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deep learning cnn tracking prediction rnn autonomous driving detection intention segmentation gan reinforcement learning modularity trajectory camera driving behavior aggressive courteous abstraction primitive transfer learning database end-to-end lidar depth selfish pose estimation lstm stereo unsupervised regression pose behavior fusion classification imitation learning. gnn transform bev obstacle. social imitation learning crowd zebra crossing inter-city preference pedestrian supervised depth fusion slam data augmentation monocular vio vo projection mapping rpn keypoints completion adas inpainting 2d-to-3d calibration planning perception domain adaptation blending equirectangular spherical distortion surround view panorama omnidirectional fisheye point cloud gan. reinforcement learning. registration multi-task joint training bounding box 3d proposal 3d cuboid fcn vanishing point ego lane lane fitting lane localization gru lane detection prediction. rgb-d multiscale loss norm gradient mask encoder-decoder network sparse depth sensor sensor fusion encoder decoder annotation tools for training data localization data pipeline boosting denoising rain snow fog dust weather self driving monocular camera 3d object detection semantic active learning constrastive learning teacher-student pseudo label semi-supervised rcs frustum pointnets pointnet focal loss coordconv sar fpn doppler faster rcnn two stage one stage ssd region proposal radar feature anchoring rgb late fusion early fusion frontal view multi-modal cost volume yolo3d second depthcn pixor ipod hdnet lmnet birdnet rt3d voxelnet regnet simulation machine learning embodied ai nerf diffusion model world model llms foundation model cloud long tailed distribution data close loop conntrol decision making robotaxi adverse outliers dynamic scenario modeling scenarios clustering safety testing autonomous vehicles scenario-based self-supervised learning model testing and verification large scale model training platform data driven models cloud computing infrastructure and big data proces cameras annotation sensor data behaviors simulating safety transformer conditional interactive hypotheses forecasting dynamics multi-task learning interaction graph data lake open source code behavior planning trajectory prediction closed loop data pipeline engine kodiac robotics aururo nuro ike pony tron waymo via tusimple inceptio telsa semi plus.ai commercial truck 3d objeect detection monocular image distance occupancy sim-to-real unprojecting 3d 2d siamese network dtection-and-tracking multiple object tracking single object tracking self-supervised continual learning. knowledge transfer uncertainty modeling and estimation instance curriculum learning 3-d object detection uncertainty modeling open world multiple head backbone dpm color interpolation guided upsampling residually connected top-down module context semantic segmentation disparity pyramid stereo matching network dispsegnet segstereo object detection cornernet-lite keypoint triplets centernet objects as points ga-rpn region proposal by guided anchoring center and scale prediction foveabox fully convolutional one-stage fcos feature selective anchor-free fsaf extremenet cornernet yolo densebox unitbox single view metrology sfm pnp aspect graph selfish. route planners driving models e2e learning driving policies driving path failure prediction for autonomous driving lidar conditional affordance learning conditional imitation learning vehicle navigation trajectory features driver behaviors traffic constraints dynamic maneuvers autonomous planning autonovi end-to-end. traffic scenario road network learning recognizing modeling image enhancement boundary detection holistically-nested edge detection image restoration deepcontour image/depth superesolution dehazenet image deconvolution joint image processing colorization. image denoising deepedge edge aware filters artifact reduction denoiser prior image-based relocalization for slam low level feature description and matching structure from motion and scene flow view synthesis 3-d object modeling image-based modeling depth/disparity prediction parametric model small motion descriptor matching global method regularization and smoothness constraints horn schunck focus of expansion aperture problem large displacement field local method brightness constancy constraints total variation lucas-kanade algorithm optic flow essential matrix fundamental matrix semi-global matching dynamic programming hamming distance optic flow estimation single image disparity refinement rectification guided filter cost aggregation census transform belief propagation sparse coding graph cut disparity estimation passive stereo vision
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