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Avy amin'i Wikibolana — Rakibolana malagasy malalaka

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:utilities/data/doc

local data = {}

-- Namespaces which format_categories will allow: (main), Appendix, Thesaurus, Citations, Reconstruction
data.category_namespaces = require("Module:table").listToSet{0, 100, 110, 114, 118}

-- Script that should be applied to links in categories.
data.catfix_scripts = {
	["ab"] = "Cyrl",
	["ae"] = "Avst",
	["ar"] = "Arab",
	["ary"] = "Arab",
	["be"] = "Cyrl",
	["cu"] = "Cyrs",
	["el"] = "Grek",
	["grc"] = "Polyt",
	["he"] = "Hebr",
	["ka"] = "Geor",
	["orv"] = "Cyrs",
	["ru"] = "Cyrl",
	["sa"] = "Deva",
	["syl"] = "Sylo",
	["xfa"] = "Ital",
	["zle-ono"] = "Cyrs",
	["zle-ort"] = "Cyrs",
	["hi"] = "Deva",
	["mr"] = "Deva",
	[""] = "",

return data