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visual studio .net microsoft .net framework net teched africa javascript c# visual studio 2012 visual studio lightswitch microsoft visual studio lightswitch alm development windows 8 azure appfabric wcf design architecture visual studio 11 tfs tools mvc visual studio 2010 rest java kotlin typescript software development mtm async teched 2011 roslyn asp.net cloud windows survival guide aspnet dev4devs programming git microsoft test manager apps open source jsinsa css tips & tricks winrt team foundation server conference conferences dvcs coderush stylecop wordpress api devdayssa devdays wf caching teched testing microsoft visual studio 2010 ssis source control subversion 35 ide services jquery pull fork github ransomware hacking cybersecurity information security security owasp devops jaxrs tradeoffs tech lead kubernetes docker jib datastore micronaut google gcp microservice openstreetmaps nomatim chrome audit webpack decorators vuelidate testcafe lighthouse vscode sass mobx vuex angular react vue jvm functional programming csharp survival devconf software testing vorlon.js edge project westminster manifold.js windows 10 ecmascript es6 visual studio code microsoft edge sublime winjs visual studio 2015 work items lab manager team rooms feedback client software tfvc vso client server release manager visual studio online c# 6 code powershell virtual machine chef xamarin cordova puppet agile africa scrum agile ruck alm rangers rangers tutorial small basic hour of code code.org amazon appharbour web services shoestring developer developer user group visual studio 2013 technology public speaking presentation skills presentation slide creation javascript library creative commons licenses license gpl licensing it pro popi south africa protection of personal information bill less web development html windows store apps mvvm professional development coded ui ui automation proven practise ci psake build continous integration continuous deployment jenkins metro charms xaml share fxcop nuget gps environment enumerators contracts code contracts x64 vsix mef extending plugins c# 5 mono project mono aspect orientated development aspect orientated programming postsharp aop aod symbian nokia c++ qt mercurial plinq task multicore multitasking tpl parallel extensions threading thread parallel ghostdoc r# resharper plugin extensions add-on addon productivity power tools joomla drupal windows phone 7 codepack windows 7 shell power taskbar code pack icons workflow foundation t4 odata teched 2010 codedui sharepoint redmine behaviour driven development behavior driven development bdd windows server appfabric reflection c sikuli sql server integration services proven practices best practices http patterns anti-patterns restful enterprise library p&p microsoft patterns and practices enterprise librar patterns and practices ndepend microsoft net net 4 webforms ajax net c threading multi-threading training introduct dynamics crm server sql integration 101 version control dynamic data json framework adonet data south africa linqpresentation skills
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