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21st Century Skills
Webinar Protocol
Activate Prior Knowledge (10 min.)

         Draw the 21st Century Learner
        (Table work, Display & Describe)

 What Have Teachers ALWAYS Needed? (5 min.)

      Content (What #3) & Pedagogy (How #4)

Engagement standard? – Engagement reflection ?s
  (Look back at poster)
Learning Objectives
• Understanding of 21st Century skills
21st Century Defined
• http://answergarden.ch/view/30863
Old School or New School?
• http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/fro

• Screen shot and hyperlink
• Poster Activity
21st Century Skills...Why?

Shifts in Learning Environments

• Insert Transforming Learning
  Environments Chart
21st Century Skills...Why?

Top: Core Content & Outcomes


                                  image citation:
What are the 4 C's?
         •   communication
         •   collaboration
         •   critical thinking
         •   creativity
Learning and innovation skills are
what separate students who are
prepared for increasingly complex
life and work environments in the
21st century and those who are not."
                  Principal's Evaluation Handbook (insert p. #)
What do you “C”?

  Critical Thinking


                                     Archipoch / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
“Above and Beyond”

                Video: www.p21.org
Top: Core Content & Outcomes


                                image citation:
Identify the themes present in the following lesson
plan scenarios.

Tools and Resources
• list wiki sites, websites, articles?
How does
       all of this
      tie into the

Standard I: Teachers Demonstrate Leadership
Standard II:
Standard III:
Standard IV
Standard V:
21st century skills 6-20-12
Using the following Google form, reflect for a moment
   and answer the following questions as a group:

Think of ONE change in your school/district that
  will need to be made to support 21st Century

What role will you take in making that ONE thing

"The change in classrooms isn't big
      moves on the chess board,
it's little moves made every day that
 eventually add up to a major shift."
                       -adapted from quote by Jay Baer
•   Robert Sox
•   Heather Mullins
•   Jason Rhodes
•   Abbey Askew Futrell
• Give them more time to connect and
  interact with each other.
Active Engagement
Webinar Protocol
What have teachers always needed?

        What?        How?
Google Form
• How do we engage learners?
• What makes a learning experience
    engaging for you?
•   Think about your own school/district...
    Share an example of a time when you
    experienced students actively engaged in
    their learning.
Are what and how enough?

   Content     Pedagogy
Tools for Active Engagement

Video of Engagement or Us

• https://www.teachingchannel.org/vid
Pedagogical Knowledge

  Who the learners are.
  Why you're teaching a certain topic,
  concept or skill.
  Where the lessons are going to take you.
  How to teach.
A Memorable Class
Content Knowledge

 • Within a given field, knowing...
   o Central Facts
   o Concepts
   o Theories
   o Procedures
Take the Content Knowledge Quiz

What do you know?
1. Why do large trees have a difficult
   time living in a tundra?
 A. A Tundra is too hot for trees to grow large.
 B. Animals that live in a tundra destroy most vegetation.
 C. Flooding occurs too often in a tundra for large trees to grow.
 D. The soil in a tundra is too poor for large trees to grow.
21st century skills 6-20-12
Technology in Education
21st century skills 6-20-12
21st century skills 6-20-12
One reflects knowledge…...

...the other builds knowledge.
Technology Knowledge

•   Standard Technology
    o   Books and chalkboards
    o   More recent technologies like the internet and digital
•   Digital Technology
    o   Operating systems and computer hardware
    o   Software tools like word processors, spreadsheets,
        presentation software, web browsers, email, etc.
Putting it all together
21st century skills 6-20-12
Aligning to the Standards

Lucid Chart

• After exploring TPACK, what have we
  learned about technology use and
  student engagement?
Useful Links

• CITE Journal
• The Innovative Educator
• Henrico 21
• Creately Diagram Maker
21st century skills 6-20-12

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21st century skills 6-20-12

Editor's Notes

  1. Add screenshot
  2. Insert four slides defining the four conditions, select where you are. Then have audience take quiz.After assessment discuss differences, etc.
  3. As we watch, think about what is on your 21st century posters Does this video validate your thoughts?Can you identify any “missing” elements?
  4. *archive lucidchartWhat does that look like in a real classroom. Find a real video showcasing the 21st century skills from Teaching Channel, etc. Tie into teacher evaluation tool. Show teaching standards using the star codes. How would that look on an evaluation?ACTIVITYWhat did you see?How do you know?How do you counsel the teacher to move where they need to be?
  5. Card activityQUESTIONS:What messages might this video convey to teachers as they think about their students?What messages might this video convey to teachers as they think about their teaching?Do your teachers currently think like this?What would they need to do it more/better?As a building leader, how do you facilitate this?Copy later in the presentation and ask what might this video sayabout us as 21st Century professionals?
  6. Add words to pictures in stixy.
  7. Give out different standards.Ask audience to find reasons to teach and use the 4 Cs in each of the standards.Looking at standards 1-4Why didn’t we look at 5? Individual/reflection on personal practiceClarify the difference between elements and descriptors. (Label diagram)Where did you find it most often?4Cs on a poster for posting.Have groups share out and look at the ratings most highlighted.
  8. IA. They establish a safe, …IB. Teachers work collaboratively…IC. Teachers strive to improve…ID. Teachers advocate for schools…
  9. Use a Google form to capture questions and place link to answers for future reference.Create group iconsMake table tent names/numberscreate group passwords\r\nGroup 1\r\nGroup 2 etc.
  10. Remember structure and choice
  11. Change this to lunch. Keep slide and insert where a break would occur.
  12. The 4 Cs rely on an environment of active engagement. Students won’t think critically if they’re not engaged, collaboration won’t be useful if they’re not engaged, communication is about engagement, creativity is the essence of active engagement as it’s taking thoughts and actions further.
  13. Find the right answer and go with consensus, and if you think it’s something different OK, but the will of the group must be acted upon.Collaborate/ConsensusIN what ways was having three people answer the question an advantage? A disadvantage? (Ask at the end)