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Why is Human race the best?
Roots of Human Creativity
Dr Anil Saraogi
• Advances in Creativity Training
• Putting things in perspective
– Context of Content
• Take Home
Advances in Creativity Training
• 50-60 years
• Scare Resources…Humongous Problems
• Only Creative Solutions …Ray of Hope
• Importance well recognized and
institutionalized across sectors
• Two Models
Creativity can be Enhanced
• Two models
– Deficit Model…
• Assumptions: Creative skills not present
• Cognitive Skills..redefinition, ideation, divergent
– Barrier model
• Assumptions: Creative skills inherently present
• Motivation, Attitude, efforts
• 2001 onwards.
– Balanced Holistic approach
Problems of living beings
• Threats of predators
• Attack of disease
causing organisms
• Hunger
• Sexual deprivation
• Camouflages
• Immune system
• Methods of food
• Attracting mating
Nature as unending source of
• Flying mechanisms of
insects & birds
• Deep diving of fish &
• Use of solar energy
by plants
• Flying machine
• Submarines
• Greenhouses
• Solar cookers
• What do we know about evolution of
Human beings?
• We will see some aspects that are
important to us.
• Universe->Galaxies-> Milky Way(16 B) ->
solar System
• How old is planet earth?
– 4.57 billion years = 4,570,000,000 years
• When did life start on it?
– Not sure..
– But around 3.5 billion years ago
• Our distant cousins: Homo Erectus ?
– Around 2,00,000 years ago
Putting things in Perspective
• How old are we on this earth?
– Around 2,00,000 years ago
– Homo Sapiens Sapiens….1,00,000 years ago
– Geologically this is a TRICE of time
• Both on TIME & SPACE
• we are minuscule
What have we achieved in this
fraction of time?
– Tool makers -> artist -> scientist -> writer ->
– Citizen -> saint… -> sinner
– From caves -> skyscrapers
– Roots & raw meat -> infinite global delicacies
– From average life span of 25 years -> 75 &
Era Life Expectancy
10200 BC 20
Bronze Age and Iron Age[14]
Classical Greece[15]
Classical Rome[15]
Pre-Columbian N America[16]
Medieval Islamic Caliphate[17]
Medieval Britain[18][19]
Early Modern Britain[14]
Early 20th Century[21][22]
2010 world average[23] 67.2
From marginal species -> only
super species
• How do we explain this variegated
• What makes us different than other
• What is within us and indeed between
us that propels this tornado of
This surge can be traced to four
roots: Anthropology
Within us
Between us
• Nature encourages , rather forces a living
being to exploration and adaptation…if
not creativity.
• In humans Novelty and Curiosity are
powerful motivators of exploratory
behavior… Berlyn
• Biological Design & Functioning of human
body has only facilitated this urge
• We discuss only three organs of human
Biology of Human Progress
First ?????
– Large Brain???
– Questionable
– Brain to body mass ratio? .022
– Highest in humans?
– Controversial
– Shrew 0.10…Dolphins.016
What Else ????
–May be yes.. Pic
–Lions.. etc. more powerful…but their
forelimbs are not free….i.e. quadrupeds
–Even our cousins …the great apes can
only clumsily and vulnerably shuffle on two
Our Limbs?
Roots of Human Creativity
• Huge advantage:
– makes our hands free for other usages…like
•seize ,
•strike, crawl…others also.
Advantages of being purely bipedal
What more ????
Roots of Human Creativity
Roots of Human Creativity
Roots of Human Creativity
Killing combination: Bipedal +
Opposable thumb
– Carry,
– gesture,
– shape tools,
– paint,
– carve,
– sculpt
– And much later
Roots of Human Creativity
Symbiosis of hands and Brain
• With brain driving the hand to newer and
more complex uses
• And
• The complex and varied actions of hands
…differentiating the brain more & more in
terms of increasing numerous brain
centers housing the skills of hands
• No wonder….
– Vocal Chords….
– Other animals/apes :
• scream,
• chatter,
• whimper,
• grunt & groan and
• roar
• but they cannot speak
–Our lips+ tongue+ teeth + vocal chord ->
• Enable us communicate in a number of ways
• Thru words, sentences & inflections / intonations
This UNIQUE Communication
opened up a PANDORA’s Box
– Led to ‘Language’ -> vocabulary-> culture ->
government -> organizations
– Speech-> pass on the past work /
experiences/ creativity to NEXT Generations
– & thus ever rising pyramid of inventions got
built for the entire race
• Third?
• Of course : Brain:
– Brain: Body
– Complex structure
– Large Cortex
– Seat of intellective activities :
• recalling, reasoning, analyzing, associating,
categorizing, etc.
– Differentiated cortex: Specialized halves
• Left: analysis, reasoning,
• Right: Synthesis, integration, intuition, visualize, dream
– But not isolated: 200 m cables : corpus callosum
• Howard Gardner (1984): Sync of all parts
of brain is root to human superiority /
– L& R Hemi
– F & Temporal Lobe
– Cortex & Limbic system
• Hence: Three organs
– separately and in combination
– blessed us with superior capacity and
1.Bipedal along with opposable thumb
2.Vocal apparatus
3.Very complex brain
• Other roots
• Mental:
– Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud(1890): Sub Conscious
– Carl Jung (1920): collective unconsciousness
• Archetype : DNA of human psyche
• Social
– Conservative(why?) v/s liberal/ entrepreneurial (why not ?)
– Democratic / autocratic / authoritarian 20th
• Spiritual
– Society of Jesus
– Swadhyaya Pariwar: Swadhyaya villages: No filth, no
crime, no wife beating???
• Recognize the Nature’s Design
• Involve in ACTIVITIES/ Doing
– New
– Varied
– Interesting
– Stimulating
• Build on Experience
• Express yourself
– Communicate
– Write…better still speak
Take Home
• Give Varied Food to Mind
• Make friends with creative people whom
you like
• Regular exposure to fresh content on
Take Home
Roots of Human Creativity
• Is a totally autonomous body
• Only diploma…no accreditation
• Collaboration with HBS
• Faculties offer their own courses…
depending on contemporary issues ….
– Doing business with Nordic countries
– CBBS, CINE, CB, Comp Finance,
• Compulsory on campus stay
• Strong IT Backbone
Essence from IIM, Ahmedabad
• Collegial system…
• No hierarchy .. Totally flat system
• Area system
• Some figures: Faculties : around 80
• Programs: PGP, FPM, PGPX, DGR, MDP,
• On campus community : Around 1000
• Totally case based…. good????
• Students are made to spend more time on self
• On an average 3 lectures a day
• Trimester system…25 sessions per module…
very fast paced
• Not all courses have prescribed text books
• Rather very few have prescribed text books
• Every faculty develops his / her own course
• Lot of international faculty exposure
Other Sessions on Creativity
• Can one be trained to be CREATIVE?
• Can Creativity be Enhanced?
• Various Forms of Creativity
• Lifelong Creativity
• Mastering Creative Problem Solving
• Acquiring Creative Persona
• Designing Creative Environment

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Roots of Human Creativity

  • 1. Why is Human race the best? or Roots of Human Creativity By Dr Anil Saraogi
  • 2. Outline • Advances in Creativity Training • Putting things in perspective – Context of Content • MAIN CONTENT • Take Home
  • 3. Advances in Creativity Training • 50-60 years • Scare Resources…Humongous Problems • Only Creative Solutions …Ray of Hope • Importance well recognized and institutionalized across sectors • Two Models
  • 4. Creativity can be Enhanced • Two models – Deficit Model… • Assumptions: Creative skills not present • Cognitive Skills..redefinition, ideation, divergent – Barrier model • Assumptions: Creative skills inherently present • Motivation, Attitude, efforts • 2001 onwards. – Balanced Holistic approach
  • 5. Problems of living beings • Threats of predators • Attack of disease causing organisms • Hunger • Sexual deprivation • Camouflages • Immune system • Methods of food procurement • Attracting mating partners
  • 6. Nature as unending source of creativity • Flying mechanisms of insects & birds • Deep diving of fish & whales • Use of solar energy by plants • Flying machine • Submarines • Greenhouses • Solar cookers
  • 7. • What do we know about evolution of Human beings? • We will see some aspects that are important to us.
  • 8. • Universe->Galaxies-> Milky Way(16 B) -> solar System • How old is planet earth? – 4.57 billion years = 4,570,000,000 years • When did life start on it? – Not sure.. – But around 3.5 billion years ago • Our distant cousins: Homo Erectus ? – Around 2,00,000 years ago Putting things in Perspective
  • 9. • How old are we on this earth? – Around 2,00,000 years ago – Homo Sapiens Sapiens….1,00,000 years ago – Geologically this is a TRICE of time • Both on TIME & SPACE • we are minuscule
  • 10. What have we achieved in this fraction of time? – Tool makers -> artist -> scientist -> writer -> … – Citizen -> saint… -> sinner – From caves -> skyscrapers – Roots & raw meat -> infinite global delicacies – From average life span of 25 years -> 75 & above
  • 11. Era Life Expectancy Neolithic[13] 10200 BC 20 Bronze Age and Iron Age[14] 26 Classical Greece[15] 28 Classical Rome[15] 28 Pre-Columbian N America[16] 25–30 Medieval Islamic Caliphate[17] 35+ Medieval Britain[18][19] 30 Early Modern Britain[14] 25–40 Early 20th Century[21][22] 31 2010 world average[23] 67.2
  • 12. From marginal species -> only super species
  • 13. • How do we explain this variegated progress? • What makes us different than other creatures? • What is within us and indeed between us that propels this tornado of creation? ?????
  • 14. This surge can be traced to four roots: Anthropology –Biological –Mental –Social –Spiritual Within us Between us
  • 15. • Nature encourages , rather forces a living being to exploration and adaptation…if not creativity. • In humans Novelty and Curiosity are powerful motivators of exploratory behavior… Berlyn • Biological Design & Functioning of human body has only facilitated this urge • We discuss only three organs of human body Biology of Human Progress
  • 16. First ????? – Large Brain??? – Questionable – Brain to body mass ratio? .022 – Highest in humans? – Controversial – Shrew 0.10…Dolphins.016
  • 18. –May be yes.. Pic –We the only PURELY BIPEDALS… –Lions.. etc. more powerful…but their forelimbs are not free….i.e. quadrupeds –Even our cousins …the great apes can only clumsily and vulnerably shuffle on two feet. Our Limbs?
  • 20. • Huge advantage: – makes our hands free for other usages…like •Climb, •seize , •strike, crawl…others also. Advantages of being purely bipedal
  • 25. Killing combination: Bipedal + Opposable thumb – Carry, – gesture, – shape tools, – paint, – carve, – sculpt – And much later on…..WRITE
  • 27. Symbiosis of hands and Brain • With brain driving the hand to newer and more complex uses • And • The complex and varied actions of hands …differentiating the brain more & more in terms of increasing numerous brain centers housing the skills of hands • No wonder….
  • 28. – Vocal Chords…. – Other animals/apes : • scream, • chatter, • whimper, • grunt & groan and • roar • but they cannot speak –Our lips+ tongue+ teeth + vocal chord -> • Enable us communicate in a number of ways • Thru words, sentences & inflections / intonations Second:??
  • 29. This UNIQUE Communication opened up a PANDORA’s Box – Led to ‘Language’ -> vocabulary-> culture -> government -> organizations – Speech-> pass on the past work / experiences/ creativity to NEXT Generations – & thus ever rising pyramid of inventions got built for the entire race
  • 30. • Third? • Of course : Brain: – Brain: Body – Complex structure – Large Cortex – Seat of intellective activities : • recalling, reasoning, analyzing, associating, categorizing, etc. – Differentiated cortex: Specialized halves • Left: analysis, reasoning, • Right: Synthesis, integration, intuition, visualize, dream – But not isolated: 200 m cables : corpus callosum
  • 31. • Howard Gardner (1984): Sync of all parts of brain is root to human superiority / creativity. – L& R Hemi – F & Temporal Lobe – Cortex & Limbic system
  • 32. • Hence: Three organs – separately and in combination – blessed us with superior capacity and creativity 1.Bipedal along with opposable thumb 2.Vocal apparatus 3.Very complex brain
  • 33. • Other roots • Mental: – Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud(1890): Sub Conscious mind – Carl Jung (1920): collective unconsciousness • Archetype : DNA of human psyche • Social – Conservative(why?) v/s liberal/ entrepreneurial (why not ?) – Democratic / autocratic / authoritarian 20th century • Spiritual – Society of Jesus – Swadhyaya Pariwar: Swadhyaya villages: No filth, no crime, no wife beating???
  • 34. • Recognize the Nature’s Design • Involve in ACTIVITIES/ Doing – New – Varied – Interesting – Stimulating • Build on Experience • Express yourself – Communicate – Write…better still speak Take Home
  • 35. • Give Varied Food to Mind • Make friends with creative people whom you like • Regular exposure to fresh content on Creativity –Literature –Training Take Home
  • 37. • Is a totally autonomous body • Only diploma…no accreditation • Collaboration with HBS • Faculties offer their own courses… depending on contemporary issues …. – Doing business with Nordic countries – CBBS, CINE, CB, Comp Finance, • Compulsory on campus stay • Strong IT Backbone Essence from IIM, Ahmedabad
  • 38. • Collegial system… • No hierarchy .. Totally flat system • Area system • Some figures: Faculties : around 80 • Programs: PGP, FPM, PGPX, DGR, MDP, FDP, PMP • On campus community : Around 1000
  • 39. • Totally case based…. good???? • Students are made to spend more time on self study…. • On an average 3 lectures a day • Trimester system…25 sessions per module… very fast paced • Not all courses have prescribed text books • Rather very few have prescribed text books • Every faculty develops his / her own course mat. • Lot of international faculty exposure
  • 40. Other Sessions on Creativity • Can one be trained to be CREATIVE? Or • Can Creativity be Enhanced? • Various Forms of Creativity • Lifelong Creativity • Mastering Creative Problem Solving • Acquiring Creative Persona • Designing Creative Environment