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online learning social presence instructional design community of inquiry teaching online teaching presence twitter higher education patrick lowenthal powerpoint discourse research narrative education teaching jing social networking presentations social media storytelling presence seo web presence language professional development faculty development online teaching digital storytelling elearning faculty educational technology tweet aera infographics infographic identity story online education online faculty development screen capture techsmith screencast jing project typology web 20 digital footprint rhetoric perceptions digital stories facebook and teaching presence community building community of learners personal learning networks course design theory computer-mediated communication stories learning joni dunlap p r lowenthal joanna c dunlap students graphics aect distance education context center for digital storytelling eportfolio pecha kucha ignite music online discussions teacher education mathematics noticing attentiveness collaboration definitions connection community intimacy immediacy best practices presentation open access journals preprint persona massive open online courses quality matters course quality moocs quality assurance message design visualization visual literacy graphic design data visualization digital literacy intentional web presence social media presence online video instructional videos screencasts video feedback coi instructor presence online discourse business lakoff education reform frames comparison teachers adjuncts group work face to face teaching and faculty perceptions face-to-face college teaching metaphor school reform and frame reform linguistics and teaching quality cases teaching presence and coi difference and differences multimedia movies and first person course development and web camp teaching and learning distance learning time accreditation assessment and eportfolios evaluation online identity visibility publications and web presence web image search engine optimisation influence dissertation presenters technology speech conferences blogging and post secondary motivation and best learning experience student engagment graduate education graduate programs admissions doctoral education persistence attrition retention creative design creativity discussions journals open access edtech google scholarship search engine ranking joanna dunlap quality lessons learned cu online integrating media video images online courses audio lifelong learning digital music instructional designers learning online post-secondary teaching & learning social interaction patrick r lowenthal storyboard student learning google forms google docs
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