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agile scrum management agile software development agile coaching serious game leadership #openseriousgame team building openseriousgame scrum master product owner développement collectif team organization software development education transmission leadership development product management agile retrospective jeu apprentissage feedback team team management framework non violent communication communication it training formation partage de connaissances gestion d'equipe organization workshop syndrôme de l'imposteur yann gowsy roberto fiorentino erida gervais imposteur agilité community gestion du conflit communication non violente impact mapping meet-up recruitment coaching self-development presentation feature teams development information technology professional development organisation gestion speech communication verbale relationships cost business autoorganisation gestion de projet teamwork equipe impostor syndrome alexandre quach komyu communauté de pratique community of practice learning viral education virale education and training games open source méthode osg #osg job search job interview sourcing hr agile at scale design thinking innovation user story user stories intelligence collective collective intelligence v cycle communauté événementiel events meetup relations relations professionnelles cnv gestion de produit impactagile decision making processus de décision decision priorisation société futur développement humain apprendre developpement personnel agility nils lesieur career mickael cao van culture management management coaching staffing delivery date quality tragedy of the commons software testing product testing operations kanban experience retour d'expérience lean change management knowledge management office personal sponsor pitch prise de parole en public game playing software autonomie responsabilites responsibility investing backlog refinement grooming budget estimation codeveloppement décisionnel overmeeting réunion meeting gestion du temps réunionnite zelda team planning working together gaming industry gaming
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