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Sonomarch (토론 | 기여)님의 2015년 6월 6일 (토) 23:10 판 (→‎역사: 번역 중)

피엔차(이탈리아어: Pienza)는 이탈리아 토스카나 주 시에나 현에 있는 코무네다. 피렌체에서 남동쪽 110km, 시에나에서 남동쪽 60km 거리에 있다.

피엔차은(는) 이탈리아 안에 위치해 있다
북위 43° 04′ 43″ 동경 11° 40′ 44″ / 북위 43.078611° 동경 11.678889°  / 43.078611; 11.678889
국가이탈리아의 기 이탈리아
지역토스카나 주
행정 구역시에나 현
면적122 km2
해발491 m
시간대CET (UTC+1)
인구2,231명 (2005년)
인구 밀도18명/km2
수호성인안드레아 (축일 11월 30일)
지역 부호
웹사이트피엔차 - 공식 웹사이트
피엔차 역사 지구
유네스코 세계유산
영어명*Historic Centre of Pienza
프랑스어명*Centre historique de la ville de Pienza
등록 구분문화유산
기준i, ii, iv
지정 역사
1996년  (20차 정부간위원회)
* 세계유산목록에 따른 정식명칭.
** 유네스코에 의해 구분된 지역.

피엔차 역사 지구는 1996년에 유네스코가 지정한 세계유산에 선정되었고, 2004년에는 발 도르차 계곡 전역이 세계 자연 유산으로 등재됐다.


피엔차는 본래 코르시냐노(Corsignano)라고 불리던 마을이 재건된 곳이며, 시에나에서 추방당한 귀족이자 르네상스 인문주의자이자 이후에 교황 비오 2세가 된 에네아 실비오 피콜로미니(Enea Silvio Piccolomini)가 태어난 곳이다. 그가 교황으로 선출되자, 피콜로미니 가문은 마을 전체를 이상적인 르네상스 마을로 재건했다.

주요 명소

피콜로미니 광장

피엔차 시의 중심인 피콜로미니 광장은 네 건물로 둘러싸인 사다리꼴 광장이다. 왼편에 있는 피콜로미니 궁전 (Palazzo Piccolomini)은 주된 대저택이다. 벽기둥과 돌림띠층과 이어져 있는 3층 구조로, 이중으로 밝힌 십자형 창문이 각 후미에 자리해 있다. 이런 구조는 알베르티가 지은 피렌체 소재의 루첼라이 궁전과 그 이후 시기의 다른 궁전과 유사하다. 눈여겨볼 부분은 궁전 내부이다. 동쪽 궁전 뒷편은 전 3층에 있는 로자가 구역을 구분되는데, 저택에 둘러싸인 자르디노 알리탈리아나 시대에 변형된 이탈리아 르네상스 정원과, 발도르차의 먼 풍경과 교황 피오 10세에게 사랑받았던 그 너머의 아미아타 산이 있는 멋진 전망을 볼 수 있다. 이 정원 아래에는 100필의 말을 들여놓던 아치형 지붕의 마구간이 있다.

as is the layout of the  Hallenkirche plan, a "triple-nave" plan where the side aisles are almost as tall as the nave; Pius, before he became pope, served many years in Germany and praised the effects of light admitted into the German hall churches in his Commentari.[1] Works of art in the duomo include five altar paintings from the Sienese School, by Sano di Pietro, Matteo di Giovanni, Vecchietta and Giovanni di Paolo. The Baptistry, dedicated as usual to San Giovanni, is located next to the apse of the church.

Palazzo Vescovile

Pius encouraged cardinals to build palazzi to complete the city. Palazzo Vescovile, on the third side of the piazza, was built to house the bishops who would travel to Pienza to attend the pope. Its construction was financed by Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia (the future Pope Alexander VI but, at the time, Vatican Vice-Chancellor). It may represent a remodeling of the old town hall of Corsignano. It is now home to the Diocesan Museum,[2] and the Museo della Cattedrale. The collection includes local textile work as well as religious artifacts. Paintings include a 12th-century painted crucifix from the Abbey of San Pietro in Vollore, 14th century works by Pietro Lorenzetti (Madonna with Child) and Bartolo di Fredi (Madonna della Misericordia). There are also important works from the 14th and 15th centuries, including a Madonna attributed to Luca Signorelli.

파일:Pienza151404375 53fccb350b m.jpg
Tourists in Pienza.

Palazzo Comunale

Across from the church is the town hall, or Palazzo Comunale. When Corsigniano was given the status of an official city, a Palazzo was required that would be in keeping with the "city's" new urban position, though it was certainly more for show than anything else. It has a three-arched loggia on the ground floor facing the Cathedral and above it is the council chamber. It also has a brick bell tower that is shorter than its counterpart at the cathedral, to symbolize the superior power of the church. The set-back addition to the tower dates from 1599. It is likely that Bernardo Rossellino designed the Palazzo Comunale to be a free standing civic mediator between the religious space before the cathedral and secular market square to its rear.

The travertine well in the Piazza carries the Piccolomini family crest, and was widely copied in Tuscany during the following century. The well-head resembles a fluted, shallow Etruscan Bowl. The flanking Corinthian support a classical entablature columns whose decorations are clearly based upon actual source materials

Other buildings

Other buildings in Pienza dating from the era of Pius II include the Ammannati Palace, named for Cardinal Jacopo Piccolomini-Ammannati, a "curial row" of three palaces (the Palazzo Jouffroy or Atrebatense belonging to Cardinal Jean Jouffroy, the Palazzo Buonconti, belonging to Vatican Treasurer Giliforte dei Buonconti, and the Palazzo Lolli constructed by apostolic secretary and papal relative Gregorio Lolli) arranged along the street behind the Bishops Palace. In the northeastern corner of Pienza is a series of twelve row houses constructed at the orders of the pope by the Sienese building contractor Pietro Paolo da Porrina.

About fifty meters west of the Cathedral Piazza is the church of San Francesco, with a gabled facade and Gothic portal. Among the buildings that survived from the old Corsignano, it is built on a pre-existing church that dated from the 8th century. The interior contains frescoes depicting the life of Saint Francis, those on the walls having been painted by Cristofano di Bindoccio and Meo di Pero, 14th-century artists of the Sienese School.

The Romanesque Pieve of Corsignano is located in the neighbourhood. The monastery of Sant'Anna in Camprena was founded in 1332-1334 by Bernardo Tolomei as a hermitage for the Benedictines; it was remade in the late 15th-early 16th century, and several times in the following centuries. The refectory houses frescoes by il Sodoma (1502–1503).

The frazione of Monticchiello is home to a characteristic Romitorio, a series of grottoes carved in the rock by hermit monks. In the same locality is the pieve of Santi Leonardo e Cristoforo, rebuilt in the 13th century in Gothic style. The interior has frescoes from a 14th-century Sienese painter, a cyborium in the shape of a small Gothic portal and an alte 15th-century Crucifix. At San Pietro in Campo are the remains of the eponymous abbey.-->

외부 연결

  1. "As you enter the middle door, the entire church with its altars and chapels is visible and is remarkable for the clarity of the light and the brilliance of the whole edifice. There are three naves, as they are called. The middle one is wider. All are the same height. This was according to the directions of Pius, who had seen the plan among the Germans in Austria" Quoted in Henk W. van Os, "Painting in a House of Glass: The Altarpieces of Pienza" Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art 17.1 (1987, pp. 23-38)
  2. Diocesan Museum.