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"Flüchtling 2"

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Transkription des Interviews mit "Flüchtling 2"

F2001 I: Ok,... now it is your turn,.... we will do it as I did it with "Flüchtling 1", so I will ask you some questions, and you just try to answer...

F2002 F: Ok, I will try my best...

F2003 I: Yeah,... can you come a little bit closer, so that... you speak here....

F2004 F: Like this?

F2005 I: No..., yeah, maybe first you could just tell me,... you are frome which country?

F2006 F: I am from Somalia...

F2007 I: And you are how old?

F2008 F: ... I am twenty-five years old

F2009 I: Yeah, and here in Germany since when?

F2010 F: Three month and twenty days, I think so...

F2011 I Yeah..., three month, twenty days..., ok, ... than, which languages do you speak or understand?

F2012 F: I speak my own language, somali and english, and a little bit of arabic...

F2013 I: Ah, ok,... all right, so now, we will start the questions with the communication problems, ... and the first thing is, ... I just want you to tell me, ... when ah... when do you have contact with the äh... "Ausländerbehörde", ... because I think there are two different kinds of contact... one contact is when you speak... and one contact is written, ... with letters and so on..., so, how often do you have to go there, to talk to them?

F2014 F: Mhm, ok, good, that is a good question, it is needed to be exlained, I need a /distinguish?/ when I go to the foreign office "Bundesamt" and "Sozialamt", it is two different places, there is a big problem about the communication and understanding when we go there, if you are Somali refugee in this country,... but before I explain this question, I need to explain,...ähm... because we are from Somalia, Somalia, there is no central government in ... last twenty years...

F2015 I: Ok, we will come to this question...

F2016 F: Ok, that'only, that's when we go to the "Bundesamt", oh... I think so it is foreign office,... when we go there, we meet big problem about understanding..., because there is no Somali people who speaks in deutsch in this town, but when we go there, they don't speak english, I don't know, maybe they speak, but they don't like to speak to you, they speak to you, here, Deutschland and if you stay Deutschland, you must speak deutschland... but we stay here less than three month,... if we stay here six month or more than one year, than it is ok to speak Deutschland or deutsch language, but when you stay less than three month or two month or one month,... it is impossible to speak... deutsch language, ... but when we go there, once upon a time, we go to Sozialamt, when I came here from transfer München, äh, Munich, and from here in Augburg, when I go there it is morning, I had no translator, she said to me, do you speak deutsch, I said, I don't speak deutsch language,... why, I stay here one month and fifteen days, how is it possible to speak deutsch,... she said to me, you have to call someone who speaks deutsch, he doesn't have to be Somali,... I said I don't know anyone who speaks deutsch in Deutschland, or in this town, because I am a stranger, I am new in here,... she said to me impossible, if you come here once again, it is your problem, it is not my problem,... that is a big problem, /I am confused?/ that question..., I said, I speak english, please call me someone who speaks english, maybe there are many people in here,... she said to me, no, it is impossible to call, because you have to call the Somali,... because it is difficult, I angry, I need come in here, I ask to the Somali people, how can we solve this question, this problem, she said to me, this is, ... it is difficult, I know anyone who heared this question surprised this question, but all Somali people said like me,... when I came here, she said to me, if you need someone who can help you, you can go to Caritas,... maybe /they will help me?/, that is the great problem,... and you come back to "Bundesamt", do you speak ah... can you sprechen deutsch...,...I said, I don't know what you are talking, I can't speak deutsch, I stay here one month and fifteen days,.... go, go, go, go,... not good, not respect, that's the problem,... but another german people who stay in this country, when we say, we are from Somalia: oh, welcome to this country, we are happy to know Somali people, we know there is a problem, /....?/ another people of Germany, very good people ... they respect us, even Chef and Hausmeister, and then the community of München, everywhere, they respect us, when we need to go to the town if we need something, the offices of the /auto?/, they respect us, oh, you from Somalia, oh, welcome, we are happy,... but only "Bundesamt" and "Sozialamt", we need to change something, how to adapt to the people,

F2017 I: Ah,... sorry to interrupt you,... "Bundesamt" is "Ausländerbehörde"?

F2018 F: Yeh, mhm,...

F2019 I: Yeah, ... so and when I got you right, the main problem is when you go there to talk to them, the say either you talk to us in english ... äh... in german, or you have to go again...

F2020 F: Yeah...

F2021 I: This is the main problem?

F2022 F: Yeah, the main problem, yeah,...

F2022 I: Ah, ok, ...

F2023 F: If you don't speak deutsch... go out...

F2024 I: Ah, ok..., this is also problem, most of the Somalis have?

F2025 F: Yeah, most of the Somalis, because there is two Somali people in here maybe they are /collegues?/, if you respect them, please help me, sometimes maybe he will help you if you give some cigarettes or some alcohol or five euros, if you have,... but the "Social" and the "Bundesamt" is very far from here, it is eight kilometers I think, and that's the question only, that's the question..

F2026 I: So main problem is language, that you can't talk to them in german...

F2027 F: Yeah, yeah, you have to speak german... deutsch, that's the problem...

F2028 I: So this was the main problem when you speak to them,...

F2029 F: Yeah, when you speak to them yeah... they encourage you to learn deutsch, because you need to stay here for a long time, to make more efforts, more conversation, more deutsch kurs, but deutsch is a very difficult language, if you stay six month over here, you don't need any translator, you try your best, you understand?

F2030 I: Yes, I understand, ... ok, this was face to face communication, then the other communication is written communication, when they write you letters, are there also big problems, or do you have a solution for this?

F2031 F: Ok, that, that ... we can solve that problem, because there is the Caritas, .... it is possible and we take and we will request the Caritas to read it, ... and it is simple, there is no difficulty...

F2032 I: So written communication is smaller problem... because there are Caritas who translates for you...

F2033 F: Yeah, Caritas, they translate it..., no problem, that is no problem...

F2034 I: Ok, that is a good information,... ok, so then this was spoken and written communication, then the third big question is,..., you already mentioned it, I thought there might be also problems, cultural problems,... because in German..., in Germany I grow up and I know always there is contact with offices and... since we are children, we always have to go to offices and speak to offices, we know how to do this things, and that there are many different offices, ... but I can imagine, that for people from other cultures, who don't have this background with so many different offices, have problems or are confused, with all this kinds of offices and how... all the letters and so on... is this also a problem for you, for the people from Somalia?

F2035 F: No, nothing, nothing problem...

F2036 I: No?

F2037 F: Yeah...

F2038 I: So in Somalia, how is ... is there also much contact with offices?

F2039 F: Mhn, no, we, ... because still we did not get the status, but when we get the status, maybe we will contact to many different offices, but now, still we are you know /coverege?/ for the same places and two offices, but we didn't see any problems to another culture, that we hate or that we attractive, we will try to understand the people, ähm,... because we from our country, we will try to mix with the people...

F2040 I: Yeah,... but in Somalia, are there also many different offices?

F2041 F: No, not many differents,/.../, because Somalia there is no peace,

F2042 I: Yeah, ok...

F2043 F: There is no peace...

F2044 I: So in Somalia, there is more or less no contact with offices at all...

F2045 F: Yeeh, yeh, yeh, that's all...

F2046 I: Yeah? So in all your time in Somalia, did you have to go to offices?

F2047 F: Which offices?

F2048 I: All that you know...

F2049 F: No, ... if you, ... , when you stay in Somalia, there is no offices, because there is no administation, where there is no peace, there is no life, there is no order and ... law, you know, there is no law and order, ... but you can go some places or some buisiness places, but governmental offices or the foreign offices or there is no embassies in Somalia,... for the last twenty years, ...

F2050 I: So refugees from Somalia, they are not used to contact with offices...

F2051 F: In Somalia?

F2052 I: Yeah, it is something new for them? Offices and so on...

F2053 F: No, no, there is no offices...

F2054 I: In Somalia, there are no offices? Offices in general?

F2055 F: No, there is not... maybe there is äh... sometimes you can see United Nations offices some, but it is difficult to contact it, because there are many guards and many security forces, maybe, there are Somalis, there are suicide bombs, you know, some people, they don't like, because islamistic groups /al Shaabab?/ or let me see /Hisbolah Islam?/, so many different people, those you belive in another ideal, so maybe they will, the security, there are many security African forces for /Amisom?/, /Amisom?/ is ähm, ähm,... /Amisom?/ is African Misson Somalia, it is an abreviation African Misson Somalia, it is forces for especial to keep the peace, maybe they have representation in Mogadidschu and other places in Somalia, but it is difficult to contact, because the African troops, they would /kill you?/ /...) it is difficult to contact, but in Germany, you can contact, you can do whatever you like, you understand me question?

F2056 I: Yes, I understand what you said,... so you would say, this is not a problem for you, that,... that now here in Germany, äh,... you have to got to,... to these offices, ... this structure with offices and so on, this is not a real problem for you? The main problem is language problem?

F2057 F: It is only language problem...

F2058 I: Yeah?

F2059 F: But I hope, after six month over here, maybe we will,... we will contact everyone of Germany, ...

F2060 I: So there is not a real cultural problem?

F2061 F: No, there is nothing, ... we will try and I believe in my feasibility and personality... I don't think so, there is another problem, a cultural problem..., maybe you will see, when you new to this country, when you came to this country, you will see some people who is like this .../.../, you will be surprised, you ask you many questions,... why is this culture...

F2062 I: Yeah, ok,...no, because, what,...what I had in mind, it might also cause big problems for,... for refugees from Somalia is, that in Somalia, you told me also, there are not so many offices, ... and I thought maybe they get confused, now, they come to Germany and now they have to go to this office, to this office, to this office, ... I thought, maybe this causes confusion also...

F2063 F: Ok..., the person, when he was in Somalia, he knows something school or governmental or privat schools, or universities, or something like that, ... maybe, I think, he will not surprise ... this things... maybe he is an educated person, /.../... but when the person is ignorant, maybe he will surprise for everything, even the white people, why is there white people, ... some children, when you stay in Somalia, ... if you go Somalia, maybe the Somalian people, they will like to you, like to see you, ... all the children gather to you, even the girls and women, a white man,... not like resistant, they don't /need?/ you, but they need to listen you, where you from? you are from Asia, you are Germany, you are from USA, what do you want? I need to conversate you, I am interested in your language, ... but there is some people who believe in other things, so ... /.../

F2064 I: ... So once more, this is no problem, come here, and then have all this offices, you,... you adapt, ... in this point, you can easily adapt?

F2065 F: Yeah, yeh, yeh...

F2066 I: Yeah?, Ok, .... very good,... then... äh,... the last question is... what do you think, where might be...äh... solutions for this communication problem? As I understod it, for you, the main problem is, that you go to "Ausländerbehörde" and you can't speak German... this is the main problem...

F2067 F: Yeh,...

F2068 I: So how do you think, what could be a solution...

F2069 F: I would say, eh..., the solution will be,...eh all the Somalian people who stay here encourage to learn or try to understand the people, or to come to class, if they have a chance, because, the class is one day only, maybe someone who go "Sozialamt" or interview, ... if you have a chance, it is not good to sleep, ... to come here or to understand the language, after one year, I understand the language, after six month, maybe, I hope to understand the people, and I request the government, to give us, ... you know ticket for train, ... we will go "Tür an Tür", in our extra time, because, we have no anything, there is no ground football playing, or anything used to make excercice, ... we sleep here 24 hours, maybe we will be,... your mind will be crazy, if you stay here for a longer time... , I requested to get a ticket train, to go to "Tür an Tür" because we don't have a bus ticket, and some of the Somalian people, they don't bycilcle, äh.. cycle, you know, ... ähm,... but I hope, to get the extra time, for ticket for train, for "Tür an Tür" if it is possible...

F2070 I: So enable people to visit more language courses...

F2071 F: Yeah, yeh, yeh...

F2072 I: Yeah? And, this is one solution, and,... for those who come to Germany very new, do you think there are other possibilities, ... or other solutions?

F2073 F: ...mhm..., I tried to do, not for encouragement, how to learn, and ahm... deutsch language, ... because, if they learn deutsch, everything will be easy, ... everything will be easy, ... because, if you go another town,.../special cottage?/..., maybe you will get some Somalian people in Augsburg, but some people stay very far away, there is no Somali, there is no, maybe African, ... but, when you learn the language, maybe you will be German, you will try to understand, ... yeah, that's the only solution..., I hope..., the only solution, to understand the people for the native people of this country...., when you understand the people, maybe everything is easy to you,... that's my question... that's my answer...

F2074 I: Yeah... ok..., than...... thank you very much, that you took time .... I will interrupt now...

F2075 F: Ok..., ok..., we finished?

F2076 I: Yeah, we finished... äh,... it was little bit shorter, that...ähm..."Flüchtling 1", ... but with "Flüchtling 1" I also interrupted and then we were talking about other things, .... because I.... "Flüchtling 1" for example, he also proposed other solutions, äh,... for example, that in Ausländerbehörde people should speak english ... or accept english too... and I also think, this would be an easier solution... because most of the Germans know to speak English... and it will take you very long, until you have such a good German, that you will really understand everything in "Ausländerbehörde"...., so I think, this would even be the better solution... additionally with learning...ähm... with learning German....

F2077 F: But if you speaks English, ah, ... when you say, I speak english, I need translator, if they call someone who speaks english, I think that is, you know sidefective, you will not learn, ähm, deutsch, because,... everyday when you go to office, if you say, I don't speak deutsch, but please call me someone speaks, a girl or a boy who is there, who translates you, you will not try to learn deutsch,...

F2078 I: Ah,... yeah, ok...

F2079 F: But this is good for us,... it is our encouragement,....when we go to office, don't speak english, do you speak deutsch?, here we say deutsch, but, the six month is for earlier, when your new for this country, if you know english, maybe if they help you, that is no problem... but when you stay six month over here, when you say you don't speak deutsch, that's, that's your problem...

F2080 I: Ok..., I shouldn't have interrupted this, can you tell me once more,...

F2090 F: Yeah, yeh, yeh,

F2091 I: Yeah, ok, because it has to do with our... oh no, it was running, ..... I think it was still running, .... ah ok, but this is a very good point....

F2092 F: Yeah, that is a good point, yes....

F2093 I: So you think it makes sense, that there is only German spoken.... because this,... such, the refugees have to learn German...

F2094 F: Yeah, yeh, yeh,... all the refugees are encouraged, ... all the refugees....

F2095 I: Yeah, ok,..., yes, this is logical....

F2096 F: Yes, that is my question, yeah...

F2097 I: Ok...,

F2098 F: But, when,... if you are Somalian, when we stay here, and you,... our teacher, you say when we stay in the classroom, ... our teacher, where is, ... where is the Somalian guys, .... today they didn't come,... because sometimes, we go to offices, for one, two, three /motion?/ or "Social" or "Bundesamt", Abdallah and four of us, they have got their status, and they are busy for "Bundesamt", everyday,... and "Bundesamt" it works on Wednesday, Mittwoch, and /.../ Monday on Wednesday,... /I am afaid, we the status to stay?/, ... they are busy for that "Bundesamt", ... /.../

F2099 I: Ok,... now,... ok,.. I will once more, I am affraid, I will interrupt, because I have to write also everything, and otherwise, it will take me two weeks, just to..., because I also want to answer one thing you told now...