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10 powerful ways to experience self love today
10 Powerful Ways to Experience Self-Love Today
Self-love is difficult for most of us to practice.
After all, we live in a world that constantly demands more from us,
telling us we’re not enough, and making us feel bad for the things
we don’t have.
But that’s not the right way to live!
Everyone deserves to feel self-love. And not only does it feel good,
but it will actually help you be more productive, successful, and
That’s because guilt and stress are damaging to your productivity
and mental abilities.
So with a little self-love, you can become a better parent,
entrepreneur, or professional. Whatever your goal is in life, self-love
can help you get there.
Here are 10 powerful ways to feel deep self-love today.
#1: Explore New Things.
If you’re like most people, you probably read that and thought, “oh, I
would LOVE to go to Paris, but I can’t afford it!”
You don’t have to travel across the globe to explore new things!
Is there a restaurant in town you haven’t tried yet? Is there a park or
hiking trail you haven’t visited?
Most of the time, the reason we don’t explore new things isn’t that
we don’t have enough money or even enough time… it’s because
we don’t make it a priority to give ourselves the joy of a new
So take a few minutes today to try something new, even if that just
means a new coffee creamer!
#2: Acknowledge that You Deserve a Better Life. (You Have to
Really Believe It!)
Everyone wants a better life, but do you truly believe that you
deserve it?
Most people don’t, and that’s why they’re able to repeat the same
old routine, day in and day out, over and over again, without ever
making a change.
In fact, most people are downright MISERABLE on a daily basis,
but since they don’t believe they deserve anything better, they
accept it and stick with their routine.
If you truly believe you deserve a better life, you will - S T O P - the
routine that’s making you feel empty and stressed out.
You have to make a decision to accept the abundance in the
Universe and take your fair share.
Don’t worry… there’s enough for everyone!
And you deserve it.
#3: Meditate Every Single Day.
Meditation is hard. Simply getting your mind to quiet down and
relax is a huge challenge. But it’s 100% worth it. Science has
proven the long list of benefits from meditation, including:
● Increased intelligence.
● Reduced stress.
● Physical healing.
● Improved memory.
● Less anxiety and depression.
● Increased attention span.
● And much more.
Your mind is the most important thing you have. A healthy, strong
brain can help you excel in all areas of life. Your professional
career, your relationships, your ability to increase your wealth, and
even your battle for a better body… all of it can be improved
through meditation. And even though meditation can be a real
challenge, there are some tricks to make it virtually automatic.
(More on that later.)
#4: Give Yourself a Break from Guilt and Shame.
People naturally burden themselves with guilt and shame.
You might not even realize you’re doing it!
Maybe you didn’t get a promotion you were hoping for. Maybe you
missed an important event recently that you wish you could’ve gone
to. Or maybe you simply feel that you haven’t given your family the
life of wealth and success they deserve.
But by putting that guilt on yourself, you only make it more difficult
to achieve your goals!
Take a moment to forgive yourself. Stop crushing yourself with
shame. Accept the fact that everyone makes mistakes, and what
matters most is what you choose to do next.
With a more positive attitude, you can achieve great things!
#5: Put More Resources Into Making Your Own Life Better.
If a friend asked to borrow $50, you’d probably give it to them.
If a restaurant charges $50 for some mediocre food and a few
drinks, you pay up!
But when it comes time to invest $50 in yourself, to make your own
life better… suddenly, you clam up!
You think, “I don’t deserve to spend that money on myself.”
And that’s a serious problem!
It’s not just about spending money, of course… we often give away
so much of our TIME to other people, without ever spending time on
You deserve to put your own resources into improving your life.
After all, if you’re not willing to do it, no one else will do it for you!
#6: Write Down Three Grateful Thoughts Today. (Seriously,
Write It Down!)
I already know you’re thinking of cheating.
You’re going to just think about something positive and grateful
instead of actually writing it down.
Don’t do that to yourself!
Remember: it’s time to start putting your resources (time & money)
into making your life better.
If someone else asked you to write down a list for them, you would
do it! So why not put that same energy into writing a list that will
make your life better?
It’s been proven that being grateful increases your sense of
happiness, reduces stress, and can even fight depression.
And it will only take you a few minutes!
This exercise may be surprisingly difficult at first. We spend so
much time thinking about the things we need to fix, the things we
need to change, that we never take time to think about what we’re
grateful for.
It doesn’t have to be a profound list, either. Maybe you’re grateful
for some nice weather, a new coffee shop, and a great book.
Whatever it is, take time to write it down.
#7: Listen and Be Ready for Divine Signs.
Everything happens for a reason, right?
There are forces at work in the Universe that we can’t see or
understand, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the signs!
Sometimes, we’re in just the right place, at just the right time, and
the Universe gives us a little nudge.
If you’ve been feeling stressed out and overworked, and someone
suddenly offers you a vacation… that’s a good sign!
If you’ve been looking for a way to live a better, happier life, and the
answer just falls in your lap… that’s a good sign!
Don’t ignore the messages you’re being sent.
Be open to the signs you’re getting. Allowing yourself to see the
positive messages and opportunities around you is a critical part of
loving yourself.
#8: Say “No” When People Ask Too Much of You.
Everyone is constantly demanding more from you. Your boss, your
family, your friends… they mean well, but sometimes, they can ask
too much of you. And only YOU can decide when enough is
enough! You want to be a helpful, dependable person… and that’s
awesome! But if you spread yourself too thin, you aren’t truly loving
yourself. Plus, you can’t be helpful to anyone if you’re constantly
stressed out and overworked. Sometimes the best way to take care
of other people is to take care of yourself first. But how do you
actually practice saying “no”? For most of us, agreeing to do more
work or give too much of ourselves is automatic. In order to break
the cycle, you have to make a decision ahead of time. By drawing a
line and saying “this is as much as I can do,” you’ll be better
prepared to say “no” the next time you’re asked for a big (or small)
favor. And remember: Saying “no” isn’t rude. In fact, you can be
extremely polite about it! Here are a few examples of how to say
“no” without hurting someone’s feelings.
● I’m sorry, but I just don’t have the time to give this project the
focus and attention it deserves.
● I would love to help, but I believe Chelsea would be a better
● With everything I’m doing right now, this project won’t be as
successful. If you can delay it by a few weeks, we would get
much better results.
Ultimately, saying “no” to someone else’s request is a way to say
“yes” to yourself: “yes” to your own happiness, healing, and
#9: Say “Yes” When Opportunities Arise! (Don’t Be Afraid to Get
What You Deserve.)
Sometimes, an opportunity will fall in your lap.
It might be the most amazing opportunity you’ve seen in years…
and yet, your still feel the impulse to say no!
Why are you willing to deny yourself the joy and happiness you
Sometimes it’s because of money: you don’t want to spend $50 on
yourself, even though you’ll spend hundreds of dollars on other
Other times, you’re afraid of making a change, even if that change
is something you really want.
Just like drawing a line before hand can help you say “no,” it’s good
to make a conscious effort to say “yes” the next time an
opportunity presents itself.
Take a moment to open yourself to new opportunities BEFORE they
arise, so that you’ll be ready to say “yes” when you get the chance!
So how do you recognize a new opportunity?
Here are a few easy ways to identify amazing opportunities, even if
you’re not sure of yourself:
● Does it make you nervous? Sometimes when we’re scared,
that’s a sign that it’s time to jump into a new adventure!
● Will you be 100% happy if you pass this up? If you know you’ll
regret it, don’t let fear stop you from taking what you want!
● Would you tell someone else to take the opportunity in front of
you? It’s easy to tell your friend to take a big promotion or
embrace a new moment of success in life, because you don’t
have to deal with the fear yourself. If you would tell someone
else to embrace their opportunity, you should do it, too!
People naturally burden themselves with guilt and shame.
You might not even realize you’re doing it!
Maybe you didn’t get a promotion you were hoping for. Maybe you
missed an important event recently that you wish you could’ve gone
to. Or maybe you simply feel that you haven’t given your family the
life of wealth and success they deserve.
But by putting that guilt on yourself, you only make it more difficult
to achieve your goals!
Take a moment to forgive yourself. Stop crushing yourself with
shame. Accept the fact that everyone makes mistakes, and what
matters most is what you choose to do next.
With a more positive attitude, you can achieve great things!
#10: Make Your Journey Easier.
Finally, no matter who you are or what you’re trying to achieve,
there are ways to make your life easier.
You don’t have to struggle. You don’t have to do everything
There are plenty of people out there who can help you in every area
of your life.
And it’s not just about making your own life easier.
Let’s say you want to increase your wealth and abundance in life.
Getting help will not only make your life easier, but it will help your
family enjoy the security and comfort they deserve.
And here’s the easiest possible way to increase your wealth,
improve your happiness, maximize your productivity, reduce stress,
Bonus Tip: Grow Your Brain and Multiply Your Manifestation
Abilities in 10 Minutes - Automatically.
Remember how we talked about making meditation easy — even
The secret is a new program that makes meditation happen in your
brain automatically, without any practice or hard work.
From the very first session, you’ll physically grow your brain,
reduce stress, improve productivity, and actually rewire your brain
to manifest a new life.
It’s all proven by science, and it’s changing everything we know
about meditation, the brain, and the path to a successful life.
Click here to learn more about this amazing breakthrough.

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10 powerful ways to experience self love today

  • 2. 10 Powerful Ways to Experience Self-Love Today Self-love is difficult for most of us to practice. After all, we live in a world that constantly demands more from us, telling us we’re not enough, and making us feel bad for the things we don’t have. But that’s not the right way to live! Everyone deserves to feel self-love. And not only does it feel good, but it will actually help you be more productive, successful, and intelligent! That’s because guilt and stress are damaging to your productivity and mental abilities. So with a little self-love, you can become a better parent, entrepreneur, or professional. Whatever your goal is in life, self-love can help you get there. Here are 10 powerful ways to feel deep self-love today.
  • 3. #1: Explore New Things. STOP! If you’re like most people, you probably read that and thought, “oh, I would LOVE to go to Paris, but I can’t afford it!” You don’t have to travel across the globe to explore new things! Is there a restaurant in town you haven’t tried yet? Is there a park or hiking trail you haven’t visited? Most of the time, the reason we don’t explore new things isn’t that we don’t have enough money or even enough time… it’s because we don’t make it a priority to give ourselves the joy of a new experience! So take a few minutes today to try something new, even if that just means a new coffee creamer! #2: Acknowledge that You Deserve a Better Life. (You Have to Really Believe It!)
  • 4. Everyone wants a better life, but do you truly believe that you deserve it? Most people don’t, and that’s why they’re able to repeat the same old routine, day in and day out, over and over again, without ever making a change. In fact, most people are downright MISERABLE on a daily basis, but since they don’t believe they deserve anything better, they accept it and stick with their routine. If you truly believe you deserve a better life, you will - S T O P - the routine that’s making you feel empty and stressed out. You have to make a decision to accept the abundance in the Universe and take your fair share. Don’t worry… there’s enough for everyone! And you deserve it.
  • 5. #3: Meditate Every Single Day. Meditation is hard. Simply getting your mind to quiet down and relax is a huge challenge. But it’s 100% worth it. Science has proven the long list of benefits from meditation, including: ● Increased intelligence. ● Reduced stress. ● Physical healing. ● Improved memory. ● Less anxiety and depression. ● Increased attention span. ● And much more. Your mind is the most important thing you have. A healthy, strong brain can help you excel in all areas of life. Your professional career, your relationships, your ability to increase your wealth, and even your battle for a better body… all of it can be improved through meditation. And even though meditation can be a real challenge, there are some tricks to make it virtually automatic. (More on that later.)
  • 6. #4: Give Yourself a Break from Guilt and Shame. People naturally burden themselves with guilt and shame. You might not even realize you’re doing it! Maybe you didn’t get a promotion you were hoping for. Maybe you missed an important event recently that you wish you could’ve gone to. Or maybe you simply feel that you haven’t given your family the life of wealth and success they deserve. But by putting that guilt on yourself, you only make it more difficult to achieve your goals! Take a moment to forgive yourself. Stop crushing yourself with shame. Accept the fact that everyone makes mistakes, and what matters most is what you choose to do next. With a more positive attitude, you can achieve great things!
  • 7. #5: Put More Resources Into Making Your Own Life Better. If a friend asked to borrow $50, you’d probably give it to them. If a restaurant charges $50 for some mediocre food and a few drinks, you pay up! But when it comes time to invest $50 in yourself, to make your own life better… suddenly, you clam up! You think, “I don’t deserve to spend that money on myself.” And that’s a serious problem! It’s not just about spending money, of course… we often give away so much of our TIME to other people, without ever spending time on ourselves. You deserve to put your own resources into improving your life. After all, if you’re not willing to do it, no one else will do it for you! #6: Write Down Three Grateful Thoughts Today. (Seriously, Write It Down!) I already know you’re thinking of cheating. You’re going to just think about something positive and grateful instead of actually writing it down. Don’t do that to yourself! Remember: it’s time to start putting your resources (time & money) into making your life better.
  • 8. If someone else asked you to write down a list for them, you would do it! So why not put that same energy into writing a list that will make your life better? It’s been proven that being grateful increases your sense of happiness, reduces stress, and can even fight depression. And it will only take you a few minutes! This exercise may be surprisingly difficult at first. We spend so much time thinking about the things we need to fix, the things we need to change, that we never take time to think about what we’re grateful for. It doesn’t have to be a profound list, either. Maybe you’re grateful for some nice weather, a new coffee shop, and a great book. Whatever it is, take time to write it down. #7: Listen and Be Ready for Divine Signs.
  • 9. Everything happens for a reason, right? There are forces at work in the Universe that we can’t see or understand, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the signs! Sometimes, we’re in just the right place, at just the right time, and the Universe gives us a little nudge. If you’ve been feeling stressed out and overworked, and someone suddenly offers you a vacation… that’s a good sign! If you’ve been looking for a way to live a better, happier life, and the answer just falls in your lap… that’s a good sign! Don’t ignore the messages you’re being sent. Be open to the signs you’re getting. Allowing yourself to see the positive messages and opportunities around you is a critical part of loving yourself. #8: Say “No” When People Ask Too Much of You. Everyone is constantly demanding more from you. Your boss, your family, your friends… they mean well, but sometimes, they can ask
  • 10. too much of you. And only YOU can decide when enough is enough! You want to be a helpful, dependable person… and that’s awesome! But if you spread yourself too thin, you aren’t truly loving yourself. Plus, you can’t be helpful to anyone if you’re constantly stressed out and overworked. Sometimes the best way to take care of other people is to take care of yourself first. But how do you actually practice saying “no”? For most of us, agreeing to do more work or give too much of ourselves is automatic. In order to break the cycle, you have to make a decision ahead of time. By drawing a line and saying “this is as much as I can do,” you’ll be better prepared to say “no” the next time you’re asked for a big (or small) favor. And remember: Saying “no” isn’t rude. In fact, you can be extremely polite about it! Here are a few examples of how to say “no” without hurting someone’s feelings. ● I’m sorry, but I just don’t have the time to give this project the focus and attention it deserves. ● I would love to help, but I believe Chelsea would be a better fit. ● With everything I’m doing right now, this project won’t be as successful. If you can delay it by a few weeks, we would get much better results. Ultimately, saying “no” to someone else’s request is a way to say “yes” to yourself: “yes” to your own happiness, healing, and success.
  • 11. #9: Say “Yes” When Opportunities Arise! (Don’t Be Afraid to Get What You Deserve.) Sometimes, an opportunity will fall in your lap. It might be the most amazing opportunity you’ve seen in years… and yet, your still feel the impulse to say no! Why? Why are you willing to deny yourself the joy and happiness you deserve? Sometimes it’s because of money: you don’t want to spend $50 on yourself, even though you’ll spend hundreds of dollars on other people. Other times, you’re afraid of making a change, even if that change is something you really want. Just like drawing a line before hand can help you say “no,” it’s good to make a conscious effort to say “yes” the next time an opportunity presents itself. Take a moment to open yourself to new opportunities BEFORE they arise, so that you’ll be ready to say “yes” when you get the chance! So how do you recognize a new opportunity? Here are a few easy ways to identify amazing opportunities, even if you’re not sure of yourself: ● Does it make you nervous? Sometimes when we’re scared, that’s a sign that it’s time to jump into a new adventure! ● Will you be 100% happy if you pass this up? If you know you’ll regret it, don’t let fear stop you from taking what you want! ● Would you tell someone else to take the opportunity in front of you? It’s easy to tell your friend to take a big promotion or
  • 12. embrace a new moment of success in life, because you don’t have to deal with the fear yourself. If you would tell someone else to embrace their opportunity, you should do it, too! ● People naturally burden themselves with guilt and shame. You might not even realize you’re doing it! Maybe you didn’t get a promotion you were hoping for. Maybe you missed an important event recently that you wish you could’ve gone to. Or maybe you simply feel that you haven’t given your family the life of wealth and success they deserve. But by putting that guilt on yourself, you only make it more difficult to achieve your goals! Take a moment to forgive yourself. Stop crushing yourself with shame. Accept the fact that everyone makes mistakes, and what matters most is what you choose to do next. With a more positive attitude, you can achieve great things!
  • 13. #10: Make Your Journey Easier. Finally, no matter who you are or what you’re trying to achieve, there are ways to make your life easier. You don’t have to struggle. You don’t have to do everything yourself. There are plenty of people out there who can help you in every area of your life. And it’s not just about making your own life easier. Let’s say you want to increase your wealth and abundance in life. Getting help will not only make your life easier, but it will help your family enjoy the security and comfort they deserve. And here’s the easiest possible way to increase your wealth, improve your happiness, maximize your productivity, reduce stress, and Bonus Tip: Grow Your Brain and Multiply Your Manifestation Abilities in 10 Minutes - Automatically. Remember how we talked about making meditation easy — even automatic? The secret is a new program that makes meditation happen in your brain automatically, without any practice or hard work.
  • 14. From the very first session, you’ll physically grow your brain, reduce stress, improve productivity, and actually rewire your brain to manifest a new life. It’s all proven by science, and it’s changing everything we know about meditation, the brain, and the path to a successful life. Click here to learn more about this amazing breakthrough.