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Ithkuil has three parts of speech: Formatives, Adjuncts, and Referentials. Formatives are the primary part of speech, and can act as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Formatives have a structure of ten "slots" as shown in the table below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Cc Vv) Cr Vr (CsVx...) Ca (VxCs...) (VnCn) Vc/Vf/Vk [stress]
Indicates whether the formative is concatenated and whether Slot 2 gives "shortcut" information for Slots 4 and 6 Version and Stem, and can give "shortcut" information for Slots 4 and 6 Root Function, Specification, and Context Affixes Configuration, Affiliation, Perspective, Extension, and Essence Affixes Mood or Case-Scope, plus either Aspect, Valence, Phase, Level, or Effect Case, Format, or Illocution and Validation Whether the formative acts as a noun or a verb, whether the verb is in a Case-Frame, and what Slot 9 has.
Consonant form of a glottal stop, w, y or a form beginning with h Vowel form Consonant form Vowel form Consonant

followed by vowel.

Consonant form,

geminated if there are affixes in Slot 5

Vowel + consonant Vowel + consonant Vowel form

Descriptions of the slots

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Slot 1

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Slot 1 is called the Cc. Its default value is a glottal stop, which is unwritten word-initially. It indicates whether the formative is concatenated. Concatenation of formatives links a concatenated formative to a parent formative. In concatenated formatives, Slot 9 is Vf (Format). It also indicates whether Slot 2 gives "shortcut information" for Slots 4 and 6, so that those slots can be elided and thus shortening the word. The unconcatenated values of Slot 1 are the glottal stop, w, and y. The concatenated forms all begin with h.

Slot 2

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Slot 2 is called the Vv. Its default value is a (Stem 1, Processual Version, and no "shortcut" information for Slots 4 and 6), and may be omitted if both it and Slot 1 have their default values and the sequence of consonants in Slot 3 is allowed at the start of a word. For example, kšil, meaning "a clown", has the initial a omitted, as -kš- is allowed at the start of a word. However, ukšal ("a piece of surrealist art") must include the Vv (and unwritten Cc!) since it has a non-default value, and alvwal ("moose") must include the Vv since a word cannot begin with the consonant sequence -lvw-.

Each Root has three Stems to further specify its meaning. For example, the Root -kš- has stems for "clown", "absurdist/Dadaist art", and "surrealist art". In addition to these three Stems, there is also a "Stem 0" form referring to the overall concept of the raw root, irrespective of the three Stems. Stem 1 is the default form.

Version is a two-way distinction of Processual (an end in itself, that is not goal-oriented) versus Completive (goal-oriented). For example, the sentence "My cousin studied the Ithkuil language" would be in the Processual, while "My cousin learned the Ithkuil laguage" would use the Completive Version of the verb -rţt- (to study/learn).

Slot 3

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Slot 3 is called the Cr. It is a sequence of consonants that form the Root of the word. The Root is the main part of the word that gives it its meaning. Examples of roots include -L- "human being", -KŠ- "clown", -RZL- "right triangle", and -ŘPSTL- "uranium".