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Eat that Frog!
Introduction to the Eat That Frog Concept?
Take Aways from todayLearn to set clear priorities and task settingThe Truth About FrogsTake Action ImmediatelyDevelop Habits of SuccessDevelop Positive Addictions! High Endorphins!There are no Short cutsThree D’s of Habit FormingVisualize yourself as you want to be
21 Principles to Stop Procrastinating
Principle 1Establishing Clarity# 1 reason why some people get their work done faster than others is they are absolutely clear about their goals and objectives.Only 3% percent of adults have clear, written goals
Great Rule of Thumb “Think on Paper” 1. Decide exactly what you want2. Write it Down3. Set a deadline for your goal4. Make a list of everything you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal.5. Organize the list into a plan.6. Take action on your plan immediately.7. Resolve to do something every day moving you towards your goal.
Eat that Frog! Activity 1
Principle 2Plan Every Day in Advance = Good ROEEvery 10 to 12 minutes for you to plan out your day will help save you up to 2 hours in wasted time and effort.
Work From A List Increases productivity by 25% or moreMake the list the night before for the workday ahead.  Your subconscious mind works on the list as you sleep. Even coming up with great ideas as you sleep!
Different Lists for Different PurposesMaster List- for every ideaMonthly ListWeekly ListDaily List
10/90 Rule10 Percent on time you spend planning and organizing your work before you begin will save you as much as 90 percent of the time in getting the job done once you get started.
Activity 2
Principle 3Apply the Rule of 80/20 to EverythingPareto Principle from 1895 The Top 20% in terms of money and influence, and the bottom 80% (the trivial many)20 % of your activities will account for 80% of your results, 20% of your customers will account for 80% of your sales
80/20 Rule in Time ManagementNumbers of Tasks vs. Importance of TasksEach one of 10 tasks may take the same amount of time to accomplish. But one or two of those tasks will contribute 4 or 10 times the values of the other tasks.Focus on Activities, Not Accomplishments
Motivate YourselfJust thinking about starting and finishing an important task motivates you to overcome procrastination.Eat that frog!
Principle 4Consider the ConsequencesYour attitude toward time, your “time horizon”, has an enormous impact on your behavior and your choices.Rule: Long-term thinking improves short-term decision making.Successful people have a clear future orientation. 5,10, or 20 years in the future.
Three Questions for Maximum ProductivityWhat are my highest value activities?What can I and only I do that if done well will make a real difference?What is the most valuable use of my time right now? (What is my biggest frog of all at the moment?)
Principle 5Practice Creative Procrastination	Procrastinate on low value activitiesRule: You can get your time and your life under control only to the degree to which you discontinue lower-value activities.
Principle 6Use the ABCDE Method ContinuallyThe first law of success is concentration- to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor the left.-William Mathews
ABCDE MethodThink on Paper Place ABCDE next to each A next to each item on the list before you begin the first task.A is defined as a “must do” , your A tasks are your frogs.B is defined as defined as a “should do”.C is defined as “would be nice to do”D is “delegate to someone else”E is “eliminate all together”
Principle 7Focus on Key Result Areas“When every physical and mental resource is focused, one’s power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.”    Norman Vincent Peale
Big 7 in SalesProspectingBuilding Rapport and trustIdentifying needsPresenting PersuasivelyAnswering ObjectionsClosing the saleGetting re-sales and referrals
Clarity Is EssentialKey point to high performance is identifying the key result of your work.Make a list of the your most important output responsibilities and they are in sync with Management /company goals.Then grade yourself on a scale of 1-10 where are you the strongest and the weakest?
Rule“Your weakest key result area sets the height at which you can use all your other skills and abilities.”This rule says that although you could be exceptional in 6 of your 7 key results poor performance in the seventh key area, will hold you back and determine how much you achieve in the other skills
Poor Performance Produces ProcrastinationThe better you become in a particular skill area, the more motivated you will be to perform that function, the less you will be to procrastinate.
The Great Question?“What one skill, if I developed and did it in excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my career?”
Principle 8 Apply the Law of 3Three core tasks that you perform contain most of the value that you contribute to your business or organization.Your ability to identify and focus on these three key tasks and then focus on them most of the time is essential for you to perform at your best.
Principle 9Prepare Thoroughly Before you BeginCreate a comfortable workspaceGet on with the job “Perpetually writing a book”Launch towards your dreams“You miss 100 % of the shots you don’t take”Wayne Gretsky
Principle 10Take It One Oil Barrel at a TimePersons with comparatively moderate powers will accomplish much, if they apply themselves wholly and indefatigably to one thing at a time.-   Samuel Smiles
Eat that Frog Homework	Select any goal, task, or project in your life on which you have been procrastinating on and make a list of all the steps you will need to take to eventually complete the task.Then take just one step immediately. Sometimes all you need to do to get started is to sit down and complete one item on the list. And then do one more, and so on.
Principle 11Upgrade Your Key SkillsUpgrading your skills is one of the most important personal productivity principles of all.A major reason for procrastination is a feeling of inadequacy, a lack of confidence or an inability in a key are of a task.Rule: Continuous learning is the minimum requirements for success in any field.
Principle 12Leverage Your Special TalentsYou are remarkable! You have special talents and abilities that set you apart.There are frogs you can eat or learn to eat that make you one of the most important people in your business or organization.    Increase your earning ability by applying your special knowledge and skills!
Principle 13Identify Your Key ConstraintsIdentify the Limiting FactorApply the 80/20 Rule80 % of the internal Constraints, are the factors holding you back from achieving your goals.Ask yourself internally “What is it in me that is holding me back?”By defining the constraint determines the strategy that you use to alleviate it.
Principle 14Put the Pressure on Yourself“The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.”-   Thomas Edison
Raise The BarLead the Field- See yourself as a role model for others. Raise the bar on yourself. Create Imaginary DeadlinesBy putting pressure on yourself you will accomplish more and better tasks faster than ever before.
Principle 15Maximize Your Personal Powers“Gather in your resources, rally all of your faculties, marshal all of your energies, focus all your capacities upon mastery of at least one field of endeavor”John Haggai
Maximize Your Personal PowersOverworking can mean under producing.Work at your own pace (find your best time when you are most productive),Sometimes the very best use of your time is to go home early and go to bed.Get enough sleepGuard your physical health
Principle 16Motivate Yourself into ActionTo perform at your best, you must become your own personal cheerleader. You must develop a routine of coaching yourself to play at the top of your game.Control Your Inner DialogueDevelop a Positive Mental Attitude
Be optimisticMartin Seliman’s 22 year study @ the University of PA summarized in his book “Learned Optimism”1. Look for the good in every situation2. Seek valuable lessons in every setback or difficulty.3. Look for the solution to every problem.4.Think and talk continually about their goals.
Principle 17Get Out of the Technological Time SinksDon’t Become AddictedTechnology is your friendTake Back your timeStandardize and DelegateRefuse to be a slaveA Servant, Not a MasterContinuous Contact is Not Essential
Principle 18Slice and Dice the TaskA major reason for procrastinating on big, important tasks is that they appear so large and formidable when you first approach them.Develop a Compulsion to ClosureThis means that you feel happier and more powerful when you start and complete a task of any kind.  The bigger the task, the more elated you feel.
Principle 18Create Large Chunks of Time“Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all of your energies on a limited set of targets.” NidoQubein
Key ActivitiesSchedule Blocks of TimeUse a Time PlannerMake every Minute Time
Principle 20Develop a Sense of UrgencyDo not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. –Napolean Hill
Urgency	Getting into “Flow”-When you work on your most important tasks at a high and continous level of activity, you can actually enter into an amazing mental state “flow”.Trigger High Performance in Yourself- One of the ways you can trigger this state of flow is by developing a sense of urgency. This is an inner drive and desire to get the job done quickly and keep going.Build Up a Sense of Momentum- Momentum Principle: This principle says that it may take tremendous amounts of energy to overcome inertia, but then far less to keep it going.
Principle 21Single Handle Every TaskEat that frog! Every bit of planning, prioritizing, and organizing comes down to this simple concept.Every great achievement of humankind has been preceded by a long period of hard, concentrated work until the job was done.
Putting it all together1. Set the table: Decide what you want. Clarity is essential. Write it down your goals and objectives before you begin.2. Plan every day in advance: Think on paper. Every minute planned saves you 5-10 minutes in execution.3. Apply the 80/20 Rule to everything: 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results.
4. Consider the consequences: Your most important tasks and priorities.5. Practice creative procrastination.6. Use the ABCDE Method.7.Focus on key result areas8. The Law of Three9. Prepare before you begin10.Take it one oil barrel at a time11. Upgrade your key skills12. Leverage your special talents13. Identify your key constraints14. Put the pressure on yourself15.Maximize your personal power16. Motivate yourself into action17.Get out of the technological time sinks18. Slice and Dice the task19. Create large chunks of time20. Develop sense of urgency21 . Single handle every task
Just eat that frog!

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Eat That Frog!

  • 2. Introduction to the Eat That Frog Concept?
  • 3. Take Aways from todayLearn to set clear priorities and task settingThe Truth About FrogsTake Action ImmediatelyDevelop Habits of SuccessDevelop Positive Addictions! High Endorphins!There are no Short cutsThree D’s of Habit FormingVisualize yourself as you want to be
  • 4. 21 Principles to Stop Procrastinating
  • 5. Principle 1Establishing Clarity# 1 reason why some people get their work done faster than others is they are absolutely clear about their goals and objectives.Only 3% percent of adults have clear, written goals
  • 6. Great Rule of Thumb “Think on Paper” 1. Decide exactly what you want2. Write it Down3. Set a deadline for your goal4. Make a list of everything you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal.5. Organize the list into a plan.6. Take action on your plan immediately.7. Resolve to do something every day moving you towards your goal.
  • 7. Eat that Frog! Activity 1
  • 8. Principle 2Plan Every Day in Advance = Good ROEEvery 10 to 12 minutes for you to plan out your day will help save you up to 2 hours in wasted time and effort.
  • 9. Work From A List Increases productivity by 25% or moreMake the list the night before for the workday ahead. Your subconscious mind works on the list as you sleep. Even coming up with great ideas as you sleep!
  • 10. Different Lists for Different PurposesMaster List- for every ideaMonthly ListWeekly ListDaily List
  • 11. 10/90 Rule10 Percent on time you spend planning and organizing your work before you begin will save you as much as 90 percent of the time in getting the job done once you get started.
  • 13. Principle 3Apply the Rule of 80/20 to EverythingPareto Principle from 1895 The Top 20% in terms of money and influence, and the bottom 80% (the trivial many)20 % of your activities will account for 80% of your results, 20% of your customers will account for 80% of your sales
  • 14. 80/20 Rule in Time ManagementNumbers of Tasks vs. Importance of TasksEach one of 10 tasks may take the same amount of time to accomplish. But one or two of those tasks will contribute 4 or 10 times the values of the other tasks.Focus on Activities, Not Accomplishments
  • 15. Motivate YourselfJust thinking about starting and finishing an important task motivates you to overcome procrastination.Eat that frog!
  • 16. Principle 4Consider the ConsequencesYour attitude toward time, your “time horizon”, has an enormous impact on your behavior and your choices.Rule: Long-term thinking improves short-term decision making.Successful people have a clear future orientation. 5,10, or 20 years in the future.
  • 17. Three Questions for Maximum ProductivityWhat are my highest value activities?What can I and only I do that if done well will make a real difference?What is the most valuable use of my time right now? (What is my biggest frog of all at the moment?)
  • 18. Principle 5Practice Creative Procrastination Procrastinate on low value activitiesRule: You can get your time and your life under control only to the degree to which you discontinue lower-value activities.
  • 19. Principle 6Use the ABCDE Method ContinuallyThe first law of success is concentration- to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor the left.-William Mathews
  • 20. ABCDE MethodThink on Paper Place ABCDE next to each A next to each item on the list before you begin the first task.A is defined as a “must do” , your A tasks are your frogs.B is defined as defined as a “should do”.C is defined as “would be nice to do”D is “delegate to someone else”E is “eliminate all together”
  • 21. Principle 7Focus on Key Result Areas“When every physical and mental resource is focused, one’s power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.” Norman Vincent Peale
  • 22. Big 7 in SalesProspectingBuilding Rapport and trustIdentifying needsPresenting PersuasivelyAnswering ObjectionsClosing the saleGetting re-sales and referrals
  • 23. Clarity Is EssentialKey point to high performance is identifying the key result of your work.Make a list of the your most important output responsibilities and they are in sync with Management /company goals.Then grade yourself on a scale of 1-10 where are you the strongest and the weakest?
  • 24. Rule“Your weakest key result area sets the height at which you can use all your other skills and abilities.”This rule says that although you could be exceptional in 6 of your 7 key results poor performance in the seventh key area, will hold you back and determine how much you achieve in the other skills
  • 25. Poor Performance Produces ProcrastinationThe better you become in a particular skill area, the more motivated you will be to perform that function, the less you will be to procrastinate.
  • 26. The Great Question?“What one skill, if I developed and did it in excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my career?”
  • 27. Principle 8 Apply the Law of 3Three core tasks that you perform contain most of the value that you contribute to your business or organization.Your ability to identify and focus on these three key tasks and then focus on them most of the time is essential for you to perform at your best.
  • 28. Principle 9Prepare Thoroughly Before you BeginCreate a comfortable workspaceGet on with the job “Perpetually writing a book”Launch towards your dreams“You miss 100 % of the shots you don’t take”Wayne Gretsky
  • 29. Principle 10Take It One Oil Barrel at a TimePersons with comparatively moderate powers will accomplish much, if they apply themselves wholly and indefatigably to one thing at a time.- Samuel Smiles
  • 30. Eat that Frog Homework Select any goal, task, or project in your life on which you have been procrastinating on and make a list of all the steps you will need to take to eventually complete the task.Then take just one step immediately. Sometimes all you need to do to get started is to sit down and complete one item on the list. And then do one more, and so on.
  • 31. Principle 11Upgrade Your Key SkillsUpgrading your skills is one of the most important personal productivity principles of all.A major reason for procrastination is a feeling of inadequacy, a lack of confidence or an inability in a key are of a task.Rule: Continuous learning is the minimum requirements for success in any field.
  • 32. Principle 12Leverage Your Special TalentsYou are remarkable! You have special talents and abilities that set you apart.There are frogs you can eat or learn to eat that make you one of the most important people in your business or organization. Increase your earning ability by applying your special knowledge and skills!
  • 33. Principle 13Identify Your Key ConstraintsIdentify the Limiting FactorApply the 80/20 Rule80 % of the internal Constraints, are the factors holding you back from achieving your goals.Ask yourself internally “What is it in me that is holding me back?”By defining the constraint determines the strategy that you use to alleviate it.
  • 34. Principle 14Put the Pressure on Yourself“The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.”- Thomas Edison
  • 35. Raise The BarLead the Field- See yourself as a role model for others. Raise the bar on yourself. Create Imaginary DeadlinesBy putting pressure on yourself you will accomplish more and better tasks faster than ever before.
  • 36. Principle 15Maximize Your Personal Powers“Gather in your resources, rally all of your faculties, marshal all of your energies, focus all your capacities upon mastery of at least one field of endeavor”John Haggai
  • 37. Maximize Your Personal PowersOverworking can mean under producing.Work at your own pace (find your best time when you are most productive),Sometimes the very best use of your time is to go home early and go to bed.Get enough sleepGuard your physical health
  • 38. Principle 16Motivate Yourself into ActionTo perform at your best, you must become your own personal cheerleader. You must develop a routine of coaching yourself to play at the top of your game.Control Your Inner DialogueDevelop a Positive Mental Attitude
  • 39. Be optimisticMartin Seliman’s 22 year study @ the University of PA summarized in his book “Learned Optimism”1. Look for the good in every situation2. Seek valuable lessons in every setback or difficulty.3. Look for the solution to every problem.4.Think and talk continually about their goals.
  • 40. Principle 17Get Out of the Technological Time SinksDon’t Become AddictedTechnology is your friendTake Back your timeStandardize and DelegateRefuse to be a slaveA Servant, Not a MasterContinuous Contact is Not Essential
  • 41. Principle 18Slice and Dice the TaskA major reason for procrastinating on big, important tasks is that they appear so large and formidable when you first approach them.Develop a Compulsion to ClosureThis means that you feel happier and more powerful when you start and complete a task of any kind. The bigger the task, the more elated you feel.
  • 42. Principle 18Create Large Chunks of Time“Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all of your energies on a limited set of targets.” NidoQubein
  • 43. Key ActivitiesSchedule Blocks of TimeUse a Time PlannerMake every Minute Time
  • 44. Principle 20Develop a Sense of UrgencyDo not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. –Napolean Hill
  • 45. Urgency Getting into “Flow”-When you work on your most important tasks at a high and continous level of activity, you can actually enter into an amazing mental state “flow”.Trigger High Performance in Yourself- One of the ways you can trigger this state of flow is by developing a sense of urgency. This is an inner drive and desire to get the job done quickly and keep going.Build Up a Sense of Momentum- Momentum Principle: This principle says that it may take tremendous amounts of energy to overcome inertia, but then far less to keep it going.
  • 46. Principle 21Single Handle Every TaskEat that frog! Every bit of planning, prioritizing, and organizing comes down to this simple concept.Every great achievement of humankind has been preceded by a long period of hard, concentrated work until the job was done.
  • 47. Putting it all together1. Set the table: Decide what you want. Clarity is essential. Write it down your goals and objectives before you begin.2. Plan every day in advance: Think on paper. Every minute planned saves you 5-10 minutes in execution.3. Apply the 80/20 Rule to everything: 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results.
  • 48. 4. Consider the consequences: Your most important tasks and priorities.5. Practice creative procrastination.6. Use the ABCDE Method.7.Focus on key result areas8. The Law of Three9. Prepare before you begin10.Take it one oil barrel at a time11. Upgrade your key skills12. Leverage your special talents13. Identify your key constraints14. Put the pressure on yourself15.Maximize your personal power16. Motivate yourself into action17.Get out of the technological time sinks18. Slice and Dice the task19. Create large chunks of time20. Develop sense of urgency21 . Single handle every task