Book club meet and greets

I’ve been out and about lots recently, touring local book clubs and chatting to others via Skype. It’s always great to sit and chat with readers about their views on my novels, hearing the things they’ve enjoyed and connected with and their ideas of what they’d like to see my do in the future. So often author spend their days writing alone, so there’s no end of value to be found from speaking first hand with the people you’re really working for, and reigniting the imagination. It’s great talking about books in general, in fact, and I love that I always come away armed with a new list of books to try from other authors.

If you’re part of a book club and would like to read TRADER or RANGOON and chat reading, writing and all things in between, do get in touch. Give me a break from the trials of Book 3!

Another little pile of books signed for another bunch of lovely readers!