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Going south

Now that my 1000+ page texts containing greek alphabets are safely out of sight, i’m going on a little trip down the coromandel to cool off my aching brain. With the current temperatures, not exactly sure if there will be anything remotely close to cooling off happening, but gliding through the serene backwaters of the worlds’ second largest mangrove forest (or so they claim) shall be a welcome change in surroundings.

So while everyone else i know would have passed out after flooding their liver with the post exam alcohol river, i’m going to be catching the 4am bus to Cuddalore with a bunch that takes pleasure in torturing the body with uncomfortable bus rides, trekking in 45degree temperatures and considering 3 peanuts as a wholesome meal. I’m just as mad, so cheers to me and credits to gapp for the sudden unplan .



at jaipur raailway station

from the most difficult point of the trip. Location: Jaipur Railway Station, Time: 0530, Temperature: ~3°C

This is where we spent 5 gruelling hours on 17 January, after our ride at 0115 to Agra was packed to capacity, and we didnt have enough cash for an upgrade to sleeper or for a room. The next train was at 0600.

From  L to R: PlaneMad, LSD, Andy

Off to the capital

Tomorrow night i will be leaving by the Tamil Nadu express to Delhi on a little post vacation holiday 😛 with two of my friends. Plan is to cover the golden triangle – Delhi, Agra and Jaipur, and maybe squeeze in a trip to dip in the ganges at haridwar to wash our sins away (been collecting them for a while now). The trip promises to be quite rough, given that the three of us are paisa pinchers, our budget is 3000 for a total of 10 days per person. So mostly will be sleeping under cars or at railway platforms hoping we dont freeze to death. Return to madras is on 20th, hopefully will make it back unscathed, wish me luck.

To Bangalore and back – Chapter 1 – UnPrepared

 Chennai central station at night

Amidst big question marks over being let inside dcamp due to late registration, me and andy set of for Bangalore on Saturday night. Being lazy as usual, the presentation that i had hoped to complete a week in advance was hastily being stitched together an hour before i was to leave for the station. My internet was conking off and adobe flash, which i was using to create the slides was proving to be a major pain. In that one hour, i realised that my whole presentation did not have a direction, and i myself became confused on what exactly my point was.
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Wheee, I V

The plans for our class Industrial Visit has finally been, well finalised! Dont let the name mislead you, its just a trick to get permission from the parents into sending their sons off to places like Bangalore and Pondicherry, places very much preferred by college guys for a variety of reasons that i shall not disclose here.

permission from parents please..

The permissions slips were handed out in class today and after giving myself permission, returned it. I get this incriminating look, something i get when i talk to a girl. “Signed by your parents” he says, “and return it tomorrow”. I contemplate faxing the piece of paper to Tampa for approval, a 20 year old guy asking permission to go 100kms from parents 20000kms away. I’ll lead my own life, thank you.
The plan is to reach the IBM-Lenovo complex  by 11am and take a 2 hour tour, after that its all upto us. The bad part is that we got to wear formals, so we are all set to make a style statement by frolicking at Pondy beach with formal clothing and maybe the girls in saree. Should be able to capture some nice pics 🙂

Im looking forward to the trip for two reasons:

1) Pictures! Mostly for blackmail purposes, hehe

2) There are a few pranks lined up, but the execution depends on the situation. Maybe i can get my class girls to reveal their deep dark secrets and hidden pasts. Oh wait, i dont think i want to hear that.

I beleive we will have roughly 4 hours free over there, we have been told that staying overnight has been prohibited, following this, a set has already decided not to come. Lets see how tomorrow turns out.