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July 7, 2024
5348 Old Springville Road
Pinson, AL 35126
Worship 8:15 AM
Bible Class 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM
Sunday Evening 1:00 PM
6:30 PM
Michael Dykes Stan Mann
John Gallagher Skip McCurry
Rick Glass Darnell Self
Sol Godwin Phillip VanHorn
Merrill Mann Steve Wilkerson
Michael Cagle Terry Malone
Ryan Cobb Steve Maynard
Gary Cosby		 Mike McGill
David Gilmore Mike Neal
Bobby Gunn		 Steve Putnam
Craig Huffstutler Chuck Spitzley
Johnathan Johnson Yoshio Sugita
Chad Key Randy Wilson
Richard Harp
Jeffrey Howell
Johnathan Johnson
July 7, 2024
Sunday PM
Devo in Auditorium followed by:
July 7- Singing Night- everyone in the auditorium
July 14- Troubled Over Many Things- in auditorium
Kids’ Classes– in the education building
July 21– Troubled Over Many Things- in auditorium
Kids’ Classes– in the education building
July 28- Troubled Over Many Things- in auditorium
Kids’ Classes– in the education building
Sunday AM Classes
• The Life of Christ taught by John Gallagher in the
• auditorium.
• The Life of Christ, a discussion class, taught by
a rotation of men from the congregation in adult
classroom 1.
• Young Professionals are studying 1 Corinthians
taught by various men from the class in adult
classroom 2.
• College class is studying 1 Corinthians taught by
Nolan Couch in the Museum Room.
Wednesday PM Classes
• Summer Series
• July 10- Serge Shoemaker
• July 17- Scott McCown
• July 24- Joey Sparks
• July 31- Scott Harp
• August 7- Mel Futrell
Anniversary For Eternity
Everyone remembers and celebrates certain
milestone days. Often, these are anniversaries and
important moments. Anniversaries of birth.
Anniversaries of marriage.
We learned last week that Johnny and Betty
Tucker celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. We
all celebrated right along with them. Johnny told me
that they were both 17 when they were married. It just
so happens that seventeen years ago today I married the
love of my life. The day was set for July 7, 2007 and
I remember someone saying to us “Oh, you are one of
those.” My response was, “Yes we are one of those
couples that wants to get married.” He replied, “No,
you’re one of those who picked 7/7/7 as your wedding
day.” It had completely escaped our notice that July
was the seventh month. This person informed us that
Walmart had run out of rings because everyone wanted
to get married on the luckiest day of the century, the
lucky number 777.
The Apostle Paul describes the importance of
anniversaries in his letter to the Romans. “One person
esteems one day as better than another, while another
esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully con-
vinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day,
observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats,
eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God,
while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the
Lord and gives thanks to God” (Romans 14:5–6).
This means whatever day you are celebrating, it
all culminates with praising God. Paul’s words seem to
emulate the words found in Psalm 118:19-24.
“Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter
through them and give thanks to the LORD. This is the
gate of the LORD; the righteous shall enter through it. I
thank you that you have answered me and have become
my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has
become the cornerstone. This is the LORD’s doing; it
is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the LORD
has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
The Psalmist narrows the appreciation for each
day to the salvation that the Lord provides, the reason
for the day the Lord has made. We know that there was
a day when that Cornerstone was rejected.
“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin,
so that in him we might become the righteousness of
God. Working together with him, then, we appeal to you
not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says, ‘In
a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of
salvation I have helped you’ Behold, now is the
favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2
Corinthians 5:21–6:2).
We need to make sure we remember these mile-
stone days in our lives. Some remember them and some
don’t, but there is one day we must all be prepared for.
The day Jesus returns.
It will be an anniversary for eternity.
A Note from the Harp
8:15 AM Service
Song Leading
David Dangar
Opening Prayer
Mike Cagle
Scripture Reading
Kyle Windham
Lord’s Supper/ Contribution
Paul Windham
Closing Prayer
10:30 AM Service
Song Leading
Ryan Cobb
Opening Prayer
Robert Jeffery
Scripture Reading
Brandon Wagner
Lord’s Supper / Contribution
Steve Foshee
Closing Prayer
5 PM Service
Song Leading
Patrick Ormond
Opening Prayer
Jack Taggart
Lord’s Supper/Contribution
Mike McGill
Closing Prayer
Deacons of the Month
Bobby Gunn
Chuck Spitzley
Craig Huffstutler
Sue Adams			Betty Aldridge			
Jennifer Bearden		 Vera Bonner			
Faye Bradford			 Michael Burkowski		
Bobbie Clark			 Nancy Clemens		
Edith Collett			Judy Crawford			
Audrey Gammage 		 Marilyn Glass			
Mike Godwin			Kim Green			
Vycki Hinely			 Canaan Hood 		
Dyer Honeycutt 		 Veronica Jeffery		
Randy Johnson		 Darlene Jones			
Bev Key			Julie Kincaid			
Nancy Locklear		 David Lybrand		
Robert Mann			 Jim &Jean Tuggle McDonald
Sandra Mann			 Donna McCurry
Dot Mitchell			 Larry & Rita Morgan		
Ancel Norris			James Pepper			
Pam Rachal			Judy Roeder			
Doug Scruggs			Darnell Self			
Donna Shoemaker		 Judy Shrader 		
Chuck Spitzley		 Lynn Timmerman		
Marilyn Torrice		 Johnny Tucker			
Becky Tuggle			Gayle Varner			
Mary Wells			 Karen Whisenhunt		
Billy White			 Violet Whitman		
Maxine Wilson		 Don Young
Friends & Family
Bonnie Rasche- mother of Amy Gunn- needs encouragement
Matthew Harris- former member- in hospital
Joseph Kelly- great-nephew of Jean Tuggle McDonald- cancer
Myra Estes- Marilyn Glass’ friend’s mother- car accident
Hailey Norris- sister-in-law of Amber Norris- having medical issues
Shirley Hurst- sister of Pam Richardson- lost a loved one
Ed & Shirley Busby- brother & sister-in-law of Sue Adams
Lucas Adkinson- grandson of Mark & Billie Adkinson
Sandra Bush- Robin Spitzley’s co-worker’s sister
Stephanie McRoy- friend of Charlotte VanHorn
Warren Mote- friend of James Pepper- leukemia
Stella Davis- friend of Janice VanHorn
Tal Barnett- husband of Judy Barnett- dialysis
Billie Jo Vance- aunt of Stuart Couch- heart problems
Don Dean- friend of Bob and Linda Carter- cancer
Louise Henderson- Mother of Lisa Harris- cancer
Julia Lopez- cousin of Patricia Putnam
Jerrie Paschal- sister of Alan VanHorn
Peggy, Tim & Terry Hickerson- friends of Robin Spitzley
Hospital / Sick List
Sol Godwin- recovering at home
Kim Green- recovering at home
Sandra Mann- recovering at home
Donna McCurry- recovering at home
Becky Tuggle- UAB
Karen Whisenhunt- recovering at home
Don Young- UAB Rm. M982
AM 293 PM 129
Weekly Purpose:
Contribution YTD:
Purpose YTD:
Average Weekly YTD:
Mission Sunday:
Week 25
Bus Drivers
July 14- Pat O’Rourke
July 21- Frank Montgomery
Baptismal Garments for July
Patsy Lentz
Upcoming Events
July 7-12- Maywood
July 10- Serge Shoemaker- An Appreciation for
July 14- Deacons’ Meeting- 4pm
July 14- Missions Committee Meeting- 6pm
July 17- Scott McCown- Second Mile Service
July 24- Joey Sparks- Transforming Our Bodies
July 27- Back to School Bash- 11am-1pm
God Works with Imperfection
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:14–16
G______ W__________ with I________________:
1. To B____________ P________________
Matthew ___:___-___; ___
		a. A_______________
		b. I________________
		c. J____________
		 d. J___________ & H_____ 			
		 e. J____________ & T_____________
		 f. S_____________ & R____________
		 g. B___________ & R________
		h. D____________ & 			
2. To O_____________ P________________
Psalm ___:___-___; ___-___
Romans ___:___-___
Summer Series Schedule
July 10- Serge Shoemaker
July 17- Scott McCown
July 24- Joey Sparks
July 31- Scott Harp
August 7- Mel Futrell
August 14- David Courington
August 21- Mike Benson
August 28- Brian Simon
Thank You
My brothers and sisters in Christ-
I have been blessed by our Lord and your prayers.
The cancer in my esophagus is gone. Radiation, che-
mo, excellent doctors at UAB and the hand of our
Lord has healed me. I appreciate all the prayers and
cards- knowing folks cared really blessed me!
Sam Christian
Youth News
Servant Tuesdays will be from 10 until 2 on
July 16
July 30
Newbie/Mystery Day- August 2

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Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 7 7 24

  • 1. July 7, 2024 CHURCH INFORMATION 5348 Old Springville Road Pinson, AL 35126 205-833-1400 www.deerfootcoc.com office@deerfootcoc.com SERVICE TIMES Sundays: Worship 8:15 AM Bible Class 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Sunday Evening 1:00 PM Wednesdays: 6:30 PM SHEPHERDS Michael Dykes Stan Mann John Gallagher Skip McCurry Rick Glass Darnell Self Sol Godwin Phillip VanHorn Merrill Mann Steve Wilkerson DEACONS Michael Cagle Terry Malone Ryan Cobb Steve Maynard Gary Cosby Mike McGill David Gilmore Mike Neal Bobby Gunn Steve Putnam Craig Huffstutler Chuck Spitzley Johnathan Johnson Yoshio Sugita Chad Key Randy Wilson MINISTERS Richard Harp Jeffrey Howell Johnathan Johnson July 7, 2024 Sunday PM Devo in Auditorium followed by: July 7- Singing Night- everyone in the auditorium July 14- Troubled Over Many Things- in auditorium Kids’ Classes– in the education building July 21– Troubled Over Many Things- in auditorium Kids’ Classes– in the education building July 28- Troubled Over Many Things- in auditorium Kids’ Classes– in the education building Sunday AM Classes • The Life of Christ taught by John Gallagher in the • auditorium. • The Life of Christ, a discussion class, taught by a rotation of men from the congregation in adult classroom 1. • Young Professionals are studying 1 Corinthians taught by various men from the class in adult classroom 2. • College class is studying 1 Corinthians taught by Nolan Couch in the Museum Room. Wednesday PM Classes • Summer Series • July 10- Serge Shoemaker • July 17- Scott McCown • July 24- Joey Sparks • July 31- Scott Harp • August 7- Mel Futrell Anniversary For Eternity Everyone remembers and celebrates certain milestone days. Often, these are anniversaries and important moments. Anniversaries of birth. Anniversaries of marriage. We learned last week that Johnny and Betty Tucker celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. We all celebrated right along with them. Johnny told me that they were both 17 when they were married. It just so happens that seventeen years ago today I married the love of my life. The day was set for July 7, 2007 and I remember someone saying to us “Oh, you are one of those.” My response was, “Yes we are one of those couples that wants to get married.” He replied, “No, you’re one of those who picked 7/7/7 as your wedding day.” It had completely escaped our notice that July was the seventh month. This person informed us that Walmart had run out of rings because everyone wanted to get married on the luckiest day of the century, the lucky number 777. The Apostle Paul describes the importance of anniversaries in his letter to the Romans. “One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully con- vinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God” (Romans 14:5–6). This means whatever day you are celebrating, it all culminates with praising God. Paul’s words seem to emulate the words found in Psalm 118:19-24. “Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the LORD. This is the gate of the LORD; the righteous shall enter through it. I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” The Psalmist narrows the appreciation for each day to the salvation that the Lord provides, the reason for the day the Lord has made. We know that there was a day when that Cornerstone was rejected. “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Working together with him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says, ‘In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you’ Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 5:21–6:2). We need to make sure we remember these mile- stone days in our lives. Some remember them and some don’t, but there is one day we must all be prepared for. The day Jesus returns. It will be an anniversary for eternity. A Note from the Harp 8:15 AM Service Welcome Song Leading David Dangar Opening Prayer Mike Cagle Scripture Reading Kyle Windham Sermon Lord’s Supper/ Contribution Paul Windham Closing Prayer Elder 10:30 AM Service Welcome Song Leading Ryan Cobb Opening Prayer Robert Jeffery Scripture Reading Brandon Wagner Sermon Lord’s Supper / Contribution Steve Foshee Closing Prayer Elder 5 PM Service Song Leading Patrick Ormond Opening Prayer Jack Taggart Lord’s Supper/Contribution Mike McGill Closing Prayer Elder Deacons of the Month Bobby Gunn Chuck Spitzley Craig Huffstutler
  • 2. Prayers Sue Adams Betty Aldridge Jennifer Bearden Vera Bonner Faye Bradford Michael Burkowski Bobbie Clark Nancy Clemens Edith Collett Judy Crawford Audrey Gammage Marilyn Glass Mike Godwin Kim Green Vycki Hinely Canaan Hood Dyer Honeycutt Veronica Jeffery Randy Johnson Darlene Jones Bev Key Julie Kincaid Nancy Locklear David Lybrand Robert Mann Jim &Jean Tuggle McDonald Sandra Mann Donna McCurry Dot Mitchell Larry & Rita Morgan Ancel Norris James Pepper Pam Rachal Judy Roeder Doug Scruggs Darnell Self Donna Shoemaker Judy Shrader Chuck Spitzley Lynn Timmerman Marilyn Torrice Johnny Tucker Becky Tuggle Gayle Varner Mary Wells Karen Whisenhunt Billy White Violet Whitman Maxine Wilson Don Young Friends & Family Bonnie Rasche- mother of Amy Gunn- needs encouragement Matthew Harris- former member- in hospital Joseph Kelly- great-nephew of Jean Tuggle McDonald- cancer Myra Estes- Marilyn Glass’ friend’s mother- car accident Hailey Norris- sister-in-law of Amber Norris- having medical issues Shirley Hurst- sister of Pam Richardson- lost a loved one Ed & Shirley Busby- brother & sister-in-law of Sue Adams Lucas Adkinson- grandson of Mark & Billie Adkinson Sandra Bush- Robin Spitzley’s co-worker’s sister Stephanie McRoy- friend of Charlotte VanHorn Warren Mote- friend of James Pepper- leukemia Stella Davis- friend of Janice VanHorn Tal Barnett- husband of Judy Barnett- dialysis Billie Jo Vance- aunt of Stuart Couch- heart problems Don Dean- friend of Bob and Linda Carter- cancer Louise Henderson- Mother of Lisa Harris- cancer Julia Lopez- cousin of Patricia Putnam Jerrie Paschal- sister of Alan VanHorn Peggy, Tim & Terry Hickerson- friends of Robin Spitzley Hospital / Sick List Sol Godwin- recovering at home Kim Green- recovering at home Sandra Mann- recovering at home Donna McCurry- recovering at home Becky Tuggle- UAB Karen Whisenhunt- recovering at home Don Young- UAB Rm. M982 Attendance: 6-30-2024 AM 293 PM 129 Weekly Purpose: $20,748.00 Contribution: $16,953.00 Contribution YTD: $494,607.00 Purpose YTD: $518,700.00 Average Weekly YTD: $19,784.00 Mission Sunday: $120,856.00 Week 25 Bus Drivers July 14- Pat O’Rourke July 21- Frank Montgomery Baptismal Garments for July Patsy Lentz Upcoming Events July 7-12- Maywood July 10- Serge Shoemaker- An Appreciation for Forgiveness July 14- Deacons’ Meeting- 4pm July 14- Missions Committee Meeting- 6pm July 17- Scott McCown- Second Mile Service July 24- Joey Sparks- Transforming Our Bodies July 27- Back to School Bash- 11am-1pm God Works with Imperfection Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:14–16 G______ W__________ with I________________: 1. To B____________ P________________ Matthew ___:___-___; ___ a. A_______________ b. I________________ c. J____________ d. J___________ & H_____ B____________ e. J____________ & T_____________ f. S_____________ & R____________ g. B___________ & R________ h. D____________ & B_______________ 2. To O_____________ P________________ Psalm ___:___-___; ___-___ Romans ___:___-___ Summer Series Schedule July 10- Serge Shoemaker July 17- Scott McCown July 24- Joey Sparks July 31- Scott Harp August 7- Mel Futrell August 14- David Courington August 21- Mike Benson August 28- Brian Simon Thank You My brothers and sisters in Christ- I have been blessed by our Lord and your prayers. The cancer in my esophagus is gone. Radiation, che- mo, excellent doctors at UAB and the hand of our Lord has healed me. I appreciate all the prayers and cards- knowing folks cared really blessed me! Sam Christian Youth News Servant Tuesdays will be from 10 until 2 on July 16 July 30 Newbie/Mystery Day- August 2