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Leading the Australian Tiny House Movement

It is rare for one not to be intrigued when they first come across a Tiny House. The reason? There are many. Tiny Houses and the movement of Tiny Living offers not only cost-effective and simplified living solutions, but also provides an opportunity to create personal and financial freedom.

Here at Aussie Tiny Houses, we are passionate about our Tiny Houses and providing alternatives to the current housing market. To own your own home in Australia has almost become an impossible dream and for those fortunate enough to have acquired a large mortgage find themselves over-committed and bound by it, working long hours just to stay afloat.

Tiny Houses are a fantastic alternative with prices starting at around $59,900 AUD for a Turn Key complete Home. An affordable price tag, however, does not mean sacrificing quality. Our team here at Aussie Tiny Houses has over 35 years experience in the building and design industry. We specialise in optimising small spaces and designing beautiful, practical and affordable living solutions. We are passionate about sustainability and offer complete off-grid alternatives that will enable you to greatly reduce your ongoing living costs. Our off-grid solutions include solar, composting toilets and water catchment.

All our Tiny Houses are designed by our in-house designer Richard Smith (BArch) and his design team. We work closely together with each client to ensure their brief is not only met but also explored….bringing their Tiny House dream alive. From singles to couples, retirees to families, no client is the same but all are drawn to the idea of a simpler life. Offering a more cost-effective lifestyle, with more time to spend living (rather than working) and a view to minimising their attachment to material possessions.

“People are slowly waking up to the world we live in and choosing to live differently. Living Tiny is not only about housing, it’s also about lifestyle. A lifestyle where spending time outdoors is more important than time indoors. Nature is more appealing than large residential homes and time and freedom are more valuable than objects and possessions.”

(Fabio Paulucci, Managing Director of Aussie Tiny Houses)

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