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Convenience library for building DoubleDutch extensions with a preconfigured Google Firebase backend. See DoubleDutch extensions with React Native for more information.


npm i --save @doubledutch/firebase-connector
import client from '@doubledutch/rn-client'
import getFirebaseConnector from '@doubledutch/firebase-connector'
const fbcPromise = getFirebaseConnector(client, 'myextension').then(fbc => {


The exported getFirebaseConnector is a function (client, extensionName) => Promise<FirebaseConnector>

A FirebaseConnector resolved from the Promise returned by getFirebaseConnector has the following functions and properties available:

  • initializeAppWithSimpleBackend(): Calls firebase.initializeApp() with configuration providing access to DoubleDutch's Firebase backend, with database references secured and scoped at the event and attendee level. This function must be called when your extension is initializing, before attempting to use Firebase functionality.
  • signin(): Returns a promise that resolves when authentication to the DoubleDutch extension backend is complete. Must be called after initializeAppWithSimpleBackend(), and must resolve before calling any of the following functions.
  • signinAdmin(): Similar to signin() but should be called instead, when building an admin page for a DoubleDutch extension.


If you are using initializeAppWithSimpleBackend(), the following functions will give references to keys in a Firebase Realtime Database with various levels of secured access. See the Firebase Realtime Database guides for more info, but skip the initialization steps. The DoubleDutch firebase-connector takes care of that for you, and provides easy access to various levels of security.


  • database.private.userRef(path): private/total/users/:id : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is readable and writable only by the current attendee.
  • database.private.adminableUserRef(path): private/adminable/users/:id : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is readable and writable only by the current attendee or an event owner for the current event.
  • database.private.adminableUsersRef(): private/adminable/users : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is the root of all those provided by database.private.adminableUserRef(path) for all attendees in the current event. Keys under this ref will be the id of individual attendees.
  • database.private.tiersRef(path): private/adminable/tiers : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is writable only by an event owner for the current event, and readable by anyone in the specified tier. default is used as the key for the default tier.
  • database.private.adminRef(path): private/admin : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is readable and writable only by an event owner for the current event.
  • database.private.userMessagesRef(receiverId, [senderId]): private/total/userMessages/:receiverId/:senderId : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that holds messages from various other attendees.
    • If senderId is specified, the ref contains any messages sent to receiverId from senderId and is readable by sender and receiver, writable by the sender, and deletable (but not otherwise modifiable) by the receiver.
    • If senderId is undefined, the ref contains keys of any senderIds that have sent messages, which can be enumerated to see all senders, but only by the receiver.
  • database.private.adminableUserMessagesRef(receiverId, [senderId]): private/adminable/userMessages/:receiverId/:senderId : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that holds messages from various other attendees that is also readable/writable by an event owner for the current event.
    • If senderId is specified, the ref contains any messages sent to receiverId from senderId and is readable by sender and receiver, writable by the sender, and deletable (but not otherwise modifiable) by the receiver.
    • If senderId is undefined, the ref contains keys of any senderIds that have sent messages, which can be enumerated to see all senders, but only by the receiver.
  • database.private.adminMessagesRef([senderId]): private/adminMessages/:senderId : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that holds messages from various attendees to event organizers.
    • If senderId is specified, the ref contains any messages sent from senderId and is readable by the sender and event organizers, writable by the sender, and deletable (but not otherwise modifiable) by the event organizers.
    • If senderId is undefined, the ref contains keys of any senderIds that have sent messages, which can be enumerated to see all senders, but only by event organizers.


  • database.public.userRef(path): public/users/:id : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is writable only by the current attendee, and readable by anyone authenticated to the current event.
  • database.public.usersRef() : public/users : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is the root of all those provided by database.public.userRef(path) for all users in the current event. Keys under this ref will be the id of individual users.
  • database.public.adminRef(path): public/admin : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is writable only by an event owner for the current event, and readable by anyone authenticated to the current event.
  • database.public.allRef(path): public/all : Gets a Firebase ref to a key that is readable and writable by anyone authenticated to the current event.



In React projects, create a single FirebaseConnector, and provide it to your root component. Export the result as your root component. This ensures that WrappedComponent will not be rendered until fbc is ready.

export default provideFirebaseConnectorToReactComponent(client, 'myextension', (props, fbc) =>
  <WrappedComponent {...props} fbc={fbc} />, PureComponent)

class WrappedComponent extends PureComponent {
  componentDidMount() {

  render() {
    return <div>Hello, world!</div>

The following functions are provided to aid in mapping data in firebase to state in a React Component. These functions set up subscriptions to child_added, child_changed, and child_removed events.

Map data to state

  • mapPushedDataToStateObjects(ref, component, stateKey, keyFn) Turns firebase objects stored immediately under the given ref into state at [stateKey]: { [key]: {...value, id: key} } where key is keyFn(keyInData, valueInData) if keyFn is specified, otherwise the firebase key.

  • mapPushedDataToObjectOfStateObjects(ref, component, stateKey, keyFn, subKeyFn) Turns firebase objects stored immediately under the given ref into state at [stateKey]: { [key]: { [subKey]: {...value, id: key} } } where key = keyFn(keyInData, valueInData) and subKey = subKeyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value) if subKeyFn is specified, otherwise the firebase key.

Map per-user data to state

  • mapPerUserPrivateAdminablePushedDataToStateObjects(fbc, userRefKey, component, stateKey, keyFn) Turns firebase objects {...value} with paths /public/users/:userId/:userRefKey/:keyInUserData into state at [stateKey]: { [key]: {...value, userId, id: key} } where key = keyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value)

  • mapPerUserPublicPushedDataToStateObjects(fbc, userRefKey, component, stateKey, keyFn) Turns firebase objects {...value} with paths /private/adminable/users/:userId/:userRefKey/:keyInUserData into state at [stateKey]: { [key]: {...value, userId, id: key} } where key = keyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value)

  • mapPerUserPrivateAdminablePushedDataToObjectOfStateObjects(fbc, userRefKey, component, stateKey, keyFn, subKeyFn) Turns firebase objects {...value} with paths /public/users/:userId/:userRefKey/:keyInUserData into state at [stateKey]: { [key]: {[subKey]: {...value, userId, key} } } where key = keyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value) and subKey = subKeyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value)

  • mapPerUserPublicPushedDataToObjectOfStateObjects(fbc, userRefKey, component, stateKey, keyFn, subKeyFn) Turns firebase objects {...value} with paths /private/adminable/users/:userId/:userRefKey/:keyInUserData into state at [stateKey]: { [key]: {[subKey]: {...value, userId, key} } } where key = keyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value) and subKey = subKeyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value)

Count per-user data

  • reducePerUserPublicDataToStateCount(fbc, userRefKey, component, stateKey, keyFn) Turns firebase objects {...value} with paths /public/users/:userId/:userRefKey/:keyInUserData into state at [stateKey]: { [key]: count } where key = keyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value) and count = the number of objects from all users with [key]

  • reducePerUserPrivateAdminableDataToStateCount(fbc, userRefKey, component, stateKey, keyFn) Turns firebase objects {...value} with paths /private/adminable/:userId/:userRefKey/:keyInUserData into state at [stateKey]: { [key]: count } where key = keyFn(userId, keyInUserData, value) and count = the number of objects from all users with [key]


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