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Proper noun


Parthyaea (uncountable)

  1. (historical, Hellenistic period) the region Parthia
    • 2008, Francois Chamoux, Hellenistic Civilization, →ISBN, page 80:
      Further west, between Bactria and the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, Parthyaea, a vast region corresponding to the northeast of Iran, was invaded by a nomadic population under a chief named Arsaces.
    • 1980, A. B. Bosworth, A Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander: Commentary on books 4-5, Clarendon Press, →ISBN, page 122:
      He was replaced by Phrataphernes in Parthyaea before 329 (3. 28. 2); and Hyrcania could then have been annexed and associated as a separate satrapy with the Elburz peoples, all under Autophradates.