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Zeus Jones.

Marketing in a Web 2.0 world.

Presented at the Web 2.0 Expo via Yugma Stage 2. A virtual platform for companies to
showcase their ideas at the Web 2.0 Expo using Yugma software.

                                                                                       © Zeus Jones 2007
Fifteen minutes of practical marketing advice.

• Marketing in the Web 2.0 world. Using the tools of Web 2.0.

• Best practices and lessons we learned from launching our company.

                                                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
But first, who is

                                                     © Zeus Jones 2007
                    Not one person, actually five.
   Zeus Jones?
We have a shared vision for the future of marketing.

We believe we can move marketing from something people try to ignore to something
they value, appreciate and actually enjoy.

                                                                                    © Zeus Jones 2007
For that to happen, we need to rethink marketing.

• An opportunity to do things for people, not an excuse to say things to people.

                                                                                   © Zeus Jones 2007
Our central belief: actions speak louder than words.

It’s something we see from the world’s most innovative companies.

It’s something we learned from our previous work at Fallon Worldwide.

                                                                        © Zeus Jones 2007
BMW Films.

We gave people the world’s first
branded desktop video channel.

                                   © Zeus Jones 2007
TED Launch.

We launched an airline by inventing a
new member of the community: Ted.

He sent people flowers, bought
them coffee and paid for their pizza.

                                        © Zeus Jones 2007
Buddy Lee.

We created an entirely new brand for
teenagers by resuscitating a dusty
old icon from the archives.

                                       © Zeus Jones 2007

We created a new way to shop by
combining fashion, music and
shopping for Nordstrom customers,
who love fashion, music and

                                    © Zeus Jones 2007
MSN “ESP Billy.”

We launched video messaging by
creating an interactive sitcom that
ran inside the messaging

                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
In-Synch Challenge.

We created an interactive experience
to help interest people in managing
and mitigating risk in their lives.

                                       © Zeus Jones 2007
Consistently we found these actions far
outperformed any words we could have created.

At the start of the year we decided to focus entirely on innovation.

On March 1, we launched our company around that single offering.

                                                                       © Zeus Jones 2007
Our first task:
Launch a new
marketing company
through actions
rather than words.

PR, propaganda, typical websites
and typical marketing are clearly out.

                                         © Zeus Jones 2007
Our launch had to be an action or series of actions.

Our first action: choose a name that demonstrates our belief around brands.

                                                                              © Zeus Jones 2007
We believe that
interesting brands,
like interesting
people, should be

Our icons today have many sides to
them; we admire them because they
are multi-dimensional.

To be held in the same regard,
brands should behave the same way.

                                     © Zeus Jones 2007
Zeus Jones.

A mashup that means mashup

The extraordinary and the everyday.
The powerful and the practical.
The creative and the down-to-earth.
The classic and the modern.

Our logo is a mashup too.

                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
It also has another benefit, It sounds like a
person’s name.

Which enabled us to behave like a modern, multi-dimensional person.

So we started doing what modern, multi-dimensional people do.

In a variety of places around the web.

                                                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
We created a
theme song.

And shared it on MP3.com and

(It’s been downloaded more than
300 times)

                                  © Zeus Jones 2007
We created
desktop art.

And shared it via deviantArt.

(It’s been viewed 200 times and
downloaded almost 30 times)

                                  © Zeus Jones 2007
We created a Linkedin

With the partners as Zeus Jones’
past experience.

                                   © Zeus Jones 2007
We created a
YouTube channel.

And used it to host case studies of
our past work.

                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
We blogged about our
beliefs on business and

With posts designed specifically for
crowded RSS reader consumption.

                                       © Zeus Jones 2007
We created a ringtone.

And used a simple, free service to
make it accessible.

                                     © Zeus Jones 2007
We listed our
goals on 43

Which also happen to be the
values of our company.

                              © Zeus Jones 2007
We contributed to
sampling/DJ culture.

By uploading free music loops
to the Creative Commons
sharing site ccMixter.

                                © Zeus Jones 2007
We blogged about

Sharing original recipes and ideas.

                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
Zeus Jones has
multiple identities.
We asked people to
imagine what he
looks like.

Using an online Mii editor.

Then we created a Flickr set to
display all the submissions.

                                  © Zeus Jones 2007
We immersed ourselves
in the world’s largest
virtual universe.

Zeus Jones, Level 47 Blood Elf

Guild: Fist of the Bunny

                                 © Zeus Jones 2007
We listed 43 Places
we want to visit.

Places where moments of great
innovation happened. Places that
also display our values and beliefs.

                                       © Zeus Jones 2007
We entered a sewing

We submitted an acupuncture ear to
the softies awards.

                                     © Zeus Jones 2007
We commented on
blogs that cover
subjects we care
deeply about.

Not just on marketing, but on things
like robots, cars, and cycling.

                                       © Zeus Jones 2007
We made a prediction
on Longbets.org

We bet $50 on our belief in the

That we’re entering a period, the
new renaissance, where multi-
dimensionality will be an asset.

                                    © Zeus Jones 2007
We played Subeta.

We only have a common Demi but
we’re saving to get a Sheeta

                                 © Zeus Jones 2007
We identified 43
People we admire.

People who share a multi-faceted
“Zeus Jones” quality.

                                   © Zeus Jones 2007
In short, we participated in and contributed content
to a diverse number of different communities.

Allowing us to communicate our beliefs, values and point of differentiation without
resorting to the typical propaganda that accompanies most new marketing company

But there were greater benefits than simply what we communicated...

                                                                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
Our actions gave us
the content to create
a differentiated

Instead of rhetoric we have widgets
that tell you everything you need to

Instead of costly, time-consuming
development, we have modules that
are constantly updated, and which
allowed us to build a site in 2 days.

                                        © Zeus Jones 2007
These widgets also have a life of their own.

• Because they link to content that we have created, they’re able to be shared, re-
  posted, remixed and re-broadcast to a whole new set of people than we originally

                                                                                      © Zeus Jones 2007

                                                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
A post we wrote using a Batman clip was picked up by 4 other blogs.
© Zeus Jones 2007
A drum beat we released was incorporated into a song by the fourstones.
It’s not easy to keep track of everywhere that Zeus
Jones content goes so we help people on our site.

           Searching this term on March 4, 2007 yielded 43 hits

        Searching this term as of April 18, 2007 returned 11,700 hits

                                                                        © Zeus Jones 2007
Web 2.0 is the gift that keeps giving.

• Using Web 2.0 tools and thinking to market ourselves created collateral benefits.

• It lowered our development time.

• It reduced our marketing costs.

• It expanded our reach.

• It has created assets which continue to promote us without any further input.

• And it has also greatly added to how much we are able to communicate.

                                                                                      © Zeus Jones 2007
Our actions have enabled us to have a richer
conversation with our audience.

• We’ve demonstrated our passion for and understanding of technology.

• We’ve demonstrated our understanding of online communities.

• We’ve demonstrated our understanding of marketing and branding in the new world.

• We’ve shown that we know how an idea can gain traction without the need for
  traditional advertising or marketing.

• We’ve demonstrated we’re different without having to say it.

• And, we’ve done it on a startup budget: for next to nothing.

                                                                                     © Zeus Jones 2007
The presentation you’re viewing is another action.

The content from this presentation will be made available for download.

With any luck it will have a life of its own and reach more people in a recorded form
than we reached live.

                                                                                        © Zeus Jones 2007
And, in another peculiar twist, this presentation
was also an example of the work we do for clients.

• Had you viewed this live, you would have participated in Stage 2. A Yugma event we
  created for them to bring traffic to their booth at Web 2.0 Expo.

• A “second stage” within their booth for companies to present their wares live to
  Expo attendees using, and demonstrating Yugma’s collaboration service.

• An action that created value for Yugma and its customers, that has grown Yugma’s
  visibility and interest, and that has helped them create a differentiation from their

• Stage 2 also stands to become an enduring asset that Yugma can use in the future.

                                                                                          © Zeus Jones 2007
© Zeus Jones 2007
Thanks for your time.

• We hope you’ve got a better understanding of how Web 2.0 can impact traditional
  marketing thinking and execution.

• And that actions do speak louder than words in the Web 2.0 world.

                                                                                    © Zeus Jones 2007
© Zeus Jones 2007

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Zeus Jones at Web 2.0 Expo

  • 1. Zeus Jones. Marketing in a Web 2.0 world. Presented at the Web 2.0 Expo via Yugma Stage 2. A virtual platform for companies to showcase their ideas at the Web 2.0 Expo using Yugma software. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 2. Fifteen minutes of practical marketing advice. • Marketing in the Web 2.0 world. Using the tools of Web 2.0. • Best practices and lessons we learned from launching our company. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 3. But first, who is © Zeus Jones 2007 Not one person, actually five. Zeus Jones?
  • 4. We have a shared vision for the future of marketing. We believe we can move marketing from something people try to ignore to something they value, appreciate and actually enjoy. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 5. For that to happen, we need to rethink marketing. • An opportunity to do things for people, not an excuse to say things to people. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 6. Our central belief: actions speak louder than words. It’s something we see from the world’s most innovative companies. It’s something we learned from our previous work at Fallon Worldwide. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 7. BMW Films. We gave people the world’s first branded desktop video channel. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 8. TED Launch. We launched an airline by inventing a new member of the community: Ted. He sent people flowers, bought them coffee and paid for their pizza. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 9. Buddy Lee. We created an entirely new brand for teenagers by resuscitating a dusty old icon from the archives. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 10. Nordstrom Silverscreen. We created a new way to shop by combining fashion, music and shopping for Nordstrom customers, who love fashion, music and shopping. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 11. MSN “ESP Billy.” We launched video messaging by creating an interactive sitcom that ran inside the messaging application. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 12. Travelers In-Synch Challenge. We created an interactive experience to help interest people in managing and mitigating risk in their lives. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 13. Consistently we found these actions far outperformed any words we could have created. At the start of the year we decided to focus entirely on innovation. On March 1, we launched our company around that single offering. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 14. Our first task: Launch a new marketing company through actions rather than words. PR, propaganda, typical websites and typical marketing are clearly out. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 15. Our launch had to be an action or series of actions. Our first action: choose a name that demonstrates our belief around brands. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 16. We believe that interesting brands, like interesting people, should be multi-dimensional. Our icons today have many sides to them; we admire them because they are multi-dimensional. To be held in the same regard, brands should behave the same way. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 17. Zeus Jones. A mashup that means mashup The extraordinary and the everyday. The powerful and the practical. The creative and the down-to-earth. The classic and the modern. Our logo is a mashup too. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 18. It also has another benefit, It sounds like a person’s name. Which enabled us to behave like a modern, multi-dimensional person. So we started doing what modern, multi-dimensional people do. In a variety of places around the web. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 19. We created a theme song. And shared it on MP3.com and Garageband.com (It’s been downloaded more than 300 times) © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 20. We created desktop art. And shared it via deviantArt. (It’s been viewed 200 times and downloaded almost 30 times) © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 21. We created a Linkedin profile. With the partners as Zeus Jones’ past experience. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 22. We created a YouTube channel. And used it to host case studies of our past work. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 23. We blogged about our beliefs on business and brands. With posts designed specifically for crowded RSS reader consumption. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 24. We created a ringtone. And used a simple, free service to make it accessible. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 25. We listed our goals on 43 Things. Which also happen to be the values of our company. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 26. We contributed to sampling/DJ culture. By uploading free music loops to the Creative Commons sharing site ccMixter. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 27. We blogged about cooking. Sharing original recipes and ideas. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 28. Zeus Jones has multiple identities. We asked people to imagine what he looks like. Using an online Mii editor. Then we created a Flickr set to display all the submissions. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 29. We immersed ourselves in the world’s largest virtual universe. Zeus Jones, Level 47 Blood Elf Paladin. Guild: Fist of the Bunny © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 30. We listed 43 Places we want to visit. Places where moments of great innovation happened. Places that also display our values and beliefs. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 31. We entered a sewing competition. We submitted an acupuncture ear to the softies awards. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 32. We commented on blogs that cover subjects we care deeply about. Not just on marketing, but on things like robots, cars, and cycling. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 33. We made a prediction on Longbets.org We bet $50 on our belief in the future. That we’re entering a period, the new renaissance, where multi- dimensionality will be an asset. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 34. We played Subeta. We only have a common Demi but we’re saving to get a Sheeta © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 35. We identified 43 People we admire. People who share a multi-faceted “Zeus Jones” quality. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 36. In short, we participated in and contributed content to a diverse number of different communities. Allowing us to communicate our beliefs, values and point of differentiation without resorting to the typical propaganda that accompanies most new marketing company launches. But there were greater benefits than simply what we communicated... © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 37. Our actions gave us the content to create a differentiated website. Instead of rhetoric we have widgets that tell you everything you need to know. Instead of costly, time-consuming development, we have modules that are constantly updated, and which allowed us to build a site in 2 days. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 38. These widgets also have a life of their own. • Because they link to content that we have created, they’re able to be shared, re- posted, remixed and re-broadcast to a whole new set of people than we originally intended. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 39. zeusjones.blogspot.com © Zeus Jones 2007 A post we wrote using a Batman clip was picked up by 4 other blogs.
  • 40. © Zeus Jones 2007 A drum beat we released was incorporated into a song by the fourstones.
  • 41. It’s not easy to keep track of everywhere that Zeus Jones content goes so we help people on our site. Searching this term on March 4, 2007 yielded 43 hits Searching this term as of April 18, 2007 returned 11,700 hits © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 42. Web 2.0 is the gift that keeps giving. • Using Web 2.0 tools and thinking to market ourselves created collateral benefits. • It lowered our development time. • It reduced our marketing costs. • It expanded our reach. • It has created assets which continue to promote us without any further input. • And it has also greatly added to how much we are able to communicate. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 43. Our actions have enabled us to have a richer conversation with our audience. • We’ve demonstrated our passion for and understanding of technology. • We’ve demonstrated our understanding of online communities. • We’ve demonstrated our understanding of marketing and branding in the new world. • We’ve shown that we know how an idea can gain traction without the need for traditional advertising or marketing. • We’ve demonstrated we’re different without having to say it. • And, we’ve done it on a startup budget: for next to nothing. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 44. The presentation you’re viewing is another action. The content from this presentation will be made available for download. With any luck it will have a life of its own and reach more people in a recorded form than we reached live. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 45. And, in another peculiar twist, this presentation was also an example of the work we do for clients. • Had you viewed this live, you would have participated in Stage 2. A Yugma event we created for them to bring traffic to their booth at Web 2.0 Expo. • A “second stage” within their booth for companies to present their wares live to Expo attendees using, and demonstrating Yugma’s collaboration service. • An action that created value for Yugma and its customers, that has grown Yugma’s visibility and interest, and that has helped them create a differentiation from their competition. • Stage 2 also stands to become an enduring asset that Yugma can use in the future. © Zeus Jones 2007
  • 47. Thanks for your time. • We hope you’ve got a better understanding of how Web 2.0 can impact traditional marketing thinking and execution. • And that actions do speak louder than words in the Web 2.0 world. © Zeus Jones 2007