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Intelligence Machine Vision Lab
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2019 CVPR paper overview
Ho Seong Lee
2Type A-3
• CVPR 2019 Statistics
• 20 paper-one page summary
3Type A-3
CVPR 2019 Statistics
• What is CVPR?
• Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
• CVPR was first held in 1983 and has been held annually
• CVPR 2019: June 16th – June 20th in Long Beach, CA
4Type A-3
CVPR 2019 Statistics
• CVPR 2019 statistics
• The total number of papers is increasing every year and this year has increased significantly!
• We can visualize main topic using title of paper and simple python script!
• https://github.com/hoya012/CVPR-Paper-Statistics
28.4% 30%
5Type A-3
CVPR 2019 Statistics
2019 CVPR paper statistics
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CVPR 2018 Statistics
2018 CVPR paper statistics
Compared to 2018 Statistics..
7Type A-3
CVPR 2018 vs CVPR 2019 Statistics
• Most of the top keywords were maintained
• Image, detection, 3d, object, video, segmentation, adversarial, recognition, visual …
• “graph”, “cloud”, “representation” are about twice as frequent
• graph : 15 → 45
• representation: 25 → 48
• cloud: 16 → 35
8Type A-3
Before beginning..
• It does not mean that it is not an interesting article because it is not in the list.
• Since I mainly studied Computer Vision, most papers that I will discuss today are
Computer Vision papers..
• Topics not covered today
• Natural Language Processing
• Reinforcement Learning
• Robotics
• Etc..?
9Type A-3
1. Learning to Synthesize Motion Blur (oral)
• Synthesizing a motion blurred image from a pair of unblurred sequential images
• Motion blur is important in cinematography, and artful photo
• Generate a large-scale synthetic training dataset of motion blurred images
Recommended reference: “Super SloMo: High Quality Estimation of Multiple Intermediate Frames for Video Interpolation”, 2018 CVPR
10Type A-3
2. Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatially-Adaptive Normalization (oral)
• Synthesizing photorealistic images given an input semantic layout
• Spatially-adaptive normalization can keep semantic information
• This model allows user control over both semantic and style as synthesizing images
Demo Code: https://github.com/NVlabs/SPADE
11Type A-3
3. SiCloPe: Silhouette-Based Clothed People (Oral)
• Reconstruct a complete and textured 3D model of a person from a single image
• Use 2D Silhouettes and 3D joints of a body pose to reconstruct 3D mesh
• An effective two-stage 3D shape reconstruction pipeline
• Predicting multi-view 2D silhouettes from single input segmentation
• Deep visual hull based mesh reconstruction technique
Recommended reference: “BodyNet: Volumetric Inference of 3D Human Body Shapes”, 2018 ECCV
12Type A-3
4. Im2Pencil: Controllable Pencil Illustration from Photographs
• Propose controllable photo-to-pencil translation method
• Modeling pencil outline(rough, clean), pencil shading(4 types)
• Create training data pairs from online websites(e.g., Pinterest) and use image filtering techniques
Demo Code: https://github.com/Yijunmaverick/Im2Pencil
13Type A-3
5. End-to-End Time-Lapse Video Synthesis from a Single Outdoor Image
• End-to-end solution to synthesize a time-lapse video from single image
• Use time-lapse videos and image sequences during training
• Use only single image during inference
Input image(single)
14Type A-3
6. StoryGAN: A Sequential Conditional GAN for Story Visualization
• Propose a new task called Story Visualization using GAN
• Sequential conditional GAN based StoryGAN
• Story Encoder – stochastic mapping from story to an low-dimensional embedding vector
• Context Encoder – capture contextual information during sequential image generation
• Two Discriminator – Image Discriminator & Story Discriminator
Context Encoder
15Type A-3
7. Image Super-Resolution by Neural Texture Transfer (oral)
• Improve “RefSR” even when irrelevant reference images are provided
• Traditional Single Image Super-Resolution is extremely challenging (ill-posed problem)
• Reference-based(RefSR) utilizes rich texture from HR references .. but.. only similar Ref images
• Adaptively transferring the texture from Ref Images according to their texture similarity
Recommended reference: “CrossNet: An end-to-end reference-based super resolution network using cross-scale warping”, 2018 ECCV
16Type A-3
8. DVC: An End-to-end Deep Video Compression Framework (oral)
• Propose the first end-to-end video compression deep model
• Conventional video compression use predictive coding architecture and encode corresponding
motion information and residual information
• Taking advantage of both classical compression and neural network
• Use learning based optical flow estimation
17Type A-3
9. Defense Against Adversarial Images using Web-Scale Nearest-Neighbor Search (oral)
• Defense adversarial attack using Big-data and image manifold
• Assume that adversarial attack move the image away from the image manifold
• A successful defense mechanism should aim to project the images back on the image manifold
• For tens of billions of images, search a nearest-neighbor images (K=50) and use them
• Also propose two novel attack methods to break nearest neighbor defenses
18Type A-3
10. Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
• Examine a collection of some refinements and empirically evaluate their impact
• Improve ResNet-50’s accuracy from 75.3% to 79.29% on ImageNet with some refinements
• Efficient Training
• FP32 with BS=256 → FP16 with BS=1024 with some techniques
• Training Refinements:
• Cosine Learning Rate Decay / Label Smoothing / Knowledge Distillation / Mixup Training
• Transfer from classification to Object Detection, Semantic Segmentation
Linear scaling LR
LR warmup
Zero γ initialization in BN
No bias decay
Result of Efficient Training
Result of Training refinements
ResNet tweaks
19Type A-3
11. Fully Learnable Group Convolution for Acceleration of Deep Neural Networks
• Automatically learn the group structure in training stage with end-to-end manner
• Outperform standard group convolution
• Propose an efficient strategy for index re-ordering
20Type A-3
12. ScratchDet:Exploring to Train Single-Shot Object Detectors from Scratch (oral)
• Explore to train object detectors from scratch robustly
• Almost SOTA detectors are fine-tuned from pretrained CNN (e.g., ImageNet)
• The classification and detection have different degrees of sensitivity to translation
• The architecture is limited by the classification network(backbone) → inconvenience!
• Find that one of the overlooked points is BatchNorm!
Recommended reference: “DSOD: Learning Deeply Supervised Object Detectors from Scratch”, 2017 ICCV
21Type A-3
13. Precise Detection in Densely Packed Scenes
• Propose precise detection in densely packed scenes
• In real-world, there are many applications of object detection (ex, detection and count # of object)
• In densely packed scenes, SOTA detector can’t detect accurately
(1) layer for estimating the Jaccard index (2) a novel EM merging unit (3) release SKU-110K dataset
22Type A-3
14. SIXray: A Large-scale Security Inspection X-ray Benchmark for Prohibited Item Discovery in Overlapping Images
• Present a large-scale dataset and establish a baseline for security inspection X-ray
• Total 1,059,231 X-ray images in which 6 classes of 8,929 prohibited items
• Propose an approach named class-balanced hierarchical refinement(CHR) and class-balanced loss
23Type A-3
15. Generalized Intersection over Union: A Metric and A Loss for Bounding Box Regressio
• Address the weaknesses of IoU and introduce generalized version(GIoU)
• Intersection over Union(IoU) is the most popular evaluation metric used in object detection
• But, there is a gap between optimizing distance losses and maximizing IoU
• Introducing generalized IoU as both a new loss and a new metric
24Type A-3
16. Bounding Box Regression with Uncertainty for Accurate Object Detection
• Propose novel bounding box regression loss with uncertainty
• Most of datasets have ambiguities and labeling noise of bounding box coordinate
• Network can learns to predict localization variance for each coordinate
25Type A-3
17. UPSNet: A Unified Panoptic Segmentation Network (oral)
• Propose a unified panoptic segmentation network(UPSNet)
• Semantic segmentation + Instance segmentation = panoptic segmentation
• Semantic Head + Instance Head + Panoptic head → end-to-end manner
Recommended reference: “Panoptic Segmentation”, 2018 arXiv
Countable objects → things
Uncountable objects → stuff
Deformable Conv Mask R-CNN Parameter-free
26Type A-3
18. SFNet: Learning Object-aware Semantic Correspondence (Oral)
• Propose SFNet for semantic correspondence problem
• Propose to use images annotated with binary foreground masks and synthetic geometric
deformations during training
• Manually selecting point correspondences is so expensive!!
• Outperform SOTA on standard benchmarks by a significant margin
27Type A-3
19. Fast Interactive Object Annotation with Curve-GC
• Propose end-to-end fast interactive object annotation tool (Curve-GCN)
• Predict all vertices simultaneously using a Graph Convolutional Network, (→ Polygon-RNN X)
• Human annotator can correct any wrong point and only the neighboring points are affected
Recommended reference: “Efficient interactive annotation of segmentation datasets with polygon-rnn++ ”, 2018 CVPR
Code: https://github.com/fidler-lab/curve-gcn
28Type A-3
20. FickleNet: Weakly and Semi-supervised Semantic Image Segmentation using Stochastic Inference
• Propose image-level WSSS method using stochastic inference (dropout)
• Localization maps(CAM) only focus on the small parts of objects → Problem
• FickleNet allows a single network to generate multiple CAM from a single image
• Does not require any additional training steps and only adds a simple layer
Full Stochastic
Both Training
and Inference
29Type A-3
Related Post..
• In my personal blog, there are similar works
• NeurIPS 2018
• ICLR 2019
Thank you

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2019 cvpr paper_overview

  • 1. Intelligence Machine Vision Lab Strictly Confidential 2019 CVPR paper overview SUALAB Ho Seong Lee
  • 2. 2Type A-3 Contents • CVPR 2019 Statistics • 20 paper-one page summary
  • 3. 3Type A-3 CVPR 2019 Statistics • What is CVPR? • Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) • CVPR was first held in 1983 and has been held annually • CVPR 2019: June 16th – June 20th in Long Beach, CA
  • 4. 4Type A-3 CVPR 2019 Statistics • CVPR 2019 statistics • The total number of papers is increasing every year and this year has increased significantly! • We can visualize main topic using title of paper and simple python script! • https://github.com/hoya012/CVPR-Paper-Statistics 28.4% 30% 29.9% 29.6% 25.1%
  • 5. 5Type A-3 CVPR 2019 Statistics 2019 CVPR paper statistics
  • 6. 6Type A-3 CVPR 2018 Statistics 2018 CVPR paper statistics Compared to 2018 Statistics..
  • 7. 7Type A-3 CVPR 2018 vs CVPR 2019 Statistics • Most of the top keywords were maintained • Image, detection, 3d, object, video, segmentation, adversarial, recognition, visual … • “graph”, “cloud”, “representation” are about twice as frequent • graph : 15 → 45 • representation: 25 → 48 • cloud: 16 → 35
  • 8. 8Type A-3 Before beginning.. • It does not mean that it is not an interesting article because it is not in the list. • Since I mainly studied Computer Vision, most papers that I will discuss today are Computer Vision papers.. • Topics not covered today • Natural Language Processing • Reinforcement Learning • Robotics • Etc..?
  • 9. 9Type A-3 1. Learning to Synthesize Motion Blur (oral) • Synthesizing a motion blurred image from a pair of unblurred sequential images • Motion blur is important in cinematography, and artful photo • Generate a large-scale synthetic training dataset of motion blurred images Recommended reference: “Super SloMo: High Quality Estimation of Multiple Intermediate Frames for Video Interpolation”, 2018 CVPR
  • 10. 10Type A-3 2. Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatially-Adaptive Normalization (oral) • Synthesizing photorealistic images given an input semantic layout • Spatially-adaptive normalization can keep semantic information • This model allows user control over both semantic and style as synthesizing images Demo Code: https://github.com/NVlabs/SPADE
  • 11. 11Type A-3 3. SiCloPe: Silhouette-Based Clothed People (Oral) • Reconstruct a complete and textured 3D model of a person from a single image • Use 2D Silhouettes and 3D joints of a body pose to reconstruct 3D mesh • An effective two-stage 3D shape reconstruction pipeline • Predicting multi-view 2D silhouettes from single input segmentation • Deep visual hull based mesh reconstruction technique Recommended reference: “BodyNet: Volumetric Inference of 3D Human Body Shapes”, 2018 ECCV
  • 12. 12Type A-3 4. Im2Pencil: Controllable Pencil Illustration from Photographs • Propose controllable photo-to-pencil translation method • Modeling pencil outline(rough, clean), pencil shading(4 types) • Create training data pairs from online websites(e.g., Pinterest) and use image filtering techniques Demo Code: https://github.com/Yijunmaverick/Im2Pencil
  • 13. 13Type A-3 5. End-to-End Time-Lapse Video Synthesis from a Single Outdoor Image • End-to-end solution to synthesize a time-lapse video from single image • Use time-lapse videos and image sequences during training • Use only single image during inference Input image(single)
  • 14. 14Type A-3 6. StoryGAN: A Sequential Conditional GAN for Story Visualization • Propose a new task called Story Visualization using GAN • Sequential conditional GAN based StoryGAN • Story Encoder – stochastic mapping from story to an low-dimensional embedding vector • Context Encoder – capture contextual information during sequential image generation • Two Discriminator – Image Discriminator & Story Discriminator Context Encoder
  • 15. 15Type A-3 7. Image Super-Resolution by Neural Texture Transfer (oral) • Improve “RefSR” even when irrelevant reference images are provided • Traditional Single Image Super-Resolution is extremely challenging (ill-posed problem) • Reference-based(RefSR) utilizes rich texture from HR references .. but.. only similar Ref images • Adaptively transferring the texture from Ref Images according to their texture similarity Recommended reference: “CrossNet: An end-to-end reference-based super resolution network using cross-scale warping”, 2018 ECCV Similar Different
  • 16. 16Type A-3 8. DVC: An End-to-end Deep Video Compression Framework (oral) • Propose the first end-to-end video compression deep model • Conventional video compression use predictive coding architecture and encode corresponding motion information and residual information • Taking advantage of both classical compression and neural network • Use learning based optical flow estimation
  • 17. 17Type A-3 9. Defense Against Adversarial Images using Web-Scale Nearest-Neighbor Search (oral) • Defense adversarial attack using Big-data and image manifold • Assume that adversarial attack move the image away from the image manifold • A successful defense mechanism should aim to project the images back on the image manifold • For tens of billions of images, search a nearest-neighbor images (K=50) and use them • Also propose two novel attack methods to break nearest neighbor defenses
  • 18. 18Type A-3 10. Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks • Examine a collection of some refinements and empirically evaluate their impact • Improve ResNet-50’s accuracy from 75.3% to 79.29% on ImageNet with some refinements • Efficient Training • FP32 with BS=256 → FP16 with BS=1024 with some techniques • Training Refinements: • Cosine Learning Rate Decay / Label Smoothing / Knowledge Distillation / Mixup Training • Transfer from classification to Object Detection, Semantic Segmentation Linear scaling LR LR warmup Zero γ initialization in BN No bias decay Result of Efficient Training Result of Training refinements ResNet tweaks
  • 19. 19Type A-3 11. Fully Learnable Group Convolution for Acceleration of Deep Neural Networks • Automatically learn the group structure in training stage with end-to-end manner • Outperform standard group convolution • Propose an efficient strategy for index re-ordering
  • 20. 20Type A-3 12. ScratchDet:Exploring to Train Single-Shot Object Detectors from Scratch (oral) • Explore to train object detectors from scratch robustly • Almost SOTA detectors are fine-tuned from pretrained CNN (e.g., ImageNet) • The classification and detection have different degrees of sensitivity to translation • The architecture is limited by the classification network(backbone) → inconvenience! • Find that one of the overlooked points is BatchNorm! Recommended reference: “DSOD: Learning Deeply Supervised Object Detectors from Scratch”, 2017 ICCV
  • 21. 21Type A-3 13. Precise Detection in Densely Packed Scenes • Propose precise detection in densely packed scenes • In real-world, there are many applications of object detection (ex, detection and count # of object) • In densely packed scenes, SOTA detector can’t detect accurately (1) layer for estimating the Jaccard index (2) a novel EM merging unit (3) release SKU-110K dataset
  • 22. 22Type A-3 14. SIXray: A Large-scale Security Inspection X-ray Benchmark for Prohibited Item Discovery in Overlapping Images • Present a large-scale dataset and establish a baseline for security inspection X-ray • Total 1,059,231 X-ray images in which 6 classes of 8,929 prohibited items • Propose an approach named class-balanced hierarchical refinement(CHR) and class-balanced loss function
  • 23. 23Type A-3 15. Generalized Intersection over Union: A Metric and A Loss for Bounding Box Regressio • Address the weaknesses of IoU and introduce generalized version(GIoU) • Intersection over Union(IoU) is the most popular evaluation metric used in object detection • But, there is a gap between optimizing distance losses and maximizing IoU • Introducing generalized IoU as both a new loss and a new metric
  • 24. 24Type A-3 16. Bounding Box Regression with Uncertainty for Accurate Object Detection • Propose novel bounding box regression loss with uncertainty • Most of datasets have ambiguities and labeling noise of bounding box coordinate • Network can learns to predict localization variance for each coordinate
  • 25. 25Type A-3 17. UPSNet: A Unified Panoptic Segmentation Network (oral) • Propose a unified panoptic segmentation network(UPSNet) • Semantic segmentation + Instance segmentation = panoptic segmentation • Semantic Head + Instance Head + Panoptic head → end-to-end manner Recommended reference: “Panoptic Segmentation”, 2018 arXiv Countable objects → things Uncountable objects → stuff Deformable Conv Mask R-CNN Parameter-free
  • 26. 26Type A-3 18. SFNet: Learning Object-aware Semantic Correspondence (Oral) • Propose SFNet for semantic correspondence problem • Propose to use images annotated with binary foreground masks and synthetic geometric deformations during training • Manually selecting point correspondences is so expensive!! • Outperform SOTA on standard benchmarks by a significant margin
  • 27. 27Type A-3 19. Fast Interactive Object Annotation with Curve-GC • Propose end-to-end fast interactive object annotation tool (Curve-GCN) • Predict all vertices simultaneously using a Graph Convolutional Network, (→ Polygon-RNN X) • Human annotator can correct any wrong point and only the neighboring points are affected Recommended reference: “Efficient interactive annotation of segmentation datasets with polygon-rnn++ ”, 2018 CVPR Code: https://github.com/fidler-lab/curve-gcn Correction!
  • 28. 28Type A-3 20. FickleNet: Weakly and Semi-supervised Semantic Image Segmentation using Stochastic Inference • Propose image-level WSSS method using stochastic inference (dropout) • Localization maps(CAM) only focus on the small parts of objects → Problem • FickleNet allows a single network to generate multiple CAM from a single image • Does not require any additional training steps and only adds a simple layer Full Stochastic Both Training and Inference
  • 29. 29Type A-3 Related Post.. • In my personal blog, there are similar works • SIGGRAPH 2018 • NeurIPS 2018 • ICLR 2019 https://hoya012.github.io/