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Darth Vader

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Template:SW character Darth Vader (occasionally referred to as Lord Vader or simply Vader) is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe, and has a principal role in A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Revenge of the Sith.

Through his role as the chief antagonist of the original three films, Vader has become an iconic villain (spawning one of the most well known plot twists in movies), and was ranked third on American Film Institute's top 50 villains of all time list.[1]

In A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, Vader is the epitome of pure evil — a mass murderer and war criminal who holds an entire galaxy under the sway of an evil empire, and, on a more personal scale, the apparent murderer of Luke Skywalker's father, Anakin. A Dark Lord of the Sith, Vader serves at the Emperor's right hand, using the dark side of the Force to mercilessly pursue the Jedi and the Rebel Alliance to the ends of the galaxy. Template:Spoiler

In the Star Wars movies

Original trilogy

In the original Star Wars trilogy (consisting of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi), Darth Vader is the primary antagonist: a dark, ruthless figure out to capture, torture, or kill the protagonists to prevent them from thwarting the Empire.

A New Hope

In A New Hope, Vader leads a unit of Stormtroopers in a boarding action on the Tantive IV.

Darth Vader is introduced in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope as a dark figure on a mission to retrieve the stolen plans of the Death Star and locate the hidden base of the Rebel Alliance. He boards the Tantive IV, capturing Princess Leia and bringing her to the Death Star. An officer aboard the Death Star ridicules Vader's "sad devotion" to the Force, and Vader responds by nearly choking the officer to death using The Force to prove his power.

An elderly Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, attempts to rescue Leia during their escape from the Death Star. Vader stops Obi-Wan on his way out and engages him in a lightsaber duel. As Obi-Wan sees that if he escapes with Luke and company it would be too late, he sacrifices himself by leaving himself open to Vader's attack and becomes a spirit in the Force in order to guide Luke.

By putting a homing beacon on Han's ship, the Millennium Falcon, Vader traces Luke, Han, and Leia to the rebel base at Yavin IV. During the Rebel attack on the Death Star, Vader pilots a distinctive TIE/Advanced fighter in pursuit of the Rebel X-Wing starfighters. Vader gets a lock on Luke's X-wing, noting that "the Force is strong with this one", but is distracted by Han Solo who is piloting the Millennium Falcon just in time to save Luke. Vader's ship collides with his remaining wingman, and is sent hurtling into space, ultimately sparing his life, as the Death Star is destroyed moments later.

The Empire Strikes Back

In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Vader is now at the forefront of the continuing attempt to suppress the Rebellion, and has become even more casually ruthless, frequently executing Imperial officers for failing him. He has already learned about Luke Skywalker and is desperate to find him. He leads the Imperial troops on a full military assault on the rebel base hidden at the ice world of Hoth and then pursues the escaping Millennium Falcon through an asteroid field. After hiding in the blind spot of a Star Destroyer, the Falcon sets course to Cloud City on Bespin, followed by Boba Fett, a bounty hunter hired by Vader. While on this pursuit, the Emperor contacts Vader via hologram, giving him a new mission to capture Luke Skywalker and convert him to the dark side.

Vader uses his influence to make a deal with Lando Calrissian to kidnap Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca and C3P0, creating a trap for Luke at Cloud City. Luke, who by now has been trained by Yoda, arrives and finds his way to the carbonite freezing facility, where Vader is planning to freeze him for transport to the Emperor. The two duel and Luke attempts an escape from Cloud City. Vader corners and defeats Luke, cutting off his right hand. Vader then reveals his true identity as Luke's father, trying to persuade Luke to join him so that they can destroy the Emperor and rule the galaxy as father and son. Although shaken by this stunning claim, Luke refuses to join Vader and chooses death by throwing himself down a deep shaft. However, fate intervenes to allow him to survive and escape.

Return of the Jedi

In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Vader is charged with overseeing the completion of the second Death Star, with Moff Jerjerrod as his immediate subordinate. He meets with Palpatine onboard the half-constructed station to plan Luke's turn to the dark side.

Luke first sees his father's uncovered face, in Return of the Jedi.

By this time, Luke has nearly completed his Jedi training and has learned from a dying Yoda that Vader is indeed his father and that Leia is his sister. On a mission to the forest moon of Endor, he surrenders to Imperial troops and is brought to Vader. Aboard the Death Star, Luke resists the Emperor's appeals to his anger and fear for his friends but snaps when Vader telepathically probes his mind, learns of Leia's existence and threatens to turn her to the dark side instead. Enraged, Luke nearly kills Vader, finally severing his father's mechanical hand. However, he controls his anger at the last minute as he looks at Vader's mechanical hand and then at his own; he realizes that he is perilously close to suffering his father's fate. As the Emperor approaches, encouraging Luke to finish Vader and take his place, Luke throws down his lightsaber, refusing to perform the killing blow. Seeing that the young Jedi is a lost cause, the Emperor attacks Luke with Force lightning. Luke writhes in agony under the Emperor's torture, begging his father for help. Unable to bear the sight of his son in pain, Vader turns on his master and throws him into a deep shaft, where he explodes in a fury of dark energies. In doing so, Vader fulfills the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force. However, he pays for it with his life. Errant bolts of Force-generated lightning strike Vader, irrevocably compromising the integrity of the complex life-support system that kept him alive. The system quickly failed completely. However, Vader was able to reconcile with his son before his death and reveals himself to Luke, who sees a scarred, sad man in his 40's who, for the first time in many years, seems to be at peace. Vader tells Luke to leave him. Luke protests that he must save his life, but Vader says that he already has and asks Luke to tell his sister, Leia, that he was right about him. With that, Vader — Anakin Skywalker — dies. Luke is able to depart the doomed second Death Star with his father's body before Rebel forces destroy it. Later that night, Luke burns his father's Sith armor (and whatever remains inside [2]) in the manner of a Jedi's funeral. During the victory celebration on the forest moon of Endor, Luke is able to see the redeemed spirit of Anakin Skywalker, standing once again with Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Prequel trilogy

Following up on the revelation in The Empire Strikes Back that Vader was once Anakin Skywalker, the Star Wars prequel trilogy (consisting of The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith) focus on his life before he became Darth Vader, both his heroic rise and tragic fall.

In The Phantom Menace, Anakin is introduced as a nine-year-old boy, living on Tatooine with his mother, Shmi, as a slave to the trader Watto. He has no father, and is apparently a virgin birth; it is suggested that he is a creation of the midi-chlorians, but his exact origins are left ambiguous. He is discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, who are convinced that Anakin is the "Chosen One" foretold by the prophecy to bring balance to the Force. Qui-Gon wins Anakin's freedom to take him on as an apprentice Jedi (a "padawan learner".) The Jedi Council rejects him, however, sensing in him a great deal of fear and anger left over from his days as a slave. Shortly afterward, Qui-Gon is killed in the Battle of Naboo, and, in his dying breaths, pleads with Obi-Wan to train the boy. The Council reluctantly approves, and Anakin is apprenticed to Obi-Wan. Palpatine, newly elected as the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, befriends the boy, promising to "watch his career with great interest."

Over the next few years, Anakin's ability with the Force increases exponentially, but he develops into an arrogant loner who resents Obi-Wan's strict training. Needing an encouraging father figure, he turns to Palpatine, who feeds the young padawan's ego and undermines his belief in the Jedi code.

In Attack of the Clones, set 10 years after Anakin is initially discovered, he is assigned to protect Senator Padmé Amidala from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, aka the Separatists. The two eventually fall in love, even though Jedi are forbidden to form emotional attachments.

After suffering visions of his mother dying in agony, he travels to Tatooine and discovers that his mother has been kidnapped by Tusken Raiders. After she dies in his arms, Anakin is seized by a violent rage and he slaughters the entire camp, including the women and children. He confesses to Padmé, who forgives him. They later go to Geonosis to save Obi-Wan, who has been kidnapped by the Separatists, but are captured and sentenced to death. Moments from execution, they pledge their love to each other. They are saved at the last moment by a cadre of Jedi, who do battle with the Separatists in the opening salvo of the Clone Wars. Anakin fights Separatist leader (and fallen Jedi) Count Dooku, but is easily defeated, losing his right forearm. Back on Coruscant, he is fitted with a robotic prosthetic, and marries Padmé in a secret ceremony.

Revenge of the Sith

In Revenge of the Sith, which is set three years after Attack of the Clones, Anakin has been made a full-fledged Jedi Knight, and his exploits in the Clone Wars have earned him the moniker "The Hero With No Fear." The beginning of the movie sees Anakin and Obi-Wan in the middle of an attempt to rescue Palpatine from General Grievous' flagship. In the course of this rescue, the two confront Count Dooku, a battle which ends with Anakin ruthlessly killing his helpless opponent. Anakin is instantly remorseful, but Palpatine reassures Anakin that Dooku "was too dangerous to be kept alive."

Anakin returns to Coruscant, where he is overjoyed to discover that Padmé is pregnant, but is tortured with prophetic visions of her death in childbirth. Meanwhile, Palpatine sponsors Anakin to the Jedi Council, but the Council, suspicious of Palpatine, in turn denies Anakin the rank of Jedi Master, and asks him to spy on Palpatine. As Anakin becomes increasingly alienated from the Jedi, Palpatine tempts him further with "hidden" secrets of the Force, including the ability to prevent death indefinitely (and thus save his wife).

These tempations reach a boiling point when Anakin finally realizes that Palpatine is the Sith that the Jedi have been searching for. He reveals this to the Jedi, but he then intrudes on Mace Windu's attempt to apprehend an apparently helpless Palpatine. He pleads for his mentor's life, but Windu says the Sith Lord must be destroyed, as he is too politically powerful to recieve a fair trial. As Windu is about to kill Palpatine, Anakin cuts off Windu's saber arm, leaving him defenseless for Palpatine's sudden burst of Force lightning, which sends Windu plummeting to his death. Anakin then pledges himself to the dark side, and is given the Sith title and name Darth Vader.

File:Skywalker kenobi duel.jpg
Darth Vader fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar.

Vader's first task as a Sith Lord is to assault the Jedi Temple with the 501st Legion and to kill everyone inside, even the youngling children. He does this without question, slaughtering venerable Jedi and child alike. He is then sent to Mustafar to assassinate Nute Gunray and other Separatist leaders. After completing this task, he is met by Padmé, who pleads with him to flee Palpatine's grasp with her. He refuses, saying that he can overthrow Palpatine and the two of them can rule the galaxy together. Obi-Wan, who had hidden himself on Padmé's ship, suddenly emerges and confronts Vader. Suspecting betrayal, Vader angrily uses the Force to choke Padmé, leaving her unconscious on the landing platform. The former partners and friends then engage in a ferocious lightsaber duel throughout the mining complex and onto the banks of a lava river. Vader tries to further pursue his master with a Force jump despite Obi-Wan's superior positioning. Obi-Wan severs his remaining limbs in midair, leaving him for dead on the hot sands, where Vader is nearly immolated. He lingers on until rescued by Palpatine, who sensed Vader's impending defeat after his own duel with Yoda.

File:Vader complete.jpg
Vader's life support suit is placed on him for the first time.

Palpatine revives Vader with extensive cybernetic enhancements, including a respirator, black body armor, and a fearsome breathing mask that alters his weakened voice into an intimidating low pitched and mechanical one. Palpatine then tells Vader that, in his anger, he had killed his own wife (in fact, Padmé died in childbirth on Polis Massa after delivering healthy twins). Overwhelmed with grief and bitterness by the belief that he had killed his wife (and, presumably, her unborn child), the only thing that remains in his life is his service to his master, the new Emperor of the galaxy.

As chronicled in James Luceno's book Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Vader sheds his identity as Anakin Skywalker shortly after incurring his injuries on Mustafar; in the months afterward, he systematically pursues and kills the survivors of the Great Jedi Purge (save Obi-Wan and Yoda) and, in the process, fully embraces his new identity as a Sith Lord and disavows any connection to his former Jedi self.


During filming of A New Hope, David Prowse played the role of Darth Vader. However, to his dismay[4], when filming was finished, James Earl Jones was hired to read Vader's lines over Prowse's acting performance. (Prowse was given the choice over the roles of Chewbacca and Darth Vader. He chose Darth Vader because he said "people would remember him." He didn't know at the time that the role would entail a mask.[citation needed]) Despite this, Prowse wore the Vader suit and Jones was Vader's voice for Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

The character of Darth Vader was also played by several stunt doubles, most notably fencing instructor Bob Anderson, who handled all of Vader's fight sequences in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Mark Hamill (who portrayed Luke in the original trilogy) noted in a 1983 interview in Starlog #72: "Bob Anderson was the man who actually did Vader’s fighting. It was always supposed to be a secret, but I finally told George I didn’t think it was fair any more. Bob worked so hard that he deserves some recognition. It’s ridiculous to preserve the myth that it’s all done by one man." [5]

In 1978, Jones returned as the voice of Vader (footage of Prowse in the suit is actually unused footage from A New Hope) in The Star Wars Holiday Special, as well as to shoot new footage that was released with the Star Wars: The Interactive Video Board Game, when it was released in 1996.

Actor and former Industrial Light & Magic visual effects artist C. Andrew Nelson has also portrayed Vader at a number of events for Lucasfilm, as well as the videogames Rebel Assault II and Dark Forces, and in new footage filmed for the Special Edition releases of the original three Star Wars films in 1997. Over the years Nelson has also appeared as Vader on various television shows and in numerous commercials.

For Revenge of the Sith, Hayden Christensen (who had played Anakin Skywalker since Attack of the Clones) wore the Vader suit, instead of Prowse. However, as he is shorter than Prowse, a new scaled-down costume was created for him. While the body actor had changed, James Earl Jones still served as the voice of Vader.

Expanded Universe

In the young adult series The Last of The Jedi, Boba Fett, at the age of fourteen, is hired by Imperial leader Inquisitor Malorum to investigate Padmé Amidala's death at Vader's request. Vader is expected to at least make cameo appearances in the upcoming Star Wars live-action TV series, which is slated for either a 2007 or 2008 release and will run 100 episodes.

In the comic book Vader's Quest, he hires bounty hunters to bring him information about the author of the destruction of the Death Star, ultimately meeting his son Luke for the very first time. Later on, in the Alan Dean Foster novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye (which takes place shortly after the events in A New Hope), Vader meets Luke for the second time and combats him in a lightsaber duel for the first time on the planet Mimban. On Mimban, Vader suffers massive injuries when he falls into a pit. The extent as to which these new injuries may have worsened his condition (if at all) is somewhat disputed among the Star Wars fanbase.

In The Star Wars Holiday Special, Vader searches for the Rebels responsible for the destruction of the Death Star, almost thwarting Han and Chewbacca's goal of reaching Kashyyyk in order for Chewie to reach his family for Life Day.

Vader also has a prominent role in the 1996 novel/comic/video game Shadows of the Empire, which takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. In the story, Prince Xizor, leader of the crime organization Black Sun, plots to overthrow Vader and take his place as the Emperor's second in command. The story also gives more insight into Vader's thoughts and ambitions as it reveals that he knows there is some good left in him and that he wishes to heal his body through the Force in an attempt to return his physical appearance to that of his former self, Anakin Skywalker. At one point in the novel, Vader is in his chamber with his suit completely removed as he attempts to recover his body.

Vader also makes occasional appearances in Dark Horse's Star Wars comic books set between the movies, especially Star Wars: Empire.

In the Thrawn trilogy, it is explained that Darth Vader was the first representative of the Empire to find the Noghri, a race with exceptional combat skills, whom he manipulated into serving as his personal commandos and revering him as their master. Later, Vader transferred their services to Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Leia Organa Solo, who was initially horrified to learn that Vader was her father, eventually forgave him after learning her family's full history[citation needed] and named her youngest son Anakin in remembrance of her father's redemption.[citation needed]

In the novel The Unifying Force of the New Jedi Order series, set 30 years after the Battle of Yavin in A New Hope, Anakin's voice would speak to his grandson, Jacen Solo, telling him to "Stand firm" in his battle with the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong.

In Star Wars Visionaries, Darth Sidious said that a Geonosian Bionic technology that was used on General Grievous to save his life might be useful in the years to come. Possibly, the Empire adapted the technology to save Darth Vader.

Even taking the Expanded Universe into account, Darth Vader appears to have been one of the last Sith Lords to use the title "Darth".

Talents and powers

Darth Vader is a brilliant strategist and one of the greatest pilots in the galaxy. Vader still possesses his former persona's amazing engineering skills, having overseen the design of the TIE/Advanced fighter and the construction of the second Death Star. His talent with the lightsaber is legendary. All of these skills, however, are secondary to his incredible mastery of the Force. He was born with the highest known midi-chlorian count in the history of the galaxy, surpassing that of both Yoda and the Emperor. However, Lucas states that his injuries on Mustafar cost Vader much of his Force potential. Even after his injuries on Mustafar cost him a measure of Force-aptitude, he remains incredibly powerful.[citation needed] The loss of his natural hands are the reason he cannot create Force lightning, as Dooku and Palpatine could.[citation needed] (Note: In the Star Wars comic book Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Darth Vader can be seen using Force lightning. )[3]

His signature method of imposing terror is using the Force to choke people. This may echo Vader's own frustration at his injuries.[4]

Vader also has great physical strength in his cybernetic limbs, which he demonstrates in his first and last appearances in the original trilogy: lifting a Rebel captain by the throat with one hand in A New Hope, and picking up the Emperor and hurling him to his death in Return of the Jedi. The Expanded Universe has shown him punching through the skulls of savage animals[citation needed] and bludgeoning opposing Jedi to their knees with one blow.[citation needed]

Anakin was trained in Form III lightsaber combat by Obi-Wan, one of the greatest swordsmen in the galaxy, and quickly developed incredible skill in the form. Despite this Anakin never really mastered Form III. Due to his aggressive nature his lightsaber skills took him torwards Form V lightsaber combat. However, his fighting style retained some elements of Form III lightsaber combat even after his fall to the dark side.[citation needed]

In battle, Darth Vader lacked the mobility and ease he once had, but his bionic suit gave him great strength. His blows were forceful even when using only one arm to fight. He was calm when fighting, rarely using acrobatics. He struck to kill and used psychology and his appearance to intimidate his foes. When striking with both hands on the grip of his lightsaber, he was able to pound his enemies with an onslaught of strong but somewhat slow strikes. This fighting style contrasted with Anakin's style before his disfigurement, which utilized more speed and acrobatics.

Armor and cybernetic enhancements

Even before his transformation into Vader, Anakin was a cyborg: he had a prosthetic hand installed after his natural right forearm was severed while dueling with Count Dooku on Geonosis in Attack of the Clones (before the release of Attack of the Clones, the 1994 Expanded Universe novel The Last Command by Timothy Zahn claimed that Vader's hand had been amputated by Emperor Palpatine as punishment for the destruction of the first Death Star). As a result of his later disfigurement on Mustafar, Vader was substantially augmented with cybernetic implants: he must wear his armor at all times when he is not meditating in his pressurized containment-chamber. A towering figure, the suited Darth Vader is nearly 6 feet 8 inches (2.03 meters) tall. This transformation is apparently essential to Obi-Wan's judgment, cemented after the fight on Mustafar and expressed to Luke in Return of the Jedi, that Vader is "more machine now than man, twisted and evil."

Vader's armor is built around a plastoid girdle that protects his organic and synthetic internal organs. More visible durasteel plates cover his shoulders, upper body and shins. He wears a suit of quilted, flexible, blast-dampening, multi-ply padding, and a cloak of armor weave. His gloves and hands are made with a unique micronized iron that can deflect anything short of a lightsaber blow. His famous mask and helmet, resembling the head of an ancient Sith droid, contain various vision- and auditory-enhancing equipment, as well as the respirator that causes the Dark Lord's ominous breathing sound.

Vader's life support system includes a chest-worn, computerized control panel unit that regulates his respiratory functions. Three slot-like dataports offered diagnostic checks of his pulmonary, respiratory and neural systems. Upon closer examination, the chestplate has Hebrew lettering which has been translated as, "His deeds will not be forgiven, until he merits."[5] On his belt, Vader wears two small system function boxes. The one on his right featured a temperature regulation system. On his left, he wears a respiratory sensor matrix. The center buckle features an audio enhancement unit built into the electromagnetic clasp. The armor also enables him to breathe in vacuum while protecting him from the coldness of space. The reason for his cloak is to protect a small oxygen pack he wears on his back.[3]

Behind the scenes

An early conceptual drawing of Darth Vader.

The character of Darth Vader was not originally planned to be a suited cyborg. The current image of Vader was created when concept artist Ralph McQuarrie drew the opening scene where the Rebel ship Tantive IV was being boarded. It was initially imagined that Darth Vader would fly through space to enter the ship, necessitating a suit and breathing mask. This was later made permanent and incorporated in the story.

Vader's leitmotif is The Imperial March. The iconic breathing sound of his respirator was created by sound designer Ben Burtt, who created the sound by simply recording himself breathing into an old Dacor scuba regulator.

In a 2005 interview, George Lucas was asked the origins of the name "Darth Vader", and replied: "Darth is a variation of dark. And Vader is a variation of father. So it's basically Dark Father." (Rolling Stone, June 2, 2005). "Vader" is the Dutch word for "father" (the Dutch word is instead pronounced "fah-der"), and the German word for "father" (Vater) is similar. However, in the earliest scripts for Star Wars, the name "Darth Vader" was given to a normal Imperial general. Judging by the origin of the other Sith names, Vader may also possibly be a derivative of the word "invader."

Lucas has been criticized from time to time for allegedly deviating from his original conception of the Star Wars universe as depicted in A New Hope.[citation needed] Some believe that the revelation of Vader as the father of Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back is a case of retroactive continuity. As originally depicted in the first film, Vader was a student of Obi-Wan Kenobi's who was seduced by the dark side of the Force, betraying and murdering Luke's (then unnamed) father, who seemed at that time to be a separate character from Vader. Much of the criticism from skeptics of Lucas is aimed at the fact that Obi-Wan's story about the death of Luke's father in A New Hope became an outright lie after the later films were produced. It is unclear when Lucas decided to merge Luke's father and Darth Vader into one character. Some accounts have indicated that Empire screenwriter Leigh Brackett was the first to suggest that Vader was Luke's father during story meetings. As it stands, there is currently no behind-the-scenes evidence that Vader was intended to be Luke's father from the very start. Thus, that concept may very well have originated after the original theatrical release of A New Hope. Lucas has claimed in recent years that Vader's story arc (being revealed as Luke's father and then being redeemed) was planned from the beginning.

Archetypes and role models for Darth Vader

Vader's headgear resembles a Japanese kabuto, which is consistent with the samurai-like order of the Jedi and kendo-like lightsaber duels. An American Football helmet made by Riddell, with a distinctive approx. 3cm wide middle seam elevated by approx 3 millimeters that connected the two shell halves and accommodated air valves, was most likely used as the basis for Vader's helmet.

As Vader fits the classic stock character of the Black Knight, some have noted that Vader bears more than a passing resemblance to more recent, fictive villains. One is the classic Marvel Universe supervillain Doctor Doom. (This is further alluded in Stephen King's Dark Tower novels in which so-called "Doombots" appear that wear green hoods and iron wolf masks, much like Doom, and carry lightsabers.) Another is Sinestro, a former member of the Green Lantern Corps who was corrupted by his power.

Darth Vader also resembles an inverted King Arthur in relationship with Luke Skywalker as an inverted Mordred.

Cultural figure

Due to his central role, Vader has entered the public consciousness as the quintessential villain. His powerful baritone voice, coupled with his heavy breathing, is easily recognizable, and the American Film Institute's list of the greatest movie villains placed him third, after Hannibal Lecter and Norman Bates. He has been parodied by such figures as "Dark Helmet" from Spaceballs, "Duck Vader" from Tiny Toon Adventures, "Girth Plotz" from an episode of Animaniacs that parodied the first trilogy, "Darth Koopa" from The Super Mario Bros. Super Show, "Dark Laser" from The Fairly Odd Parents, an episode of Codename: Kids Next Door where President Jimmy dressed in black and, now devoted to evil, takes over the school and country singer Darth Brooks in Late Night With Conan O'Brien. Another kind of tribute to Darth Vader comes from Stargate SG-1, in which there are similarities between Anubis and Vader, played for both dramatic and comic effect, and his name is mentioned when the issue of Vala's immaculate birth is brought up. Marty McFly in Back to the Future (dressed up in a radiation suit) pretended to be "Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan" in an effort to get his science fiction-loving dad to date his mom.

Vader's name has become a synonym for evil; for example, political strategist Lee Atwater was known as "the Darth Vader of the Republican Party".[citation needed] Then-Vice President Al Gore referred to TCI's John Malone as "Darth Vader of cable." Lucas has pointed to Vader's iconic status as a reason he made the prequel movies, since he felt the icon overshadowed the fact that Vader was intended to be a tragic character.[citation needed]

Vader's revelation to Luke that he is his father is one of the most famous movie plot twists of all time. An IMDb poll on 10 November 2003[6] asked users to choose which one of a set of movie spoilers was too infamous to be considered a spoiler anymore; Vader's true identity was a clear winner, by a 40% margin.

During a major renovation, Washington National Cathedral held a competition for children to design new gargoyles for the west towers. One winner was a design featuring Darth Vader. [7]

Two significant office buildings in Brisbane, California are highly visible landmarks by the San Francisco Bay. The ominous looking one made of all dark reflective glass has been dubbed the Darth Vader building. The other is the architecturally acclaimed Dakin building, a brilliant white futuristic antithesis, and is known in the San Francisco Bay area as the Luke Skywalker building.

In 1990 Roger Taylor's band The Cross released the album Mad, Bad And Dangerous To Know, featuring the song "Penetration Guru", which has the line "Contact me, I'm no Darth Vader" in the verse before each chorus.


  • Prowse was not told by Lucas or Irvin Kershner that Darth Vader was Luke's father. He was given the line "Obi-Wan killed your father" while Mark Hamill reacted to the real line. James Earl Jones, of course, knew the real line. Later, when asked about it, he said "The moment I saw that line on that page, I said to myself, 'He's [Darth Vader] lying.'"
  • Darth Vader's boot prints are in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre along with R2-D2's and C-3PO's.

See also


  1. ^ AFI's 100 Years...100 Heroes and Villains", American Film Institute, last accessed October 20, 2005.
  2. ^ According to Steve Sansweet of Lucasfilm, the Star Wars Databank entry for Vader [1], and the script for Return of the Jedi Special Edition, Anakin's body disappears at death in the same way as Obi-Wan's and Yoda's had, though some argue that the movie would have shown his disappearance explicitly if that were the case. The Special Edition script reference that supposedly establishes the disappearance of his body is in text of the scene where Luke cremates his father's armor. The Special Edition script refers to it as empty armor, while the original script refers to it as his father's body. It should also be noted that in the Jedi Academy trilogy Dark Apprentice by Kevin J. Anderson, Luke specifically states that his father's body had disappeared in the same way as Yoda's and Obi-Wan's. However, in the commentary for the Return of the Jedi DVD, Lucas refers to the funeral pyre scene as Luke burning his father's "body."
  3. ^ a b The Visual Dictionary of Star Wars, Episode III (ISBN 0756611288)
  4. ^ In its appraisal of Vader's injuries, the Star Wars Technical Commentaries states: "Was the physically oppressive nature of Vader's breathing difficulties great enough to affect his disposition or add to his aggression? Perhaps it is significant that he used telekinetic strangulation more often then [sic] any other method of intimidating or killing those who frustrated him." [2]
  5. ^ "Lord Vader's Chestplate", Star Wars Technical Commentaries. (This page discusses the common belief that the text that appears on Darth Vader's chestplate may be Hebrew) [3]


External links

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Preceded by Dark Lord of the Sith
19 BBY–4 ABY
Succeeded by

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