Focus and Scope

Surveillance & Society exists to:

  • publish innovative and transdisciplinary work on surveillance;
  • encourage understanding of approaches to surveillance in different academic disciplines;
  • promote understanding of surveillance in wider society;
  • encourage policy and political debate about surveillance.

Surveillance & Society is the premier journal of surveillance studies.

Surveillance & Society publishes rigorously peer-reviewed academic work of the highest quality.

Surveillance & Society is a true open access ('diamond' or 'platinum' standard) electronic journal - we charge no fees to authors or readers.

Surveillance & Society encourages submissions that could not be published in conventional paper journals such as html, photographic, video and new media work.

Surveillance & Society supports open access to scholarly work and encourages all authors to deposit the final published copy of their work in their university and / or other open access repository. We only ask that you make sure to include a link to the original version on the Surveillance & Society website. 

Peer-Review Process

The reviewing process is double-blind: all submissions and referees' reports are fully anonymous, and known only to the Editors.

The final decision on any submission rests with the Editors.

All submissions to Surveillance & Society will be subject to the rigorous quality standards:
  • Articles are reviewed by two reviewers who will be either full-time academic faculty with a specialism in surveillance studies and/or the particular field in question, or an otherwise recognised expert. In the case of disagreement, a third reviewer of similar standing will be appointed. The initial reviewing process will typically take no more than 4 months. We would generally prefer to publish articles within 1 year of submission. (Note: Our team of volunteer associate editors works very hard to manage a rigorous peer-review process as quickly as possible. Please respect their efforts and wait at least 5 months after submission before inquiring about the status of your paper’s review.)
  • Review Articles will be reviewed by one external referee, who will be an expert in the particular field. The review process will take no more than 2 months. We would generally prefer to publish review articles within 6 months of submission.
  • Opinion Pieces and Responses will be moderated by the Editors for legally and ethically acceptable content only. The moderation process will take no more than 1 month. We would generally prefer to publish Opinion Pieces and Responses within 4 months of submission unless they are commissioned for a specific issue.
  • Book Reviews will be moderated by the Book Review Editors. The moderation process will take no more than 1 month. We would generally prefer to publish Book Reviews within 4 months of submission.
  • For Artistic Presentations, please contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Publication Frequency

Quarterly (March, June, September, December)

Open Access Policy

Surveillance & Society provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. However please also see our copyright statement. Surveillance & Society actively encourages authors to deposit a copy of their paper in their institution's Open Access Repository and / or in any other open access archive.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...

Reprinting Articles

Although Surveillance & Society is an open-access journal whose content is free to read, the content is licensed to the Surveillance Studies Network under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license. This means that if you would like to reprint any of the material found in the journal, you will need to obtain our permission, credit the journal, and pay a modest charge to assist with our operations. Contact the Editor-in-Chief to inquire about reprinting permissions and charges.

Social Media+

You may find announcements about new issues, calls-for-papers, prizes, and more on our social media streams:

Journal's Blog: _blink

Surveillance & Society publishes a blog to provide summaries of key articles from the journal, interviews, artistic presentations, and more. You may follow the blog here: _blink.

Section Policies


Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Review Articles

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Book Reviews

  • Ciara Bracken-Roche
Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Artistic Presentations

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Shorter moderated articles responding to a specific theme, question or challenge

Unchecked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Research Notes

Brief reports on work in progress

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed

Surveillance & Society Paper Prizes for Early-Career Researchers

The Surveillance Studies Network will award up to 4 prizes of £100 (GBP) each for papers that demonstrate exceptional promise in Surveillance Studies.


  1. To be eligible for the SSN Annual Paper Prize, all authors must:
    • be paid-up members of the SSN;
    • be within 5 years after completion of a PhD on submission of the paper;
    • specify entry for the prize on submission of the paper;
  2. To be eligible for the SSN Annual Paper Prize, your paper must:
    • be published in Surveillance & Society (S&S);
    • be an 'Article' (i.e. a fully peer-reviewed piece conforming to the guidelines on the S&S website).
      • Adjudication
        • will be carried out by the Editorial Board of S&S, or a sub-committee appointed for this purpose by the Editorial Board;
        • the judges will meet annually in person or online and their decisions will be subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the SSN;
        • the judges will award up to four prizes of £100 annually (the numbers and amount of the prizes will be subject to review at the SSN AGM);
        • the judges' decision will be final;
        • the judges will not enter into any personal correspondance with authors.