2019: Next steps

We’re excited to announce that our recent Project Grant proposal has been approved. 🙂 This means there will be lots of improvements coming up in 2019, with focus on improving stability and the upload experience for users.

Our first priority will be rewriting the legacy backend code to adhere to modern standards and reduce complexity (especially the network layer, which currently uses a deprecated API). This is aimed at resolving a few major lingering bugs (especially upload failures for a few users), as well as creating a solid technical foundation to base future improvements on. Several new features are slated for release after that, including filters and bookmarks for the “Nearby places that needs pictures” feature, a pause and resume function for uploads, and a “limited connection” mode.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us thus far, especially in the last rocky year! 🙂 At the conclusion of this grant, we hope to deliver a much better app to you.

2019: Next steps

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