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Frequently Asked Questions


Notes Nation is an online platform where students can sell & buy study notes in different subjects, study notes can be any form of notes, like lecture notes, test preps, test banks and solution manuals. Users can purchase content created by other students.

Simply, register using the "start selling" button in the homepage, fill your information, your account will be ready to sell without further approval process.

For payouts, you can get your earnings via PayPal.

When you are selling on Notes Notion, we deduct 8% of the purchase price as platform fees, and you get 92% of the purchase price in the next payout.

You can configure the payout frequency in your account page, there are currently two options: weekly & monthly.

Weekly payouts are triggered each Friday, or the first business week in case it was a holiday. Monthly payouts are triggered on the 1st day of the following month, or the first non holiday day after the 1st day.

Content & Copyrights

As a platform that users contribute to its content, we don't do a thorough copyright checks on the existing content, but any copyrights holder can report any content that they own and illegally distributed on the platform, we'll make sure to respond to your request and take down any illegal content in 3-5 business days.

Each published study note has its own page, there is a link (button) titled "Report copyrights infringement", by filling the needed form and electronically submitting it, we get notified about your complain and can get back to you within 3-5 days.