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and many plasmids. thus they need to dependent host cell factors for no apical growth caused by early infection. replic and twisting of leaves. short internodes and stun curling the virus strains and the presence of mixed infect and consists of 22 capsomers. the capsid is 30nm l or twinned icosahedral virions that consists of a capsid. th both segments must be transmitted to the host for and the segmented genome is 4800-5600 nucleotides reduced yields. ss circular dna diverge in both di streaks stunting leaf curling yellow mottle yellow mosaic divided among 9 genera. diseases associated with t inroduction:plant viruses are viruses that affect nausea. lab diagnosis:presence of malarial parasit arthralgia myalgia head ache mild enlargement of spleen is seen and abdominal pain seen in malaria. due to rupture p. ovale. life cycle:following the bite of an infe p. malariae p. falciparum p. vivax sickle shaped sporozoite in blood by the bite of a the infection is due to the inoculation of slender a vertebrate and blood sucking invertebrate. in ma in 1880. grassy provided a scientific proof for noticed plasmodium in the blood of malarial patie for the first time a british military surgeon rigors which occurs typically and periodically eve chills malaria:malaria is a mosquito borne parasitic dise mycetoma is often at an advanced stage when diagno relatively pain –free progression of the disease due to the slow pas(periodic acid shiffs stain) and grocott’s meth definition: madura foot or mycetoma (tumour-like) enzymes and other bio-chemicals. (7) differ­entiat major and minor. *one turn of 360° of the sp the dna duplex comes to have two types of alternat 4.7 million base pairs in e.coli and more than 3 b e.g. coli-phage ф x 174). *dna is the largest mac structure of dna: *helically twisted double chain enumeration is counting of microorganisms present forming a supercoiled molecule that binds to histo the single stranded nicks in the viral dna are re used exclusively in the genetic manipulation of pl contains 11 species and 6 possible members. signi introduction: the first plant virus shown to have 616 page.no: 253 237 brock biology of microorganism the linear dna molecule is cleaved from the circl due to which it is named as rolling circle model. using the unbroken strand as a template. the poly by the action of: a) helicase b) top especially in the field of biosensing (as a method such as plasmids. * eucaryotic also replicate. definition - rolling circle replication is a proce acute diarrhoeal disease definition infecti meat preservation swab method microbiological tests - direct plate count method ash content protein content fat content texture chemical tests - water content light humidity ph flavours. physcial test - temperature odours sensory evaluation - appearance factors microbiological changes chemical changes physical changes example for products definition prognosis treatment clinical feature lifecycle morphology taxonomy
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