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피엔차: 두 판 사이의 차이

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Sonomarch (토론 | 기여)
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Sonomarch (토론 | 기여)
59번째 줄:
===피콜로미니 광장===
피엔차 시의 중심인 피콜로미니 광장은 네 건물로 둘러싸인 사다리꼴 광장이다. 왼편에 있는 피콜로미니 궁전 (Palazzo Piccolomini)은 주된 대저택이다. 벽기둥과 돌림띠층과 이어져 있는 3층 구조로, 이중으로 밝힌 십자형 창문이 각 후미에 자리해 있다. 이런 구조는 알베르티가 지은 피렌체 소재의 [[루첼라이 궁전]]과 그 이후 시기의 다른 궁전과 유사하다. 눈여겨볼 부분은 궁전 내부이다. 동쪽 궁전 뒷편은 전 3층에 있는 [[로자]]가 구역을 구분되는데구분짓는데, 저택에 둘러싸인 [[자르디노 알리탈리아나]] 시대에 변형된 [[이탈리아 르네상스 정원]]과, [[발도르차]]의 먼 풍경과 교황 피오 10세에게 사랑받았던 그 너머의 아미아타 산이 있는 멋진 전망을 볼 수 있다. 이 정원 아래에는 100필의 말을 들여놓던 아치형 지붕의 마구간이 있다.
<!--===The Duomo===
The ''Duomo'' (Cathedral), which dominates the center of the piazza, has a facade that is one of the earliest designed in the [[Renaissance]] manner. Though the tripartite division is conventional, the use of pilasters and of columns, standing on high [[Dado (architecture)|dado]]s and linked by [[arch]]es, was novel for the time. The [[Campanile|bell tower]], however, has a Germanic flavor<!--source and expansion are needed for the reader's comprehension--> as is the layout of the ''[[Hallenkirche]]'' plan, a "triple-nave" plan where the side aisles are almost as tall as the nave; Pius, before he became pope, served many years in [[Germany]] and praised the effects of light admitted into the German hall churches in his ''Commentari''.<ref>"As you enter the middle door, the entire church with its altars and chapels is visible and is remarkable for the clarity of the light and the brilliance of the whole edifice. There are three naves, as they are called. The middle one is wider. All are the same height. This was according to the directions of Pius, who had seen the plan among the Germans in Austria" Quoted in Henk W. van Os, "Painting in a House of Glass: The Altarpieces of Pienza" ''Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art'' '''17'''.1 (1987, pp. 23-38)</ref> Works of art in the duomo include five altar paintings from the [[Sienese School]], by [[Sano di Pietro]], [[Matteo di Giovanni]], [[Vecchietta]] and [[Giovanni di Paolo]]. The Baptistry, dedicated as usual to ''[[John the Baptist|San Giovanni]]'', is located next to the apse of the church.-->
<!--===Palazzo Vescovile===
Pius encouraged cardinals to build ''palazzi'' to complete the city. ''Palazzo Vescovile'', on the third side of the piazza, was built to house the bishops who would travel to Pienza to attend the pope. Its construction was financed by Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia (the future Pope Alexander VI but, at the time, Vatican Vice-Chancellor). It may represent a remodeling of the old town hall of Corsignano. It is now home to the Diocesan Museum,<ref>[http://www.turismo.intoscana.it/intoscana2/export/TurismoRTen/sito-TurismoRTen/Contenuti/Elementi-interesse/Musei/visualizza_asset.html_1548465566.html Diocesan Museum].</ref> and the Museo della Cattedrale. The collection includes local textile work as well as religious artifacts. Paintings include a 12th-century painted crucifix from the Abbey of San Pietro in Vollore, 14th century works by [[Pietro Lorenzetti]] (''Madonna with Child'') and [[Bartolo di Fredi]] (''Madonna della Misericordia''). There are also important works from the 14th and 15th centuries, including a Madonna attributed to [[Luca Signorelli]].
[[Image:Pienza151404375 53fccb350b m.jpg|thumb|left|Tourists in Pienza.]]