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Biomedical technology news


Novel device aims to use thermal imaging of the ocular surface to screen for conditions such as dry eye disease

Taking your temperature can often help a health care practitioner figure out if you're sick. A new University of Waterloo spinoff company aims to do something similar with your eyes.


Boosting CAR-T cell therapies from under the skin

CAR-T cell therapies are transforming the treatment of previously incurable blood cancers. Six approved CAR-T products have been administered to more than 20,000 people, and more than 500 clinical trials are underway. However, ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Smartwatches offer window into Parkinson's disease progression

Ubiquitous wearable technologies, like smartwatches, could help researchers better understand progressive neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease and speed up the approval of new therapies, a critical need given that ...

Health informatics

Nasal microbiota is potential diagnostic biomarker for sepsis

The nasal microbiota of intensive care unit (ICU) patients effectively distinguishes sepsis from non-septic cases and outperforms analyzing the gut microbiota to predict sepsis, according to a new study published in Microbiology ...

Oncology & Cancer

3D cell cultures reveal how cancer cells navigate tissue

Developing chemotherapy drugs against breast cancer is costly, slow, and often inefficient, with more than 95% of screened drug candidates failing in patient trials. A new technique for 3D cell culturing, developed by researchers ...


New platform streamlines epitope comparison in antibody research

Monoclonal antibodies are crucial therapeutics due to their high specificity and binding affinity for epitopes (the precise sites where an antibody attaches itself to an antigen, triggering an immune response). Since the ...