Page:Antidote against the infectious contagion of popery and tyranny.pdf/18

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apply our Heart to ſearch out the Reaſon of Things, ſo as to underſtand the Language of the preſent Judgment: For tho' the Almighty giveth not an Account of any of his Matters, yet he hath promiſed, that, when his Judgments are in the Earth, the Inhabitants thereof ſhall learn Righteouſneſs; and that, when this Voice crieth into the city, the Man of Wiſdom ſhall see his Name, and hear the Rod and him that hath appointed it. And by the light of his Word, by the Voice of our own Conſciences, and by the Language of his Providences, he hath, with a Pen of Iron and the Point of a Diamond, made known our Sin and our Tranſgreſſion, inſomuch that he that runs may read them upon our Puniſhment.

It is not our Province to be publick Remembrancers unto others, nor are even our Seers ſufficient for making a full Diſcovery of the Cauſes of the Lord's Controverſy with us; we pray the Holy Spirit may be at Work with us this way. Yet we dare not conceal, that we conceive the Rod doth in a ſpecial manner point at our Diſobedience to and Rebellion against the Son of God, by the Contempt and Miſimprovement of the glorious Goſpel, our not believing in God, nor uniting in his Salvation: the Apoſtaſy of moſt even from the Profeſſion of ſerious Religion, and the Eſtrangedneſs of moſt Profeſſors from the Life and Power of true Godlineſs: at our not being duly ſenſible, of, nor evangelically humbled for, the Heaven-daring Abominations of the Race by whoſe Poſterity God is now ſmiting us, and putting us in Remembrance: Particularly for K. Charles the Second's overturning of, and burying, by the infamous Act Reſciſſory and other Acts made in his Reign, the glorious Reformation in Church and State, attained to betwixt the 1638 and 1650: the Non-ſuch Apoſtaſy and Perjury of him, his Parliament and Privy Council and of the Magiſtrates of Edinburgh and Linlithgow, in not only breaking their ſolemn Covenants made with God and his people, but alſo abjuring and burning the ſame in the Face of the Sun, to the open