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silostazol iloprost ve gen tedavisi periferik arte sclerotherapy repositioning the future of evar real life experie rat modelinde iskemi reperfuzyon hasari uzerine si perforan venlerin rf ablazyonu orientated foam sclerosis medium and long term results following evar succes management of aaa clinical practice guidelines of laparoscopic aortic surgery kronik venoz yetmezlikte kompresyon tedavisi kronik venoz yetmezlik tedavisinde seps uygulamala kronik venoz yetmezliginin medikal tedavisi combined common femoral endovenectomy and endolumi sağlıklı beslenme sunum fleboloji dernegi davetiyesi ultrasound assisted thrombolysis for vte turkish e twenty years of evar in the us the procedure that the role of cilostazol for the treatment of the hybrid vascular e ptfe graft as an alternative the hostile neck anatomical limits and far istanbu which varicose vein patients need treatment what`s new in buerger`s disease what is new in deep venous disease visceral debranching for the treatment of taaa vascular graft infection do we need antimicrobial tevar for the ruptured aneurysms the best medical treatment of venous insufficiency options for tough situation no evidence of ccsvi in multiple sclerosis the expanding clinical applications of tevar the diabetic foot disorder in arabs countries a ne takayasu’s disease stem cells therapy for peripheral arterial occlusi sensitivity of duplex ultrasound in evaluation of making the right choice in cvd management hybrid tevar for the treatment of aortic dissectio how should recently symptomatic patients be treate new technology new technique radiofrequency resul management of endoleaks after evar asvs 2013 lenfodem klinigi ve yeni siniflama lenf odem ve kompresyon tedavisi in the ongoing transition from open repair to evar impact of contralateral carotid or vertebral arter endovascular management of complex vascular malfor early cannulation a new model in delivering hemodi drug eluting balloons for critical limb ischaemia current role of tever in acute and chronic dissect experience in management of complicated vascular i expanding the role of covered stents for aneurysma evar in inflammatory aaa endovenous ablation new methods where do we go fro allograft replacement for infrarenal aortic gra a technical modification of carotid endarterectomy current indications of endovascular management of complications and management of av access combined carotid and coronary disease the strategy chronic critical limb ischemia ceap 5 6 hastalar icinperforator ablasyon carotid body tumors review of 56 cases behcet s disease new concepts in vascular involvem transplant cerrahlari ile kombine girisimler puf n varis tedavisinde klasik yontemler urgent management of tia turkiyede periferik arter hastaligi sikligi ve med treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. su total endovascular repair for thoraco abdominal ao torakoabdominal aort anevrizmalarinda girisimsel t tip a diseksiyon ve cıkan aort anevrizmalarının tip 1 aort diseksiyonunda hibrit tedavi jotec e-v tekrar kemik ve yumusak doku tumorlerinde kombine surgical treatment for aortic arch aneurysms surgical treatment acute dvt surgery has a limited role for pad with current en steam return to the future skleroterapi yontemleri ve hasta secimi renal tumorlerin vena cava inferiora tumor trombus perforator veins why and how to treat them uavt numarasi kompleks torasik aort hastaliklarinda acik cerrahi kok hucre tedavi yontemleri ile yeni damar olusumu karotis arter hastalarinda perioperati̇f etkin me karotid endarterektomi in most cases evar substituted conventional repair how can we reduce the mortality of ruptured aaa guncel calısmaların isiginda karotis arter darli guidelines in the management of carotid stenosis exvivo hayvan modelinde endovenoz termokoagulasyon eversion or standard carotid endarterectomy local evar'da perkutan girisim evar ve acik cerrahi maliyet karsilastirilmasi evar sonrasi anevrizma caplarinda degisim evar oncesi hazirlik anevrizma olcumu ve temel mal esmolol ve metoprololun endotel fonksiyonları uze epidural anestezinin abdominal aort cerrahisinde endovenous or surgical treatment of cvi diabetik hastalarda iskemik periferik arter hastal derin venoz yetersizlikte yuzeysel venoz cerrahini current status of endovenous ablation for the trea creative endovascular procedures for ischemic limb chimney greftler torakoabdominal aorta anevrizmala basarili arkus aorta konumlandirilmasi icin straje arcus ve inen aort diseksiyonunda jotec evita open aort hastaliklarinda standart endovaskuler tedavi aort anevrizmalarinin hibrid tedavisi aort anevrizmalarinda dogal seyir ve tedavi secene aort anevrizmalarında chimney (baca) ve snorkel ( acute traumatic aortic rupture aaa tedavisinde klasik cerrahi demode mi oldu
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