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👊 Deploy NFT with Truffle, IPFS OpenSea & Polygon (Mumbai)

Visit for see my NFT: Opensea Link .

Prerequisite programming in node.js would be beneficial.

🚀 Getting started

Clone this repo. Run npm install in terminal.

  • Place Matic RPC node key and Wallet Mnemonic in new .env file
  • Upload some nft metadata to an api. I used IPFS.
  • Place link to NFT Collection.json in contractURI method, under GameItem.sol.
  • Deploy the contracts with truffle develop then migrate --network mumbai in the terminal, then copy the contract address.
  • Add your account address, contract address and token json link to the mint script.
  • Enter node scripts/mint.js into the console to mint.
  • For security reasons my files with my private keys have been deleted as well as the hashes of my images and my json files.

💡 This is inspired by opensea's tutorial

A simple way to create NFT smart contracts and deploy on OpenSea to make our digital asset visible.

Good work!🙂