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Monks, I shall teach you: the unconditioned (asa.nkhata.m) and the path leading to the unconditioned. And what, monks, is the unconditioned? The destruction of attachment (râga-kkhayo), the destruction of hatred, the destruction of delusion: this is called the unconditioned. ... Monks, I will teach you the uninclined (anata.m; or end, anta.m) and the path leading to the uninclined ... the taintless (anâsava.m)... the truth (sacca.m)… the beyond (pâra.m) … the subtle (nipuna.m)... the very-hard-to-see (sududassa.m)… the undecaying (ajajjara.m) … the lasting (dhuva.m) … the undisintegrating (apalokita.m) ... the non-manifestive (anidassana.m)... the unelaborated (nippapañca.m)… the peaceful (santa.m) ... the deathless (amata.m)… the sublime (panîta.m) ... the auspicious (siva.m)… the secure (khema.m)… the destruction of craving (ta.nha-kkhayo)... the marvellous (acchariya.m)... the amazing (abbhuta.m)… the unailing (anîtika.m)... the unailing state (anîtika-dhamma.m)... Nirvâ.na... the unafflicted (avyâpajjho) … non-attachment (virâgo) ... purity (suddhi)… freedom (mutti)... the unclinging (anâlayo)... the island (amidst the flood; dîpa.m)… the shelter (lena.m)... the asylum (tâna.m)... the refuge (sara.na.m) ... the destination (parâyana.m) (S.IV.368-73).

Monks, insofar as there are dhammas which are conditioned (sa.nkhatâ) or unconditioned, non-attachment (virâgo) is reckoned the best of them, that is to say:

   recovery from the intoxication of conceit (mada-nimmadano),  
   the elimination of thirst,  
   the abolition of clinging (âlaya-),  
   the termination of the round (va.t.ta-; of rebirth),  
   the destruction of craving,  
   non-attachment (virâgo),  
   stopping (nirodho), Nirvâ.na (A.II.34)

Monks, there exists the unborn (ajâta.m), the unbecome, the unmade, the unconstructed. Monks, if that unborn, unbecome, unmade, unconstructed were not, there would not be apparent, here, the leaving behind (nissara.na.m) of the born, become, made, constructed. But it does exist, so one can leave behind the born, become, made, constructed (Ud.80-1).