Ecology (collection)

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Pollination of Alpine Blue-sow-thistle, Cicerbita alpina.
March 29, 2010, 7:26 pm
June 13, 2012, 5:47 pm

The Ecology Collection is a compilation of the core articles pertaining to ecology, the science of interactions among living organisms and their natural environment. It is a dynamic, rapidly advancing field of fundamental importance to human society’s intimate interaction with the natural world. Understanding the scientific foundations of ecology is accordingly critical to an informed citizenry at all levels, beginning with early childhood education. This collection is designed as a resource for students, teachers, and the general public. Articles can be accessed and used individually or in combination as the basis of a course on fundamental principles of ecological science. All contributions were written by credentialed ecologists or other environmental professionals. Authors are welcome to expand on or edit the contents list; please contact C.Michael Hogan or Mark McGinley with suggestions. If you are interested in writing an article for this collection, please consult the How to Contribute page for more information on getting involved.


Duffy, J. (2012). Ecology (collection). Retrieved from