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Hi, I understand english and german pretty well, in all other languages I'll try my best, but can't guarantee anything. ;-)




Previous discussion was archived at User talk:Mirer/Archive 1 on 2016-03-12.

Call for participation in a task-based online experiment

Kholoudsaa (talkcontribs)

Dear Mirer,

I hope you are doing good,

I am Kholoud, a researcher at King's College London, and I work on a project as part of my PhD research, in which I have developed a personalised recommender system that suggests Wikidata items for the editors based on their past edits. I am collaborating on this project with Elena Simperl and Miaojing Shi.

I am inviting you to a task-based study that will ask you to provide your judgments about the relevance of the items suggested by our system based on your previous edits.

Participation is completely voluntary, and your cooperation will enable us to evaluate the accuracy of the recommender system in suggesting relevant items to you. We will analyse the results anonymised, and they will be published to a research venue.

The study will start in late January 2022 or early February 2022, and it should take no more than 30 minutes.

If you agree to participate in this study, please either contact me at [] or use this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSees9WzFXR0Vl3mHLkZCaByeFHRrBy51kBca53euq9nt3XWog/viewform?usp=sf_link

I will contact you with the link to start the study.

For more information about the study, please read this post: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Kholoudsaa

In case you have further questions or require more information, don't hesitate to contact me through my mentioned email.

Thank you for considering taking part in this research.


Your unfair accusations of vandalism

Summary by Mirer

This is the end ....

AmirahBreen (talkcontribs)

You should always assume good faith. I don't have much experience on Wikidata. I don't know the rules and I don't know how to upload a new image. I don't know where to find the rules. I don't know where to find help. Accusing me of vandalism at this point is absolutely ridiculous. You should follow the established guidelines and assume good faith. AmirahBreen (talk) 22:44, 3 November 2021 (UTC)

Mirer (talkcontribs)

Sorry if you have good intentions. But the deletion of pictures didn't look like you had.Just go ahead and upload the new pic (like adding a new vaiue to any other area/field..

AmirahBreen (talkcontribs)

For some reason the option to edit pictures was not showing on my screen, but now it is. Once again, you should be more careful before accusing people of vandalism. Be particularly careful when accusing editors with very little experience such as myself. You just accused me again in your reply, I have told you once already. If you say it a third time I will take action against you. You had no reason to accuse me of vandalism. You should improve your attitude and try to help new users instead of bullying them.

Mirer (talkcontribs)

It's enough now! Stop your complaints about me!! Instead of telling me how to behave, you should maybe stop, after getting reverted and looking what you're doing.

BTW The new picture is not better and so I'll reset the old one to the preferred rank.

Next complaint here or anywhere else will get reverted.

This post was hidden by Mirer (history)
AmirahBreen (talkcontribs)

I have put a notice about your behaviour on the community notice board. If you continue to revert my work for no good reason then you are Wiki Warring. You should start a discussion on the relevant talk page to achieve consensus before you attempt to revert it again.

Mirer (talkcontribs)

Please stop editing my page.

This post was hidden by Mirer (history)
AmirahBreen (talkcontribs)

Tell my why you just reverted my edit again by changing the rank of the photo I uploaded. Instead you prioritised a photo which is unsuitable because there is a light reflection on the person's glasses. It is also a less recent photo. You did this with no explanation as to why despite the fact I have already warned you about engaging in a Wiki War.

Mirer (talkcontribs)

I DID explain it on the talk page. I even mentioned the reflection - but also the shortcomings of your favorite. This should be discussed on the talk page.

Here it's OVER for you!

AmirahBreen (talkcontribs)

I have asked you already today to stop wiki warring. You should not make changes again to my uploads unless a consensus has first been reached. I will continue this conversation on the talk page.

Mirer (talkcontribs)

You're the only one edit-warring. I just reset the pictures, added a new one and started the discussion all the while you were reverting, complaining and making false accusations.

Aslı Erdoğan, journalist or not ?

Lunadesnuits (talkcontribs)

Hello Mirer, I had changed the main profession for Aslı Erdoğan. If I understand correctly my modification has been deleted. (Q468099)

Asli Erdogan is above all a writer. She has never been a "journalist", i.e. a professional who makes information. She has only written columns for a period of time, so she is "colomnist". Therefore she does not consider herself a journalist, and is very embarrassed about this "appellation" that is constantly added on wiki. Because this one is taken by other media continuously.

She has repeatedly stated in interviews and reports: "I have never said that I am a journalist, I am not registered as a journalist, I do not have a journalist's card, I am not part of any journalist's union. Moreover, the fact that I am called a 'journalist' when I have never produced any information, is totally disrespectful towards real journalists. I am ashamed to be presented this way".

I'm sorry, I've learned to contribute for small things, but I don't know how to correct this mistake. And maybe I'm doing things wrong. Maybe you can help me? I will be very happy.

(And sorry, my english is not really well)

Thank you very much.

Mirer (talkcontribs)

Hello Lunadesnuits, this looks to be my fault - sorry for that. Back then she was mentioned as a journalist more often in different wikis than today (only the french Wikipedia - of the languages I understand - still describes here as a journalist).

So I changed the short description in german and deleted the "job" of "journalist".

Thanks for your patience and notification!

Reply to "Aslı Erdoğan, journalist or not ?"
Bossanoven (talkcontribs)

Why'd you change Peter to the common English spelling of the first name?

Mirer (talkcontribs)

It's one form which is used in german. You entered just the last name, and I completed it with the proper first name,

Your new entry:"jotr Tschaikowsky [Low German]" is complete nonsense - it's not a name which is used for him in german language. Furthermore the alias field are not intended for comments (no matter which parenthesis are used) on the aliases. I will revert this version.

Bossanoven (talkcontribs)

This should suffice. Thank you.

Sebastian Wallroth (talkcontribs)

Hallo Mirer, ich habe keine Belege außerhalb der Wikipedia für die zusätzlichen Vornamen gefunden. Die Richtigkeit der Vornamen wurde an anderer Stelle bezweifelt. Bitte füge die zusätzlichen Vornamen erst wieder ein, wenn Du Belege beibringen kannst. Mit freundlichem Gruß

Mirer (talkcontribs)

Was soll denn diese unverschämte Ansprache?!? Ich hatte das einmal - aus gutem Grund eingefügt. Nur weil DU keine Belege findest, heißt das außerdem nicht, dass es falsch ist! Das wurde in "de" so am 2.6. samt Beleg eingefügt (der nicht mehr abrufbar ist) - meine Einfügungen hier sind fast genauso alt. Unterlasse bitte derartige Belehrungen und mach das was du kannst ... Videos oder whatsever ... jeder wie er kann halt.

Sebastian Wallroth (talkcontribs)

Hallo Mirer, ich verstehe nicht, warum Du so unfreundlich bist. Ich habe Dich höflich angeschrieben, weil ich keine Belege im Web finden konnte. Vielleicht kennst Du Belege? Der Beleg, der in der deutschen Wikipedia verwendet wurde, ist nicht mehr abrufbar. An anderer Stelle wird die Richtigkeit der Vornamen bestritten. Ohne Belege kommen wir nicht weiter, denke ich. Oder weißt Du einen anderen Weg? Freundliche Grüße.

Mirer (talkcontribs)

"Bitte füge die zusätzlichen Vornamen erst wieder ein, wenn Du Belege beibringen kannst." Keine Ahnung was daran freundlich gewesen sein soll ... Nur weil du das Wort "Bitte" verwendest, ist die Anfrage nicht höflich. Im Gegenteil, sie klingt so als hätte ich das schon öfter unter Kenntnis der Umstrittenheit eingefügt. Beides ist falsch.

Ich habe weder vor die Namen wieder einzufügen noch hier nach Belegen zu suchen. Das kann ja dann munter "an anderer Stelle" weiter diskutiert und bestritten werden.

Sebastian Wallroth (talkcontribs)

Hallo Mirer, ich hatte eigentlich vor, eine Konfrontation zu vermeiden. Ich werde zukünftig versuchen, mich weniger missverständlich auszudrücken. Es war nicht meine Absicht, etwas zu unterstellen. Ich bitte um Entschuldigung. Freundliche Grüße!

Mirer (talkcontribs)

Hallo Sebastian, war dann wohl ein klassisches Sender-Empfänger-Problem.

Was ich problematisch finde, ist dass etwas belegt (als ZQ war angegeben:"Quelle: ZDF-Doku, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npXSTaDZCOA (bei 2:30min)" - also detailliert mit Zeitangabe) in einen Wikipediaartikel eingetragen wurde. Dann war die Quelle nicht mehr erreichbar und wurde gelöscht (was an sich bereits gegen unsere Regeln ist) und dann hast du nun (da unbequellt) die Vornamen gelöscht. Das auch noch da "an anderer Stelle" die Richtigkeit bestritten wird. Das ist dann wohl per Geheimverhandlung per OTRS? OTRS legt keine Artikelinhalte fest und ist den Autoren der Wikipedia nicht vorgesetzt.

M. E. sollten die Vornamen genauso wie sie im Artikel waren wieder rein.

Sebastian Wallroth (talkcontribs)
Mirer (talkcontribs)

Vielen Dank, werde mich dort mit 3M melden.

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

You are receiving this message because you commented at the above RFC. There are additional proposals that have been made there that you are welcome to comment on. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:50, 9 April 2018 (UTC) (for Rschen7754)

Reply to "Wikidata:Requests for comment/Privacy and Living People"
Summary by Mirer

Discussions on the project page seems to have died.

Lilly1985 (talkcontribs)

Hello Mirer,

I would like to remove Fiona Graham's birthdate because true to tradition geisha is not reveal her age and I think it damages her geisha career. Thank you.

Lilly 1985

Mirer (talkcontribs)

Hello Lilly1985,

I'm not sure about the procedure here on Wikidata. Free knowledge has it's pains and normally we don't care much about "rules" or wishes of other groups. The magicians don't want us to tell how their illusions work, others don't want the world to know about sex, chemicals or electronics.

But there are a few exceptions about it - especially if a living person has to fear it hurts her real life. So we might not care about geisha tradition, but we care about Fiona.

I'm not sure about how to proceed here, but I will ask on the admins board on how to deal with this (maybe she has to send an eMail to the support, that she want's it to be deleted or at least just shown the year). Until then I'll delete the month and day - since her birthday is well documented (I think due to her success in her earlier life) this should be enough as a first action?



Mirer (talkcontribs)
Lilly1985 (talkcontribs)

Hello Mirer,

thank you for your response, and I understand how you mean it. I think publishing the birthday of Fiona Graham as a living person damages her in her real and professional life. But thank you very much for your willingness and help.



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