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@marcin-wadolkowski marcin-wadolkowski released this 27 Jun 12:11

Intel® Deep Learning Streamer Pipeline Framework Release 2024.1.0

Intel® Deep Learning Streamer (Intel® DL Streamer) Pipeline Framework is a streaming media analytics framework, based on GStreamer* multimedia framework, for creating complex media analytics pipelines. It ensures pipeline interoperability and provides optimized media, and inference operations using Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit Inference Engine backend, across Intel® architecture, CPU, discrete GPU, integrated GPU and NPU.

This release includes Intel® DL Streamer Pipeline Framework elements to enable video and audio analytics capabilities, (e.g., object detection, classification, audio event detection), and other elements to build end-to-end optimized pipeline in GStreamer* framework.

The complete solution leverages:

  • Open source GStreamer* framework for pipeline management
  • GStreamer* plugins for input and output such as media files and real-time streaming from camera or network
  • Video decode and encode plugins, either CPU optimized plugins or GPU-accelerated plugins based on VAAPI
  • Deep Learning models converted from training frameworks TensorFlow*, Caffe* etc. from Open Model Zoo (OMZ)
  • The following elements in the Pipeline Framework repository:
Element Description
gvadetect Performs object detection on a full-frame or region of interest (ROI) using object detection models such as YOLOv4, MobileNet SSD, Faster-RCNN etc. Outputs the ROI for detected objects.
gvaclassify Performs object classification. Accepts the ROI as an input and outputs classification results with the ROI metadata.
gvainference Runs deep learning inference on a full-frame or ROI using any model with an RGB or BGR input.
gvaaudiodetect Performs audio event detection using AclNet model.
gvatrack Performs object tracking using zero-term, or imageless tracking algorithms. Assigns unique object IDs to the tracked objects.
gvametaaggregate Aggregates inference results from multiple pipeline branches
gvametaconvert Converts the metadata structure to the JSON format.
gvametapublish Publishes the JSON metadata to MQTT or Kafka message brokers or files.
gvapython Provides a callback to execute user-defined Python functions on every frame. Can be used for metadata conversion, inference post-processing, and other tasks.
gvawatermark Overlays the metadata on the video frame to visualize the inference results.
gvafpscounter Measures frames per second across multiple streams in a single process

For the details of supported platforms, please refer to System Requirements section.

For installing Pipeline Framework with the prebuilt binaries or Docker* or to build the binaries from the open source, please refer to Intel® DL Streamer Pipeline Framework installation guide

New in this Release

Title High-level description
Switch to ‘gst-va’ as default processing path instead of ‘gst-vaapi’ Switch to ‘gst-va’ as default processing path instead of ‘gst-vaapi’
Add support for ‘gst-qsv’ plugins Add support for ‘qsv’ plugins
New public ONNX models: Centerface and HSEmotion New public ONNX models: Centerface and HSEmotion
Update Gstreamer version to the latest one (current 1.24) Update Gstreamer version to the latest one (1.24.4)
Update OpenVINO version to latest one (2024.2.0) Update OpenVINO version to latest one (2024.2.0)
Release docker images on DockerHUB: runtime and dev Release docker images on DockerHUB: runtime and dev
Bugs fixing Bug fixed: GPU not detected in Docker container Dlstreamer - MTL platform; Updated docker images with proper GPU and NPU packages; yolo5 model failed with batch-size >1; Remove excessive ‘mbind failed:...’ warning logs
Documentation updates Added sample applications for Mask-RCNN instance segmentation. Added list of supported models from Open Model Zoo and public repos. Added scripts to generate DLStreamer-consumable models from public repos. Document usage of ModelAPI properties in OpenVINO IR (model.xml) instead of creating custom model_proc files. Updated installation instructions for docker images.

Fixed issues

Issue # Issue Description Fix Affected platforms
421 Can we specify the IOU threshold in yolov8 post-process json like yolov5? Same solution as in #394 All
420 there is a customer's detect model need to support Support for Centerface and HSEmotion added All

Known Issues

Issue Issue Description
VAAPI memory with decodebin If you are using decodebin in conjunction with vaapi-surface-sharing preprocessing backend you should set caps filter using "video/x-raw(memory:VASurface)" after decodebin to avoid issues with pipeline initialization
Artifacts on sycl_meta_overlay Running inference results visualization on GPU via sycl_meta_overlay may produce some partially drawn bounding boxes and labels
Preview Architecture 2.0 Samples Preview Arch 2.0 samples have known issues with inference results
Memory grow with meta_overlay Some combinations of meta_overlay and encoders can lead to memory grow

System Requirements

Please refer to Intel® DL Streamer documentation.

Installation Notes

There are several installation options for Pipeline Framework:

  1. Install Pipeline Framework from pre-built Debian packages
  2. Build Docker image from docker file and run Docker image
  3. Build Pipeline Framework from source code

For more detailed instructions please refer to Intel® DL Streamer Pipeline Framework installation guide.


The samples folder in Intel® DL Streamer Pipeline Framework repository contains command line, C++ and Python examples.

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GStreamer is an open source framework licensed under LGPL. See https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/frequently-asked-questions/licensing.html. You are solely responsible for determining if your use of GStreamer requires any additional licenses. Intel is not responsible for obtaining any such licenses, nor liable for any licensing fees due, in connection with your use of GStreamer.

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