enchantmentA, cure critical wounds, detect scryingA, dimension door, discordant blastA, dominate person, lend path, modify memoryA, shout.

5th-Level Bard Mythic Spellsdream, misleadA, nightmareA, resonating word.

6th-Level Bard Mythic Spellsanimate objects, irresistible dance

Cleric Mythic Spells

1st-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsbane, bless, command, cure light wounds, divine favor, endure elements, entropic shield, inflict light wounds, know the enemy, fist of the earth, murderous commandA, obscuring mistA, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, sanctuaryA, shield of faith, sun metal, theft ward.

2nd-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsblinding ray, boiling bloodA, consecrate, cure moderate wounds, darkness, death knellA, desecrate, disfiguring touchA, inflict moderate wounds, make whole, resist energy, shatter, shield other, silence, spiritual weapon, surmount afflictionA.

3rd-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsanimate deadA, bleed glory*, blindness/deafness, contagionA, cure serious wounds, daybreak arrow, daylight, dispel magic, glyph of warding, inflict serious wounds, magic vestmentA, prayer, restore mythic power*, sacred bondA, sands of timeA, searing light, share glory*, stone shape.

4th-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsbattle tranceA, blessing of fervor, blood crow strike, chaos hammer, cure critical wounds, deathlessA*, giant verminA, holy smite, inflict critical wounds, magic weapon (greater)A, mythic severance*, order's wrath, sendingA, unholy blight.

5th-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsbreak enchantmentA, breath of lifeA, flame strike, lend path, pillar of lifeA, plane shiftA, steal power*, wall of stoneA.

6th-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsanimate objects, blade barrierA, harmA, healA.

7th-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsblasphemy, control weatherA, dictum, holy word, regenerate, terraform*, word of chaos.

8th-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsantimagic field, dimensional lockA, earthquakeA, fire stormA, orb of the voidA.

9th-Level Cleric Mythic Spellsascension*, storm of vengeanceA.

Druid Mythic Spells

1st-Level Druid Mythic Spellscall animalA, cure light wounds, endure elements, entangle, faerie fireA, goodberryA, hydraulic pushA, magic fang, fist of the earth, obscuring mistA.

2nd-Level Druid Mythic Spellsanimal aspect, barkskinA, burning gazeA, chill metal, feast of ashesA, flame bladeA, fog cloudA, gust of windA, heat metal, pernicious poisonA, pox pustulesA, resist energy, spider climb, summon swarm, unshakable chillA.

3rd-Level Druid Mythic SpellsburrowA, call lightning, companion mind link, contagionA, cup of dustA, cure moderate wounds, daylight, hydraulic torrentA, magic fang (greater)A, share glory*, stone shape.

4th-Level Druid Mythic Spellsarboreal hammerA, cape of wasps, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, flame strike, giant verminA, ice stormA, spike stones, true formA.

5th-Level Druid Mythic Spellsbaleful polymorphA, cure critical wounds, fire snakeA, lend path, stoneskin, wall of fireA, wall of thornsA.

6th-Level Druid Mythic Spellsfire seeds, move earth, repel woodA, terraform*, wall of stoneA.

7th-Level Druid Mythic Spellsanimate plants, black mark, changestaffA, control weatherA, fire stormA, healA, scouring windsA, sunbeamA.

8th-Level Druid Mythic SpellsearthquakeA, finger of death, reverse gravityA, whirlwindA.

9th-Level Druid Mythic Spellsascension*, foresight, regenerate, storm of vengeanceA, tsunamiA.

Inquisitor Mythic Spells

1st-Level Inquisitor Mythic Spellsbane, bless, command, cure light wounds, divine favor, ear-piercing screamA, expeditious retreat, hex wardA, inflict light wounds, know the enemy, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, sanctuaryA, shield of faith, theft ward, true strikeA.

2nd-Level Inquisitor Mythic Spellsblistering invectiveA, consecrate, cure moderate wounds, darkness, death knellA, desecrate, flames of the faithfulA, inflict moderate wounds, invisibilityA, knockA, resist energy, sacred bondA, shield other, silence, spiritual weapon, surmount afflictionA.

3rd-Level Inquisitor Mythic Spellsbattle tranceA, blinding ray, cure serious wounds, daybreak arrow, daylight, dispel magic, glyph of warding, heroismA, inflict serious wounds, magic vestmentA, magic weapon (greater)A, mythic severance*, prayer, searing light.

4th-Level Inquisitor Mythic Spellsbattlemind link, chaos hammer, cure critical wounds, deathlessA*, defile armorA, detect scryingA, holy smite, inflict critical wounds, named bulletA, order's wrath, sanctify armorA, sendingA, stoneskin, unholy blight.

5th-Level Inquisitor Mythic Spellsbreak enchantmentA, divine pursuit, flame strike.

6th-Level Inquisitor Mythic Spellsblade barrierA, blasphemy, circle of deathA, dictum, harmA, healA, holy word, word of chaos

Magus Mythic Spells

1st-Level Magus Mythic Spellsburning hands, color spray, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, feather fallA, floating disk, greaseA, hydraulic pushA, magic missileA, obscuring mistA, ray of enfeeblement, reduce person, shocking graspA, silent imageA, true strikeA.

2nd-Level Magus Mythic Spellsablative barrier, animal aspect, burning gazeA, darkness, fog cloudA, gust of windA, invisibilityA, levitateA, mirror image, scorching ray, shatter, spider climb, webA.

3rd-Level Magus Mythic Spellsbeast shape IA, blinkA, daylight, dispel magic, fireballA, firestreamA, flyA, force punchA, gaseous formA, hasteA, hydraulic torrentA, lightning boltA, magic weapon (greater)A, monstrous physique IA, phantom steedA, slow, stinking cloud, vampiric touch, vomit twinA.

4th-Level Magus Mythic Spellsbeast shape IIA, black tentaclesA, dimension door, dragon's breathA, elemental body IA, fire shield, ice stormA, lend path, monstrous physique IIA, phantasmal killerA, shout, solid fogA, stoneskin, wall of fireA, wall of iceA.

5th-Level Magus Mythic Spellsbaleful polymorphA, beast shape IIIA, cloudkillA, cone of coldA, elemental body IIA, fire snakeA, monstrous physique IIIA, telekinesis, wall of force, wall of stoneA.

6th-Level Magus Mythic Spellsbeast shape IVA, chain lightning, disintegrateA, elemental body IIIA, flesh to stoneA, form of the dragon IA, misleadA, monstrous physique IVA, transformation, walk through space, wall of ironA.

Paladin Mythic Spells

1st-Level Paladin Mythic Spellsbless, cure light wounds, divine favor, endure elements, know the enemy, protection from chaos/evil, sun metal.

2nd-Level Paladin Mythic Spellsblinding ray, resist energy, sacred bondA, shield other.

3rd-Level Paladin Mythic Spellscure moderate wounds, daybreak arrow, daylight, dispel magic, magic weapon (greater)A, prayer, sanctify armorA.

4th-Level Paladin Mythic Spellsbreak enchantmentA, cure serious wounds, oath of peaceA.

Ranger Mythic Spells

1st-Level Ranger Mythic Spellsanticipate peril, call animalA, endure elements, entangle, know the enemy, magic fang, resist energy, sun metal.

2nd-Level Ranger Mythic Spellsanimal aspect, animate deadA, cure light wounds, barkskinA, ricochet shotA.

3rd-Level Ranger Mythic Spellsbattle tranceA, burrowA, companion mind link, cure moderate wounds, magic fang (greater)A, named bulletA.

4th-Level Ranger Mythic Spellscure serious wounds.

Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spells

1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsanticipate peril, breakA, burning hands, color spray, ear-piercing screamA, endure elements, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, feather fallA, floating disk, greaseA, hold portal, hydraulic pushA, mage armor, magic missileA, memory lapseA, obscuring mistA, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, ray of enfeeblement, reduce person, shadow weapon, shocking graspA, silent imageA, sleepA, theft ward, true strikeA.

2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsanimal aspect, blindness/deafness, boiling bloodA, burning gazeA, darkness, disfiguring touchA, dust of twilightA, false life, fog cloudA, gust of windA, hideous laughterA, invisibilityA, jitterbugs, knockA, levitateA, make whole, mirror image, pernicious poisonA, protection from arrows, resist energy, ricochet shotA, scorching ray, shadow anchor, shatter, spider climb, summon swarm, unshakable chillA, webA.

3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsablative barrier, beast shape IA, bleed glory*, blinkA, burrowA, daylight, deep slumberA, devolutionA, dispel magic, draconic reservoirA, fireballA, firestreamA, flyA, force punchA, gaseous formA, hasteA, healing thiefA, heroismA, hydraulic torrentA, lightning boltA, magic weapon (greater)A, monstrous physique IA, phantom steedA, restore mythic power*, sands of timeA, share glory*, slow, stinking cloud, strangling hair, suggestion, touch injection, vampiric touch.

4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsanimate deadA, beast shape IIA, black tentaclesA, confusionA, contagionA, deathlessA*, detect scryingA, dimension door, dragon's breath, elemental body IA, enervationA, fire shield, ice stormA, monstrous physique IIA, mythic severance*, named bulletA, phantasmal killerA, scorching ash formA, shout, solid fogA, stone shape, stoneskin, true formA, vomit twinA, wall of fireA, wall of iceA.

5th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsbaleful polymorphA, beast shape IIIA, break enchantmentA, cloudkillA, cone of coldA, damnation strideA, dominate person, dream, elemental body IIA, fire snakeA, lend path, lightning arcA, monstrous physique IIIA, nightmareA, sendingA, steal power*, telekinesis, wall of force, wall of stoneA.

6th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsantimagic field, battlemind link, beast shape IVA, chain lightning, circle of deathA, conjure black puddingA, contingencyA, disintegrateA, elemental body IIIA, enemy hammerA, flesh to stoneA, form of the dragon IA, globe of invulnerability, guards and wardsA, misleadA, monstrous physique IVA, move earth, transformation, wall of ironA.

7th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsarcane cannon, control weatherA, elemental body IVA, finger of death, form of the dragon IIA, limited wishA, plane shiftA, power word blindA, prismatic sprayA, resonating word, reverse gravityA, scouring windsA, terraform*, walk through space.

8th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsdimensional lockA, form of the dragon IIIA, irresistible dance, maze, orb of the voidA, polar ray, power word stunA.

9th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Mythic Spellsascension*, foresight, mage's disjunction, meteor swarmA, power word killA, prismatic sphere, time stopA, tsunamiA, wishA.

Summoner Mythic Spells

1st-Level Summoner Mythic Spellsendure elements, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, feather fallA, greaseA, mage armor, magic fang, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, reduce person.

2nd-Level Summoner Mythic Spellsablative barrier, barkskinA, hasteA, invisibilityA, levitateA, phantom steedA, protection from arrows, resist energy, share glory*, slow, spider climb, summon swarm.

3rd-Level Summoner Mythic Spellsblack tentaclesA, devolutionA, dimension door, dispel magic, fire shield, flyA, heroismA, magic fang (greater)A, stoneskin, vomit twinA, wall of fireA, wall of iceA.

4th-Level Summoner Mythic Spellsbaleful polymorphA, damnation strideA, lend path, sendingA, wall of stoneA.

5th-Level Summoner Mythic Spellsconjure black puddingA, plane shiftA, wall of ironA.

6th-Level Summoner Mythic Spellsdimensional lockA, maze, walk through space.

Witch Mythic Spells

1st-Level Witch Mythic Spellsburning hands, command, cure light wounds, ear-piercing screamA, enlarge person, hex wardA, ill omenA, inflict light wounds, mage armor, obscuring mistA, ray of enfeeblement, reduce person, shadow weapon, sleepA, theft ward.

2nd-Level Witch Mythic Spellsblindness/deafness, boiling bloodA, burning gazeA, cure moderate wounds, death knellA, disfiguring touchA, false life, feast of ashesA, fog cloudA, inflict moderate wounds, levitateA, pernicious poisonA, pox pustulesA, shadow anchor, summon swarm, unshakable chillA, webA.

3rd-Level Witch Mythic Spellsbleed glory*, cup of dustA, deep slumberA, dispel magic, flyA, glyph of warding, healing thiefA, heroismA, lightning boltA, restore mythic power*, sands of timeA, share glory*, stinking cloud, strangling hair, suggestion, vampiric touch.

4th-Level Witch Mythic Spellsbattle tranceA, black tentaclesA, cape of wasps, confusionA, cure serious wounds, deathlessA*, detect scryingA, dimension door, enervationA, ice stormA, inflict serious wounds, mythic severance*, named bulletA, phantasmal killerA, solid fogA.

5th-Level Witch Mythic Spellsbaleful polymorphA, break enchantmentA, cloudkillA, cure critical wounds, damnation strideA, dominate person, inflict critical wounds, lend path, steal power*.

6th-Level Witch Mythic Spellsanimate objects, cone of coldA, flesh to stoneA, guards and wardsA, transformation.

7th-Level Witch Mythic Spellsblack mark, chain lightning, control weatherA, harmA, healA, plane shiftA, power word blindA, regenerate, scouring windsA, terraform*, walk through space.

8th-Level Witch Mythic Spellsirresistible dance, maze, power word stunA.

9th-Level Witch Mythic Spellsascension*, foresight, power word killA, storm of vengeanceA.