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Top Silicon Valley MBA programs

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Silicon Valley, a place beyond your wildest tech dreams, is renowned for its tech companies and a place where Microsoft, Apple, Google, Oracle, Yahoo!, Facebook, and a dozen other worldwide companies are headquartered.

 In addition, Silicon Valley is a hub of venture-backed tech startups providing several opportunities for early career MBA students seeking a sure path to success. While the Valley is a known hub for tech giants and rising technopreneurs, at the same time, it’s also considered as one of the best places for MBA programs.

Silicon Valley is home to some of the top B-schools, including both Haas School of Business as well as Stanford Graduate School of Business. Let us look in-depth at what these top MBA programs in the Valley have to offer. 


  • With the 21st century recognized as the prime era of technology and entrepreneurship, modern organizations would need people with both technical & analytical skills as well as managerial and business skills, thus making the relevance of an MBA far more significant than ever for your tech career. 
  • Moreover, some of the top recruiters for MBA in the Silicon Valley are usually tech giants like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Oracle, Yahoo!, Facebook, etc. another thing to note is that besides developing relevant business and analytical skills, an MBA ensures high annual salaries and a good position in a reputed company that can be pretty difficult to achieve if you have a plain tech degree. 
  • Furthermore, an MBA degree from a top B-school aids you to find relevant exposure to profitable business opportunities and helps provide access to extensive business networks. Unfortunately, such a vast network is not accessible to tech graduates within their course period.


Here is a list of top business schools in the Silicon Valley:


Silicon Valley, a place renowned for its tech companies, and if you dream of working with one of the top 25 tech firms in the Valley, an MBA degree from the top business school is a must, but the question arises which B-school should you go in order to live your dream. 

Well, to be honest, it’s a pretty good question that is being more frequently asked than ever by prospective B-school candidates. 

It’s no surprise that top firms target MBA graduates based on the ranking of the school. Still, as far as Silicon Valley is concerned, the largest share of MBA graduates are hired by top tech firms in the valley, including companies like Google, Apple, Oracle, eBay, Facebook, etc., which are worldwide tech giants. But, apart from the technological role, the companies also compete head-to-head for MBA graduates in the more traditional and mainstream areas like Consulting, Investment Banking, and Venture capitalist as well.  

The above blog is originally posted on www.mbaandbeyond.com

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About MBA and Beyond: Shantanu, the founder of MBA and Beyond, is an INSEAD MBA graduate, an entrepreneur, and a fintech enthusiast. MBA and Beyond help applicants with all aspects of MBA application such as profile building for MBA, branding for MBA, interview preparation, essays, resume, LoR, and shortlisting right schools. Our team includes highly experienced consultants who are graduated from Insead, Wharton, and Columbia. Our consultants have helped many ‘unconventional’ candidates make it to the top MBA programs. Our MBA consulting team has carefully designed applicant experience to get the best out of you. We are excited to hear your story and lead you to your dream school.