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Full Weight Productions: 대물 자지와 섹스하는 거유 밀프HD 12:12
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대물 자지와 섹스하는 거유 밀프

게시됨:23.08.2017 더 많은 정보 숨김

You asked for it and we're finally able to deliver. BigmommaKat wanted to put various fruits to the test under her 600 lb frame. She starts with lemons, moves on to cantaloupes, and finishes off with a watermelon. The lemons literally explode under her feet. She crushes 15 in all and what's left after she's finished is a pile of mush. As she applies pressure, you can hear audible pops as the lemons get obliterated in addition to the sounds of the lemon juice squirting everywhere. Next, she moves onto trampling a cantaloupe. While still somewhat soft, we thought it'd hold up a little better than the lemons. Not so! She likens it to "your head" during the crushing and it's eerily similar to that actually. Her next victim is another cantaloupe... only this time she moves onto sitting. Well, sitting is used loosely here as she literally jumps on this thing butt first. At the initial point of impact, it goes from whole to vanished in less than a second. Imagine that being your

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