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Those skills that you must have to be successful!
 Picture this:
 Each day your bank
deposits $86,400
in your checking
 There’s just one catch.
 You have to spend it all
in one day.
 You can’t carry over any
money to the next day.
 DUH?
 You’d spend
it all,
24 hours per day
60 minutes per hour
60 seconds per minute
86,400 Seconds
 Spend every second in an efficient and
productive way
 If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is
 ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
 ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
 ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
 ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed.
 ONE HOUR, ask a parent waiting for a child to come out of surgery.
 ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the plane.
 ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
 ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the
 Yes!!!
 You don’t want to feel
like you’re walking a
 You never had to
worry about it before!
 Before you had study
hall or your parents
saying do your
homework first.
 In High School, you went to class from
early in the morning till mid-afternoon.
 In college you go the hours you want.
 In High School you had time in class to
complete projects.
 In College you do most of your work out of
Still in High School After Graduation
 People to remind you to go to work
or school.
 A safety net to pay your bills, in case
you don’t feel going to work and
you get fired. Mom and Dad will
cover you-right?
 Teachers can usually be talked into
letting you turn in late work.
 I’ll put off doing that today and
maybe it’ll just go away.
 I’ll just go with the flow, everything
will work out- I hope!
 You are responsible for getting to
your commitments on time-work,
school, picking up your kids,
whatever the commitment may be!
 If you are late to work you will be
fired. A person likes to feel like they
are irreplaceable, however no one is.
There are 10 people waiting to take
your place at any job. Don’t let being
late or calling in get you fired!
 If you can’t pay your bills your phone
will be cut off, you will be thrown
out of your apartment, utility
companies and people you owe
money to usually can’t be “talked
into” giving extensions.
The way to maintain control over what is happening to
you is to be a good manager of your biggest resource…
 Now, as you’re probably figuring
out, you have to decide when to
go to school, when to study,
when to go to work, and when to
have fun.
 If you do a poor job you can
often feel like this guy!
 If you do a good job you will find
you have time for all these things
and feel good about yourself too!
For a week keep
track of what you do
 when you sleep,
 when you eat,
 when you work,
 when you go to class,
 when you study,
 when you have fun,
 and anything else.
 Figure out how much
time each week you
spend on each task .
 Are you spending it
where you need to?
 What do you need to
spend more time on?
 What do you need to
spend less time on?
 56 hours for sleep,
 8 hours are usually
 21 hours to eat,
 Don’t try to rush your
eating or skip meals.
 20 hours for classes
and labs,
 Don’t try to skip one
class to get work done
in another.
 Next, fill in other fixed
commitments .
Work - unless hours vary from
week to week.
Meeting times, or practice
times of clubs, organizations,
or sports.
Social time that doesn’t
Time where you sleep in on
Saturday or Sunday mornings.
 Plan your day at the same time each day.
 Allow more time for learning new material,
drafting a paper, grasping concepts, etc.
 As you begin work on each part , jot down
the time you expect to finish ; give yourself
a mini-reward when you finish on time.
 Review for only 15 to 45 minutes ,
 especially before and after class.
 Do something daily - don’t
 Schedule harder study tasks when
you are most alert.
 Plan to learn the first time so the
other times you are just
reviewing , making up test
questions, etc.
 Don’t try to allocate ALL your
time; just make sure you schedule
what you have to get done.
 Plan to study two hours
for every hour you spend
in class.
 Study your difficult
subjects first.
 Avoid marathon study
 Study during the time you
are most alert each day.
 Find a regular study place:
 It should be somewhere that
you don’t eat or sleep.
 Train your body that you
study there.
 Don’t get too comfortable.
 Don’t study on the bed.
 Easy chairs & sofas are unsafe
 Use a library.
 Pay attention to your mind
 Set rules & times with roommates,
spouses, & kids.
 Avoid noise distractions.
 Talk to people who routinely
 Avoid the phone!
 Learn to say NO!
 Hang a “do not disturb” sign.
Don’t create
impossible situations.
Define priorities.
Avoid distractions and
lack of focus.
 Don’t try to do too much:
 work full time,
 school full time,
 too many lab classes,
 single parent,
 or too many extra-curriculars.
 Plan to study 2 hours for every
1 hour of class.
 Decide which class you have to
 Create lists to set priorities:
 Weekly Calendar - this is your basic time budgeting
guide - list courses, work , study time, meals,
 Daily Calendar - this is what you want to do today -
homework, tests, housework, shopping,
 Goal List - this is a list of things you have to do -
list commitments, goals, etc.
 Procrastination!
 Crisis management.
 Switching and
 Television,
 Friends
 Emotional blocks
 Sickness
 Planning is important but just planning
doesn’t make it so.
 Study in 50-60 minute increments.
 Take breaks.
 Switch subjects.
 Tackle difficult assignments first.
 Plan rewards.
 Work until you finish scheduled tasks.
 Work ahead.
 Causes:
 low self-esteem,
 low frustration
 hostility,
 protection from feelings
of inadequacy,
 poor time management,
 or habit.
 Set realistic goals.
 Use good time management
 Long term planning.
 Break down large tasks.
 Some tasks are not fun.
 Plan rewards.
 Learn to see the relevance.
 Take action!
1. Make a “To-Do” List every day.
Put things that are most important at the top and do them first. If it's
easier, use a planner to track all of your tasks. And don't forget to
reward yourself for your accomplishments.
2. Use Spare Minutes Wisely.
Get some reading done on the bus ride home from school, or make your
grocery list when you are on your break at work, or take a brisk walk for
exercise when you are on a break or in between tasks.
3. It’s OK to say “NO”.
If your boss asks you to work on a Thursday night and you have
a final exam the next morning, realize that it's okay to say no.
Keep your short- and long-term priorities in mind.
4. Find the Right Time!
You'll work more efficiently if you figure out when
you do your best work. For example, if your brain
handles math better in the afternoon, don't wait to
do it until late at night. This might also mean this
will be a good time to pay bills and to balance your
check book!
5. Review Your Notes Every Day.
If you review your notes on a daily basis you will be ready for a
pop quiz or if the teacher calls on you. This can also be applied to
your work life. Review any emails or conversations that you’ve
had with your boss or clients on daily basis. The more you
reinforce information in your head, the more likely it will stick
with you.
6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep!
Running on empty makes the day seem
longer and tasks seem that much harder!
7. Communicate your Schedule to Others!
It may seem a bit silly but you may want to ask friends and family that you
will take calls only at certain time. This really does help.
8. Become a Task Master.
Figure out how much free time you have
each week. The give yourself a time
budget and plan activities accordingly.
9. Don’t Waste Time Agonizing over what you have to do.
Have you heard yourself telling your friends about all
the stuff you’ve got to get done. How about instead of
talking about it you JUST DO IT! Stop worrying about
how you’re going to get it done and just get it done.
You’ll be amazed at how fast something can be
accomplished if you just get it started.
10. Keep Things in Perspective.
Setting goals that are unrealistic sets
you up for failure. While it's good to
set high goals for yourself, be sure not
to overdo it. Set goals that are difficult
yet reachable.
Consider these tips, but personalize your habits so that
they suit you. If you set priorities that fit your lifestyle,
you'll have a better chance of achieving your goals.
 Monitor how well your
schedule is working.
 Evaluate if you have
enough study time.
 Admit when the schedule
you have created is not
 Then reevaluate and start
over, and over, and over.
 Only you can control your
Many people will offer you advice and
give you tips. It is up to you to make
things work for you and your routine
and your personality. ONLY you can
improve your time management
skills and take control of your life!

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  • 1. Those skills that you must have to be successful!
  • 2.  Picture this:  Each day your bank deposits $86,400 in your checking account.  There’s just one catch.  You have to spend it all in one day.  You can’t carry over any money to the next day.
  • 3.  DUH?  You’d spend it all, Right?
  • 4. 24 hours per day X 60 minutes per hour X 60 seconds per minute = 86,400 Seconds
  • 5.  Spend every second in an efficient and productive way  If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours.
  • 6.  ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.  ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.  ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.  ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed.  ONE HOUR, ask a parent waiting for a child to come out of surgery.  ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the plane.  ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.  ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.
  • 7.  Yes!!!  You don’t want to feel like you’re walking a tightrope.  You never had to worry about it before!  Before you had study hall or your parents saying do your homework first.
  • 8.  In High School, you went to class from early in the morning till mid-afternoon.  In college you go the hours you want.  In High School you had time in class to complete projects.  In College you do most of your work out of class.
  • 9. Still in High School After Graduation  People to remind you to go to work or school.  A safety net to pay your bills, in case you don’t feel going to work and you get fired. Mom and Dad will cover you-right?  Teachers can usually be talked into letting you turn in late work.  I’ll put off doing that today and maybe it’ll just go away.  I’ll just go with the flow, everything will work out- I hope!  You are responsible for getting to your commitments on time-work, school, picking up your kids, whatever the commitment may be!  If you are late to work you will be fired. A person likes to feel like they are irreplaceable, however no one is. There are 10 people waiting to take your place at any job. Don’t let being late or calling in get you fired!  If you can’t pay your bills your phone will be cut off, you will be thrown out of your apartment, utility companies and people you owe money to usually can’t be “talked into” giving extensions. The way to maintain control over what is happening to you is to be a good manager of your biggest resource… TIME.
  • 10.  Now, as you’re probably figuring out, you have to decide when to go to school, when to study, when to go to work, and when to have fun.  If you do a poor job you can often feel like this guy!  If you do a good job you will find you have time for all these things and feel good about yourself too!
  • 11. For a week keep track of what you do now:  when you sleep,  when you eat,  when you work,  when you go to class,  when you study,  when you have fun,  and anything else.
  • 12.  Figure out how much time each week you spend on each task .  Are you spending it where you need to?  What do you need to spend more time on?  What do you need to spend less time on?
  • 13.  56 hours for sleep,  8 hours are usually adequate.  21 hours to eat,  Don’t try to rush your eating or skip meals.  20 hours for classes and labs,  Don’t try to skip one class to get work done in another.
  • 14.  Next, fill in other fixed commitments . Work - unless hours vary from week to week. Meeting times, or practice times of clubs, organizations, or sports. Social time that doesn’t change. Time where you sleep in on Saturday or Sunday mornings.
  • 15.  Plan your day at the same time each day.  Allow more time for learning new material, drafting a paper, grasping concepts, etc.  As you begin work on each part , jot down the time you expect to finish ; give yourself a mini-reward when you finish on time.  Review for only 15 to 45 minutes ,  especially before and after class.
  • 16.  Do something daily - don’t procrastinate.  Schedule harder study tasks when you are most alert.  Plan to learn the first time so the other times you are just reviewing , making up test questions, etc.  Don’t try to allocate ALL your time; just make sure you schedule what you have to get done.
  • 17.  Plan to study two hours for every hour you spend in class.  Study your difficult subjects first.  Avoid marathon study sessions.  Study during the time you are most alert each day.
  • 18.  Find a regular study place:  It should be somewhere that you don’t eat or sleep.  Train your body that you study there.  Don’t get too comfortable.  Don’t study on the bed.  Easy chairs & sofas are unsafe too.  Use a library.
  • 19.  Pay attention to your mind wandering.  Set rules & times with roommates, spouses, & kids.  Avoid noise distractions.  Talk to people who routinely interrupt.  Avoid the phone!  Learn to say NO!  Hang a “do not disturb” sign.
  • 20. Don’t create impossible situations. Define priorities. Avoid distractions and lack of focus.
  • 21.  Don’t try to do too much:  work full time,  school full time,  too many lab classes,  single parent,  or too many extra-curriculars.  Plan to study 2 hours for every 1 hour of class.  Decide which class you have to finish.
  • 22.  Create lists to set priorities:  Weekly Calendar - this is your basic time budgeting guide - list courses, work , study time, meals, recreation.  Daily Calendar - this is what you want to do today - homework, tests, housework, shopping, recreation.  Goal List - this is a list of things you have to do - list commitments, goals, etc.
  • 23.  Procrastination!  Crisis management.  Switching and floundering.  Television, telephone  Friends  Emotional blocks  Sickness
  • 24.  Planning is important but just planning doesn’t make it so.  Study in 50-60 minute increments.  Take breaks.  Switch subjects.  Tackle difficult assignments first.  Plan rewards.  Work until you finish scheduled tasks.  Work ahead.
  • 25.  Causes:  low self-esteem,  low frustration tolerance,  hostility,  protection from feelings of inadequacy,  poor time management,  or habit.
  • 26.  Set realistic goals.  Use good time management skills.  Long term planning.  Break down large tasks.  Some tasks are not fun.  Plan rewards.  Learn to see the relevance.  Take action!
  • 27. 1. Make a “To-Do” List every day. Put things that are most important at the top and do them first. If it's easier, use a planner to track all of your tasks. And don't forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments. 2. Use Spare Minutes Wisely. Get some reading done on the bus ride home from school, or make your grocery list when you are on your break at work, or take a brisk walk for exercise when you are on a break or in between tasks. 3. It’s OK to say “NO”. If your boss asks you to work on a Thursday night and you have a final exam the next morning, realize that it's okay to say no. Keep your short- and long-term priorities in mind.
  • 28. 4. Find the Right Time! You'll work more efficiently if you figure out when you do your best work. For example, if your brain handles math better in the afternoon, don't wait to do it until late at night. This might also mean this will be a good time to pay bills and to balance your check book! 5. Review Your Notes Every Day. If you review your notes on a daily basis you will be ready for a pop quiz or if the teacher calls on you. This can also be applied to your work life. Review any emails or conversations that you’ve had with your boss or clients on daily basis. The more you reinforce information in your head, the more likely it will stick with you.
  • 29. 6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep! Running on empty makes the day seem longer and tasks seem that much harder! 7. Communicate your Schedule to Others! It may seem a bit silly but you may want to ask friends and family that you will take calls only at certain time. This really does help. 8. Become a Task Master. Figure out how much free time you have each week. The give yourself a time budget and plan activities accordingly.
  • 30. 9. Don’t Waste Time Agonizing over what you have to do. Have you heard yourself telling your friends about all the stuff you’ve got to get done. How about instead of talking about it you JUST DO IT! Stop worrying about how you’re going to get it done and just get it done. You’ll be amazed at how fast something can be accomplished if you just get it started. 10. Keep Things in Perspective. Setting goals that are unrealistic sets you up for failure. While it's good to set high goals for yourself, be sure not to overdo it. Set goals that are difficult yet reachable. Consider these tips, but personalize your habits so that they suit you. If you set priorities that fit your lifestyle, you'll have a better chance of achieving your goals.
  • 31.  Monitor how well your schedule is working.  Evaluate if you have enough study time.  Admit when the schedule you have created is not working.  Then reevaluate and start over, and over, and over.  Only you can control your time!
  • 32. Many people will offer you advice and give you tips. It is up to you to make things work for you and your routine and your personality. ONLY you can improve your time management skills and take control of your life!