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Google Code Exporter edited this page Oct 4, 2015 · 1 revision


Description of currently known iTunes tags.

Please Note: This document currently only describes the new, unfinished, metadata connivence API. Information about the old API will be back later

Tags used by iTunes

Element Tag Data Type Comment mp4v2 Name
Name ©nam UTF-8 string name
Artist ©ART UTF-8 string artist
Album Artist aART UTF-8 string albumArtist
Album ©alb UTF-8 string album
Grouping ©grp UTF-8 string like TIT1 in ID3 grouping
Composer ©wrt UTF-8 string composer
Comment ©cmt UTF-8 string comments
Genre, Pre-defined gnre enum Standard Genres according to ID3, the iTunes tag is one greater the the corresponding ID3 tag genre
Genre, User defined ©gen UTF-8 string genre
Release Date ©day UTF-8 string YYYY-MM-DD format, may be incomplete (e.g. just the year) releaseDate
Track Number trkn binary track (read only)
Disc Number disk binary disk (read only)
Tempo tmpo 16-bit integer in beats per minute tempo
Compilation cpil 8-bit integer (boolean) compilation
TV Show Name tvsh UTF-8 string tvShow
TV Episode ID tven UTF-8 string tvEpisodeID
TV Season tvsn 32-bit integer tvSeason
TV Episode tves 32-bit integer tvEpisode
TV Network tvnn UTF-8 string tvNetwork
Description desc UTF-8 string Short description description
Long description ldes UTF-8 string Not limited to 255 bytes. longDescription
Lyrics ©lyr UTF-8 string Not limited to 255 bytes. lyrics
Sort Name sonm UTF-8 string sortName
Sort Artist soar UTF-8 string sortArtist
Sort Album Artist soaa UTF-8 string sortAlbumArtist
Sort Album soal UTF-8 string sortAlbum
Sort Composer soco UTF-8 string sortComposer
Sort Show sosn UTF-8 string sortTVShow
Cover Art covr JPEG/PNG/BMP May have multiple data atoms artwork
Copyright cprt UTF-8 string Only ISO standard tag copyright
Encoding Tool ©too UTF-8 string Software used for encoding encodingTool
Encoded By ©enc UTF-8 string Person/company who encoded the file encodedBy
Purchase Date purd UTF-8 string purchaseDate
Podcast pcst 8-bit integer (boolean) podcast (read only)
Podcast URL purl
Keywords keyw UTF-8 string Used for Podcasts keywords (read only)
Category catg UTF-8 string Used for Podcasts category (read only)
HD Video hdvd 8-bit integer (boolean) hdVideo
Media Type stik 8-bit integer (enum) mediaType
Content Rating rtng 8-bit integer Explicit/Clean label contentRating
Gapless Playback pgap 8-bit integer (boolean) gapless
Purchase Account apID UTF-8 string iTunesAccount (read only)
Account Type akID 8-bit integer Identifies the iTunes Store account type iTunesAccountType (read only)
cnID 32-bit integer iTunes Catalog ID, used for combing SD and HD encodes in iTunes cnID
Country Code sfID 32-bit integer Identifies in which iTunes Store a file was bought iTunesCountry (read only)
atID 32-bit integer Use? atID
plID 64-bit integer Use?
geID 32-bit integer Use? geID
©st3 UTF-8 string Use?

A blank field means that this tag is currently not supported by libmp4v2 Only one gerne tag (gnre or ©gen) is permitted at a time.

The MP4GetMetadataGerne functions will read whichever is there. The MP4SetMetadataGerne trys to set the grne tag if its a match to an ID3V1 genre, else it sets the ©gen tag.

Media Type (stik)

Media Type stik
Movie (is now 9) 0
Normal (Music) 1
Audiobook 2
Music Video 6
Movie 9
TV Show 10
Booklet 11
Ringtone 14

Content Rating (rtng)

Rating rtng
None 0
Clean 2
Explicit 4

iTunes Store Account Type (akID)

Account Type akID
iTunes 0

iTunes Store Country Codes (sfID)

Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Code sfID
Australia AUS 143460
Austria AUT 143445
Belgium BEL 143446
Canada CAN 143455
Denmark DNK 143458
Finland FIN 143447
France FRA 143442
Germany DEU 143443
Greece GRC 143448
Ireland IRL 143449
Italy ITA 143450
Japan JPN 143462
Luxembourg LUX 143451
Netherlands NLD 143452
New Zealand NZL 143461
Norway NOR 143457
Portugal PRT 143453
Spain ESP 143454
Sweden SWE 143456
Switzerland CHE 143459
United Kingdom GBR 143444
United States USA 143441
