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performance management - herman augnis performance management training evaluation recruitment human resource planning industrial relation emotional intelligence organizational culture employee performance appraisal internal training vs external training. modern instructional approaches traditional instructional approaches instructional approaches: an overview motivation business writing-skills psychological testing balanced scorecard job analysis personality human engineering employee well-being perception job analyisis performance indices selection stress managment performance execution performance decisions reward decisions impact of improper objective on organizational per balanced scorecard 1 instructional approaches. training & development trainer’s role learning designing and conducting train employee development training methods and transfer strategic training and develop training design process training future of work entrepreneurial success power of hrm human capital management communication power and leadership organizational structure decision making planning management recruitment and selection time management research methodology writing literature review shrm role in creating value guest model purpose of human resource management model matching model human resource management model harvard model storey model best practice model best fit model bath people and performance model continuous improvement quality management knowledge management organizational transformation change management organizational development organizational effectiveness policies and procedure hrm functional strategies business strategies vision translate mission strategy management process strategic hrm approaches to strategic hrm hr strategies hard & soft elements of hrm portor five forces pestel swot value chain analysis resource-based view (rbv) vrio analysis macro environmental factors environment - overview macro environmental factors workers' participation performance-appraisal code of discipline human resource management managing expats myth and reality expatriate culture life india an outlook teachers covid19 remote teaching employee perspectives e-government adoption barriers drivers drivers and barriers e-government conceptual framework citizen adoption path to achieve workplace teacher’s happiness pyramid of teacher critical success factors for teachers training of trainees internal trainer vs external training qualities of a good trainers designing and conducting training program trainer importance of training and development in organiza differences of training and development need for training and development introduction: introduction to training motivational theories. trainee motivation to learn trainee readiness challenges to become learning organization models for becoming learning organization learning principles stages of learning learning styles blooms taxonomy the learning environment: learning theories- gagne writing a-business-report professional phone-email-etiquette- presentations kills cross cultural communication business report minutes of meeting agenda gilligan model. ethics of care - law and morality: kohlberg model retributive justice & compensatory justice ethics of justice : distributive justice kantian right & categorical imperative negative right positive right legal right non consequential ethics of rights : moral right traditional ethical theories : consequential applied ethics deontological ethics & ethics by virtue) normative ethics( telelogical ethics meta ethics subjectivism relativism ethics & value: ethical absolutism understanding ethics: morality significance and management dynamics of formal wo types of groups stages of group development: the individual behaviour values and job attitudes organizational behaviour management thoughts business communication cross-cultural training career planning and development techniques of executive development career plannin designing executive development programme techniqu training need assessment training methods trainin employee training establishing the performance management system employee benefits establishing reward and pay plans employee benefits ensuring a safe and healthy work disciplinary procedure model discipline -definition grievance procedures grievance- definition layoff and exit interviews resignation and termination of contract termination of employment: retirement methods of performance appraisal 360 degree feedback system suggestion for increasing effectiveness of mbo key elements of mbo management by objectives appraisal interview from managers and employee per appraisal interview need of a potential appraisal system methods of evaluating employee potential difference between indian ethos & ethics basic concept of indian ethos basic concept of indian ethos indian ethos impor contemporary csr corporate sustainability reputat social responsibility theories trademarks and copy rights. patents designs intellectual property rights ethics in information technology ethics in human resource ethics in finance ethics and marketing ethics and social responsibility ethical issues in capitalism and market systems ethics impact in business rightsizing. placement and induction various types of tests selection methods selecting human resources types of recruitment flexible work schedule employee involvement job analysis and job design acquiring human resources performance appraisal human resource-management performance management - compensation recutment assignemnt ihrm assignemnt management- caselets on management the use-of-social-media-in-the-recruitment-process international hrm assignment - performance caselets on management introduction to staffin employee health and well being industrial psychology what is psychological assessment types of psychological testing assessment centers psychology testing how do team incentives compare to individual incen when to reward employees with more responsibility designing an effective pay for performance compens teams vs. individual incentives team based compensation vs. individual rewarding employee performance reward &recognition procedure pms manual pms audit performance measurement techniques performance coaching and mentoring team-based rewards structures and their impact on performance appraisal survey demo list of competences and competency indicators kpi examples types of key performance indicators individual vs team rewards how to make effort rewarding competencies audit report employee retention - human resource l concepts l t whirlpool employer branding succession planning career planning &amp human resource information system hris employer branding interviewing employee transfers best practice in recruitment and selection technology in recruitment emotional intelligence for personal growth conflict emotional intelligence models kpi examples types of key performance indicators whitepapers top-five-talent-acquisition-trends current trends in recruitment and selection 6 staffing system and retention management 5 career planning & succession planning 1 introduction to staffing repatriation international industrial relations (iir) international compensation cross cultural training international staffing cross cultural management
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