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오줌 치료 카테터와 위사운드

게시됨:26.08.2020 더 많은 정보 숨김

1ATOYS ( premium silicone dildos since 1999 ) presents: Stomachsound connected with catheter special pee treatment. Directly from the bladder into the slaves stomach without any diversions and without compromise. I love to wear from time to time a catheter into my bladder and peehole, so the first thing is no problem. The catheter is implemented into the bladder through the peehole. I normally use a ballooncatheter, once filled the balloon into the bladder and closed the outside end with a jam I have the total control over my horny hot juice. Now comes the bit difficult, but horny part. To implement the stomachsound through the nose is easy if you know how, but some patients and slaves feel a bit unpleasant when they have to swallow the tube, but the idea what will happen and what will come through the sound will help a bit. Smile. Now only connecting my catheter to the sound and the pee treatment starts.

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