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droidcon 2009
  testing on android
                                                   london, december 2009

                                              diego torres milano
copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
“Never test the depth of 
the water with both feet.”
                                                           ­­ Anonymous

      copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   test driven development
●   behavior driven development
●   building blocks
●   your first tdd android application
●   writing tests

             copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com

●   http://android.codtech.com/droidcon2009

             copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
after this section you will
after this section you will...

                                                 ●   understand test driven 
                                                 ●   be introduced to behavior 
                                                     driven development
                                                 ●   recognize test building 

                                 copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
what is test driven development ?

      TDD is the strategy of 
     starting the development 
  process by the test cases and 
  then provide the software that 
        satisfies these tests

         copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
test driven development

                                                            uml activity diagram

         copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
kinds of automated tests
●   unit tests
      –   written by programmers
      –   for programmers
      –   in a programming language
●   functional or acceptance tests
      –   written by business people and QA
      –   for business people
      –   in a high level language
                                                            check FitNesse www.fitnesse.org

                 copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
behavior driven development
●   evolution in the thinking behind TDD
●   common vocabulary between business and 
●   framework of activity based on three principles
      –   business and technology should refer to the same 
          system in the same way
      –   any system should have an identified, verifiable 
          value to the business
      –   up­front analysis, design and planning all have a 
          diminishing return               http://behaviour­driven.org
                   copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   text scenario

     Given I am not logged in
     When I log in as Liz with a password JBehaver
     Then I should see a message, "Welcome, Liz!"

●   defining steps
       @Given("I am not logged in")
       public void logOut() {

               copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
testing on android
●   android platform integrates a 
    testing framework
●   it's based on Junit 3
●   supports
    –   unit tests
    –   functional tests
    –   activity tests
    –   mock objects
    –   utilities to simplify test                    Portions of this page are reproduced from work created and shared by 
                                                              Google and used according to terms described in the Creative 
        creation                                                                          Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

                     copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
is this all the documentation ?

                                                   a framework for writing 
                                                   android test cases and 
                                                         suites. (?)

         copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   functional testing of single Activity
●   Activity  created used system infrastructure
●   Activity can be manipulated
●   Tests can be annotated with @UiThreadTest
●   Intents can be injected with 
●   sendKeys() can be used to simulate user 

               copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
uml class diagram

        copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   test Application in controlled environment
●   basic lyfecycle support
      –   onCreate() called after createApplication()
      –   tearDown() calls onDestroy()
●   mock Context can be injected
●   Application can be terminated with 

                 copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   isolated testing of a single Activity
●   Activity created with minimal connection to the 
●   mocked dependencies can be injected
●   Activity will not participate in the normal 
    interactions with the system
●   some methods should be avoided and will throw 
    exceptions if called

               copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   isolated testing of a ContentProvider
●   uses a MockContentResolver to
      –   access the provider
      –   restricts access to filesystem (db & files)
      –   injects IsolatedContext
●   environment managed by setUp() and 

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   framework to test Services
●   basic support for lifecycle
      –   onCreate() called after startService(Intent) or 
      –   depending on how was started tearDown() calls 
          appropriate method
●   mock objects can be injected by
      –   setApplication()
      –   setContext()

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   base class that can be extended to support 
    different requirements
●   use this if you need
      –   isolate components
      –   test custom Views
      –   test permissions
      –   access Resources

                 copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   useful assertions about Views
      –   Views are aligned in several ways
      –   ViewGroups contain Views
      –   View is on screen
      –   View has specific screen coordinates

                 copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   use these methods to generate touch events
●   clickView() to simulate touching
●   drag...() to touch and drag
●   longClick() for touching and holding
●   scroll...() to simulate different scrolling
●   tapView() to touch and release quickly

                copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
all classes has non­functional methods
●   MockApplication
●   MockContentResolver
●   MockContext
●   MockDialogInterface
●   MockPackageManager
●   MockResources

             copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
“You know you've achieved 
perfection in design, not when 
you have nothing more to add, 
but when you have nothing 
more to take away.”

                                     ­­ Antoine de Saint­Exupery

      copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
after this section you will
after this section you will...

                                                 ●   be able to create a project 
                                                     and its corresponding tests 
                                                 ●   apply test driven 
                                                     development techniques
                                                 ●   get acquainted with android 

                                 copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
    from celsius e
              us to
       n th
   whehrenheit a d
            rsa                                                           err     re'
       e- e
    vicen vers       one                                                      or      s a
         atur  e in                                                     dis
                                                                                 sh o
 temper         ther
                        is                                             (O
                                                                                 d        be
            e o                                                                     he
      ld th
  fie           ed
            m  atica

                                                        we l
                                                        f or       s p ac
                                                              keyb        e
                                                                  o ar d

                      copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
create project

                                                             Choose the 
                                                             build target

         copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
create test project
 always create a 
   test project

                                                                              other values are 

                    copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
create test case

                                                                           to create the test for 
                                                                            the Activity we use 

create method 

                                                                           the Activity as the 
                                                                            class under test

                 copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
check generated test case
   * Copyright © 2009 COD Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.
  package com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.test;

  import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2;

   adjust stub 
constructor to pass 
required arguments 
   public class
      to super
                   TemperatureConverterActivityTests extends
             ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<TemperatureConverterActivity> {

         * @param name
        public TemperatureConverterActivityTests(String name) {

        // setUp() and tearDown() not showed

                       copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com

/* (non-Javadoc)
 * @see android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2#setUp()
                                                              these constants are 
protected void setUp() throws Exception {                      not yet created, we 
    super.setUp();                                              need to add the 
                                                                                  Views and Ids to the 
    final TemperatureConverterActivity activity =                     getActivity(); layout

    celsius = (EditText)activity.findViewById(

    fahrenheit = (EditText)activity.findViewById(


     create fields 
    when necessary

                      copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com

                                                                     Ids should 

         copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
add some UI tests
public void testSimpleCreate() {


    ViewAsserts.assertOnScreen(fahrenheit.getRootView(), celsius);
    ViewAsserts.assertOnScreen(celsius.getRootView(), fahrenheit);

public void testAlignment() {
    ViewAsserts.assertRightAligned(celsius, fahrenheit);
    ViewAsserts.assertLeftAligned(celsius, fahrenheit);

public void testFiledsStartEmpty() {
    assertTrue("Celsius field starts not empty",
    assertTrue("Fahrenheit field starts not empty",

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
now some functional tests
    we run the test in the 
         UI thread

public void testFahrenheitToCelsiusConversion() {                                                    we don't have a 
    celsius.clear();                                                                               class implementing 
    fahrenheit.clear();                                                                                setNumber(), 
                                                                                                    getNumber() and 
    final double f = 32.5;                                                                         clear() so we will be 
                                                                                                      creating it soon
    final double c = TemperatureConverter.fahrenheitToCelsius(f);
    final double cr = celsius.getNumber();
    final double delta = Math.abs(c - cr);
    final String msg = "" + f + "F should be " + c + "C but was " +
        cr + " (delta " + delta + ")";
    assertTrue(msg, delta < 0.005);
                                                                              we don't have a 

                              copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
and more tests
   don't run this test 
     in UI thread

public void testCelsiusToFahrenheitConversion() {
    final double c = -105.35;
    TouchUtils.tapView(this, celsius);
                                                            create method stub in 
    sendKeys("MINUS 1 0 5 PERIOD 3 5");
    final double cr = celsius.getNumber();
    assertEquals("Send keys should have set " + c + " but set " +
        cr, c, cr);
    final double f = TemperatureConverter.celsiusToFahrenheit(c);
    final double fr = fahrenheit.getNumber();
    final double delta = Math.abs(f - fr);
    final String msg = "" + c + "C should be " + f + "F but was " +
        fr + " (delta " + delta + ")";
    assertTrue(msg, delta < 0.005);

                          copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
create EditNumber class
                                                                       create a 
                                                                      package for 


                                                                  once we create 
                                                                  EditNumber we 
                                                                  should refactor 
                                                                  our main layout 
                                                                    and fields

        copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
create TemperatureConverter class

         copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
create a TestCase


             copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
select methods to test

         copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
complete actual tests
public void testFahrenheitToCelsius() {
    for (double c: conversionTableDouble.keySet()) {
        final double f = conversionTableDouble.get(c);
        final double cr = TemperatureConverter.fahrenheitToCelsius(f);
        final double delta = Math.abs(c - cr);
        final String msg = "" + f + "F should be " + c + "C but is " +
            cr + " (delta " + delta + ")";
        assertTrue(msg, delta < 0.0001);

public void testCelsiusToFahrenheit() {
    for (double c: conversionTableDouble.keySet()) {
        final double f = conversionTableDouble.get(c);
        final double fr = TemperatureConverter.celsiusToFahrenheit(c);
        final double delta = Math.abs(f - fr);
        final String msg = "" + c + "C should be " + f + "F but is " +
            fr + " (delta " + delta + ")" ;
        assertTrue(msg, delta < 0.0001);

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
test exceptions
public void testAbsoluteZeroCelsius() {
    Exception e = null;

    try {
        catch (RuntimeException re) {

    assertNotNull("Absolute zero C not detected", e);

public void testAbsoluteZeroFahrenheit() {
    Exception e = null;

    try {
    catch (RuntimeException re) {
        e = re;

    assertNotNull("Absolute zero F not detected", e);

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
conversion table
●   simple conversion table to run several tests
private static final HashMap<Double, Double> conversionTableDouble =
    new HashMap<Double, Double>();

static {
    // initialize (c, f) pairs
    conversionTableDouble.put(0.0, 32.0);
    conversionTableDouble.put(100.0, 212.0);
    conversionTableDouble.put(-1.0, 30.20);
    conversionTableDouble.put(-100.0, -148.0);
    conversionTableDouble.put(32.0, 89.60);
    conversionTableDouble.put(-40.0, -40.0);
    conversionTableDouble.put(-273.0, -459.40);

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
run tests

                                                                      conversion tests fail 
                                                                      because we haven't 
                                                                       implemented it yet

            copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
package com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1;

public class TemperatureConverter {

    public static final double ABSOLUTE_ZERO_C = -273.0d;
    public static final double ABSOLUTE_ZERO_F = -459.4d;

    private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_BELOW_ZERO_FMT =
        "Invalid temperature: %.2f%c below absolute zero";

    public static double celsiusToFahrenheit(double c) {
        if (c < ABSOLUTE_ZERO_C) {
             throw new RuntimeException(
                 String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE_BELOW_ZERO_FMT, c, 'C'));
        return (c * 1.8d + 32);

    public static double fahrenheitToCelsius(double f) {
        if (f < ABSOLUTE_ZERO_F) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                 String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE_BELOW_ZERO_FMT, f, 'F'));
        return ((f - 32) / 1.8d);

                    copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
run tests

                                                                             tests fail now because we 
                                                                              are doing the conversion 
                                                                              right but we are invoking 
     conversion tests                                                             empty methods in 
        succeded                                                                EditNumber that don't 
                                                                                     update the ui

                   copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
implement EditNumber methods
package com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.view;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.EditText;

public class EditNumber extends EditText {

    public EditNumber(Context context) {

    public EditNumber(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
    }                                                                         convenience methods 
                                                                              delegating to EditText
    public void clear() {

    public void setNumber(double f) {

    public double getNumber() {
        return Double.valueOf(getText().toString());

                    copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
run tests

                                                                       a NumberFormatException 
                                                                      because we are not changing 
                                                                        the other field when some 
                                                                       new temperature is entered 
                                                                       and thus the field is empty

            copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  /** Called when the activity is first created. */
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                                                                            add change listener 
      celsius = (EditNumber)findViewById(R.id.celsius);       to these fields
      fahrenheit = (EditNumber)findViewById(R.id.fahrenheit);

      try {
          Class[] args = new Class[] { double.class };
              new TemperatureChangedWatcher(fahrenheit,
                      "celsiusToFahrenheit", args)));
              new TemperatureChangedWatcher(celsius,
                      "fahrenheitToCelsius", args)));
      } catch (Exception e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
private static class TemperatureChangedWatcher implements TextWatcher {
    private EditNumber dest;
    private Method convert;

   public TemperatureChangedWatcher(EditNumber dest, Method convert) {
       this.dest = dest; this.convert = convert;

   public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

   public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
           int after) {

   public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
           int count) {

       if (!dest.hasWindowFocus() || dest.hasFocus() || s == null ) {
   // continued ...

                      copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
        final String ss = s.toString();
        if ( "".equals(ss) ) {

        try {
            final double result = (Double)
            // display only 2 decimals
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // WARNING
            // this is generated while a number is entered,
            // for example just a -' so we don't want to show the error
        } catch (Exception e) {

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
tests succeed

        copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
temperature converter
    from celsius e
              us to
       n th
   whehrenheit a d
            rsa                                                           err     re'
       e- e
    vicen vers       one                                                      or      s a
         atur  e in                                                     dis
                                                                                 sh o
 temper         ther
                        is                                             (O
                                                                                 d        be
            e o                                                                     he
      ld th
  fie           ed
            m  atica

                                                        we l
                                                        f or       s p ac
                                                              keyb        e
                                                                  o ar d

                      copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   Dev Tools → Instrumentation → TCTDD1 Tests

             copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   TCTDD1Test → Run As → Android JUnit Test

             copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
command line

 diego@bruce:~$ adb -e shell am instrument -w -e class

 Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=.....
 Time: 5.564

 OK (5 tests)

                copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com


        copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
select methods to test

         copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
constructor and setUp

 * @param name
public EditNumberTests(String name) {
                                                                            creating a mock 
/* (non-Javadoc)
 * @see android.test.AndroidTestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    mockContext = new IsolatedContext(new MockContentResolver(),
    editNumber = new EditNumber(mockContext);

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
complete actual tests
 * Test method for EditNumber#EditNumber(android.content.Context)
public void testEditNumberContext() {
    assertNotNull(new EditNumber(mockContext));

 * Test method for EditNumber#EditNumber(Context, AttributeSet)
public void testEditNumberContextAttributeSet() {
    // TODO
    // use a real AttributeSet for this test not null
    assertNotNull(new EditNumber(mockContext, null));

 * Test method for EditNumber#clear()
public void testClear() {
    assertEquals("editNumber should have been cleared",
        "", editNumber.getText().toString());

                    copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
complete actual tests

public void testSetNumber() {
    final double d = 1.23d;
    final double dr = editNumber.getNumber();
    final String msg = "editNumber should be " + d + " but is " + dr;
    assertEquals(msg, d, dr);

public void testGetNumber() {
    final double d = 0.98d;
    final String ds = Double.toString(d);
    final double dr = editNumber.getNumber();
    final String msg = "editNumber should be " + ds + " but is " + dr;
    assertEquals(msg, d, dr);

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
input test
public class TemperatureConverterActivityTests extends
       ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<TemperatureConverterActivity> {

    // …

    public void testInputFilter() {
        TouchUtils.tapView(this, celsius);
        final Double n = -1.234d;
        sendKeys("MINUS 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 PERIOD 4");
        Object nr = null;
        try {
            nr = celsius.getNumber();
        catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            nr = celsius.getText();

        final String msg = "- should be filtered to " + n +
            " but is " + nr;
        assertEquals(msg, n, nr);

                  copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
input filter

public class EditNumber extends EditText {

    //   …
                                                                             invoke init() from 
     * Initialization.
     * Set filter.
    private void init() {
        // DigistKeyListener.getInstance(true, true) returns an
        // instance that accepts digits, sign and decimal point
        final InputFilter[] filters = new InputFilter[]
            { DigitsKeyListener.getInstance(true, true) };



                   copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
●   http://dtmilano.blogspot.com
●   http://easymock.org
●   http://code.google.com/p/hamcrest (matchers)
●   http://mockito.org/
●   http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/t
    ools/monkey.html (ui exerciser)
●   http://ricston.com/ricston­training­for­android/
●   http://android.codtech.com

               copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
“If things seem under control, 
 you're not going fast enough.”
                                                         ­­ Mario Andretti

     copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
thank you
  testing on android
                                                   london, december 2009

                                    diego torres milano

copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com

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Testing on Android

  • 1. droidcon 2009 testing on android london, december 2009 diego torres milano diego@codtech.com copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 2. “Never test the depth of  the water with both feet.” ­­ Anonymous copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 3. agenda ● test driven development ● behavior driven development ● building blocks ● your first tdd android application ● writing tests copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 4. resources ● http://android.codtech.com/droidcon2009 copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 5. after this section you will after this section you will... ● understand test driven  development ● be introduced to behavior  driven development ● recognize test building  blocks copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 6. what is test driven development ? TDD is the strategy of  starting the development  process by the test cases and  then provide the software that  satisfies these tests copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 7. test driven development uml activity diagram copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 8. kinds of automated tests ● unit tests – written by programmers – for programmers – in a programming language ● functional or acceptance tests – written by business people and QA – for business people – in a high level language check FitNesse www.fitnesse.org copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 9. behavior driven development ● evolution in the thinking behind TDD ● common vocabulary between business and  technology ● framework of activity based on three principles – business and technology should refer to the same  system in the same way – any system should have an identified, verifiable  value to the business – up­front analysis, design and planning all have a  diminishing return http://behaviour­driven.org http://jbehave.org copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 10. scenario ● text scenario Given I am not logged in When I log in as Liz with a password JBehaver Then I should see a message, "Welcome, Liz!" ● defining steps @Given("I am not logged in") public void logOut() { currentPage.click("logout"); } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 11. testing on android ● android platform integrates a  testing framework ● it's based on Junit 3 ● supports – unit tests – functional tests – activity tests – mock objects – utilities to simplify test Portions of this page are reproduced from work created and shared by  Google and used according to terms described in the Creative  creation Commons 2.5 Attribution License. copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 12. is this all the documentation ? a framework for writing  android test cases and  suites. (?) copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 13. ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 ● functional testing of single Activity ● Activity  created used system infrastructure ● Activity can be manipulated ● Tests can be annotated with @UiThreadTest ● Intents can be injected with  setActivityIntent() ● sendKeys() can be used to simulate user  interaction copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 14. uml class diagram copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 15. ApplicationTestCase ● test Application in controlled environment ● basic lyfecycle support – onCreate() called after createApplication() – tearDown() calls onDestroy() ● mock Context can be injected ● Application can be terminated with  terminateApplication() copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 16. ActivityUnitTestCase ● isolated testing of a single Activity ● Activity created with minimal connection to the  system ● mocked dependencies can be injected ● Activity will not participate in the normal  interactions with the system ● some methods should be avoided and will throw  exceptions if called copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 17. ProviderTestCase2<T> ● isolated testing of a ContentProvider ● uses a MockContentResolver to – access the provider – restricts access to filesystem (db & files) – injects IsolatedContext ● environment managed by setUp() and  tearDown() copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 18. ServiceTestCase<T> ● framework to test Services ● basic support for lifecycle – onCreate() called after startService(Intent) or  bindService(Intent) – depending on how was started tearDown() calls  appropriate method ● mock objects can be injected by – setApplication() – setContext() copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 19. AndroidTestCase ● base class that can be extended to support  different requirements ● use this if you need – isolate components – test custom Views – test permissions – access Resources copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 20. ViewAsserts ● useful assertions about Views – Views are aligned in several ways – ViewGroups contain Views – View is on screen – View has specific screen coordinates copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 21. TouchUtils ● use these methods to generate touch events ● clickView() to simulate touching ● drag...() to touch and drag ● longClick() for touching and holding ● scroll...() to simulate different scrolling ● tapView() to touch and release quickly copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 22. android.test.mock all classes has non­functional methods ● MockApplication ● MockContentResolver ● MockContext ● MockDialogInterface ● MockPackageManager ● MockResources copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 24. after this section you will after this section you will... ● be able to create a project  and its corresponding tests  project ● apply test driven  development techniques ● get acquainted with android  tests copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 25. design converts temperatures from celsius e r us to e n th whehrenheit a d an if the fa rsa err re' e- e t vicen vers one or s a nd atur e in dis pla sh o uld temper ther is (O ) ye d be e o he ld th re fie ed updat lly m atica auto we l eave f or s p ac keyb e o ar d copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 26. create project Choose the  build target copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 27. create test project always create a  test project other values are  automatically  selected copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 28. create test case to create the test for  the Activity we use  ActivityInstrument ationTestCase2<T> create method  stubs the Activity as the  class under test copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 29. check generated test case /** * Copyright © 2009 COD Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. */ package com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.test; import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2; import adjust stub  com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.TemperatureConverterActivity; constructor to pass  required arguments  public class to super TemperatureConverterActivityTests extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<TemperatureConverterActivity> { /** * @param name */ public TemperatureConverterActivityTests(String name) { super("com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1", TemperatureConverterActivity.class); setName(name); } // setUp() and tearDown() not showed } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 30. setUp /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2#setUp() */ these constants are  protected void setUp() throws Exception { not yet created, we  super.setUp(); need to add the  Views and Ids to the  final TemperatureConverterActivity activity = getActivity(); layout celsius = (EditText)activity.findViewById( com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.R.id.celsius); fahrenheit = (EditText)activity.findViewById( com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.R.id.fahrenheit); } create fields  when necessary copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 31. layout Ids should  satisfy  previous  requirements copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 32. add some UI tests @SmallTest public void testSimpleCreate() { assertNotNull(getActivity()); assertNotNull(celsius); assertNotNull(fahrenheit); ViewAsserts.assertOnScreen(fahrenheit.getRootView(), celsius); ViewAsserts.assertOnScreen(celsius.getRootView(), fahrenheit); } @SmallTest public void testAlignment() { ViewAsserts.assertRightAligned(celsius, fahrenheit); ViewAsserts.assertLeftAligned(celsius, fahrenheit); } @SmallTest public void testFiledsStartEmpty() { assertTrue("Celsius field starts not empty", "".equals(celsius.getText().toString())); assertTrue("Fahrenheit field starts not empty", "".equals(fahrenheit.getText().toString())); } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 33. now some functional tests we run the test in the  UI thread @UiThreadTest public void testFahrenheitToCelsiusConversion() { we don't have a  celsius.clear(); class implementing  fahrenheit.clear(); setNumber(),  getNumber() and  final double f = 32.5; clear() so we will be  creating it soon fahrenheit.requestFocus(); fahrenheit.setNumber(f); celsius.requestFocus(); final double c = TemperatureConverter.fahrenheitToCelsius(f); final double cr = celsius.getNumber(); final double delta = Math.abs(c - cr); final String msg = "" + f + "F should be " + c + "C but was " + cr + " (delta " + delta + ")"; assertTrue(msg, delta < 0.005); } we don't have a  TemperatureConverter  either copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 34. and more tests don't run this test  in UI thread @SmallTest public void testCelsiusToFahrenheitConversion() { final double c = -105.35; TouchUtils.tapView(this, celsius); create method stub in  sendKeys("MINUS 1 0 5 PERIOD 3 5"); TemperatureConverter final double cr = celsius.getNumber(); assertEquals("Send keys should have set " + c + " but set " + cr, c, cr); final double f = TemperatureConverter.celsiusToFahrenheit(c); final double fr = fahrenheit.getNumber(); final double delta = Math.abs(f - fr); final String msg = "" + c + "C should be " + f + "F but was " + fr + " (delta " + delta + ")"; assertTrue(msg, delta < 0.005); } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 35. create EditNumber class create a  new  package for  views extend  EditText once we create  EditNumber we  should refactor  our main layout  and fields copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 36. create TemperatureConverter class copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 37. create a TestCase create  stubs test  TemperatureConverter copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 38. select methods to test copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 39. complete actual tests public void testFahrenheitToCelsius() { for (double c: conversionTableDouble.keySet()) { final double f = conversionTableDouble.get(c); final double cr = TemperatureConverter.fahrenheitToCelsius(f); final double delta = Math.abs(c - cr); final String msg = "" + f + "F should be " + c + "C but is " + cr + " (delta " + delta + ")"; assertTrue(msg, delta < 0.0001); } } public void testCelsiusToFahrenheit() { for (double c: conversionTableDouble.keySet()) { final double f = conversionTableDouble.get(c); final double fr = TemperatureConverter.celsiusToFahrenheit(c); final double delta = Math.abs(f - fr); final String msg = "" + c + "C should be " + f + "F but is " + fr + " (delta " + delta + ")" ; assertTrue(msg, delta < 0.0001); } } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 40. test exceptions public void testAbsoluteZeroCelsius() { Exception e = null; try { TemperatureConverter.celsiusToFahrenheit(-274); } catch (RuntimeException re) { } assertNotNull("Absolute zero C not detected", e); } public void testAbsoluteZeroFahrenheit() { Exception e = null; try { TemperatureConverter.fahrenheitToCelsius(-460); } catch (RuntimeException re) { e = re; } assertNotNull("Absolute zero F not detected", e); } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 41. conversion table ● simple conversion table to run several tests private static final HashMap<Double, Double> conversionTableDouble = new HashMap<Double, Double>(); static { // initialize (c, f) pairs conversionTableDouble.put(0.0, 32.0); conversionTableDouble.put(100.0, 212.0); conversionTableDouble.put(-1.0, 30.20); conversionTableDouble.put(-100.0, -148.0); conversionTableDouble.put(32.0, 89.60); conversionTableDouble.put(-40.0, -40.0); conversionTableDouble.put(-273.0, -459.40); } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 42. run tests conversion tests fail  because we haven't  implemented it yet copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 43. TemperatureConverter package com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1; public class TemperatureConverter { public static final double ABSOLUTE_ZERO_C = -273.0d; public static final double ABSOLUTE_ZERO_F = -459.4d; private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_BELOW_ZERO_FMT = "Invalid temperature: %.2f%c below absolute zero"; public static double celsiusToFahrenheit(double c) { if (c < ABSOLUTE_ZERO_C) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE_BELOW_ZERO_FMT, c, 'C')); } return (c * 1.8d + 32); } public static double fahrenheitToCelsius(double f) { if (f < ABSOLUTE_ZERO_F) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format(ERROR_MESSAGE_BELOW_ZERO_FMT, f, 'F')); } return ((f - 32) / 1.8d); } } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 44. run tests tests fail now because we  are doing the conversion  right but we are invoking  conversion tests  empty methods in  succeded EditNumber that don't  update the ui copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 45. implement EditNumber methods package com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.view; import android.content.Context; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.widget.EditText; public class EditNumber extends EditText { public EditNumber(Context context) { super(context); } public EditNumber(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } convenience methods  delegating to EditText public void clear() { setText(""); } public void setNumber(double f) { setText(Double.toString(f)); } public double getNumber() { return Double.valueOf(getText().toString()); } } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 46. run tests a NumberFormatException  because we are not changing  the other field when some  new temperature is entered  and thus the field is empty copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 47. onCreate /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); add change listener  celsius = (EditNumber)findViewById(R.id.celsius); to these fields fahrenheit = (EditNumber)findViewById(R.id.fahrenheit); try { Class[] args = new Class[] { double.class }; celsius.addTextChangedListener( new TemperatureChangedWatcher(fahrenheit, TemperatureConverter.class.getMethod( "celsiusToFahrenheit", args))); fahrenheit.addTextChangedListener( new TemperatureChangedWatcher(celsius, TemperatureConverter.class.getMethod( "fahrenheitToCelsius", args))); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 48. TemperatureChangedWatcher private static class TemperatureChangedWatcher implements TextWatcher { private EditNumber dest; private Method convert; public TemperatureChangedWatcher(EditNumber dest, Method convert) { this.dest = dest; this.convert = convert; } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { if (!dest.hasWindowFocus() || dest.hasFocus() || s == null ) { return; } // continued ... copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 49. TemperatureChangedWatcher final String ss = s.toString(); if ( "".equals(ss) ) { dest.clear(); return; } try { final double result = (Double) convert.invoke(TemperatureConverter.class, Double.parseDouble(ss)); // display only 2 decimals dest.setNumber(Math.rint(result*100)/100); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // WARNING // this is generated while a number is entered, // for example just a -' so we don't want to show the error } catch (Exception e) { dest.setError(e.getCause().getLocalizedMessage()); } } } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 50. tests succeed copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 51. temperature converter converts temperatures from celsius e r us to e n th whehrenheit a d an if the fa rsa err re' e- e t vicen vers one or s a nd atur e in dis pla sh o uld temper ther is (O ) ye d be e o he ld th re fie ed updat lly m atica auto we l eave f or s p ac keyb e o ar d copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 52. instrumentation ● Dev Tools → Instrumentation → TCTDD1 Tests copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 53. eclipse ● TCTDD1Test → Run As → Android JUnit Test copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 54. command line diego@bruce:~$ adb -e shell am instrument -w -e class com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.test.TemperatureCo nverterActivityTests com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.test/android.test. InstrumentationTestRunner com.codtech.android.training.tctdd1.test.TemperatureCo nverterActivityTests:..... Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=..... Time: 5.564 OK (5 tests) copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 55. EditNumberTests AndroidTestCase copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 56. select methods to test copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 57. constructor and setUp /** * @param name */ public EditNumberTests(String name) { super(); setName(name); } creating a mock  context /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.test.AndroidTestCase#setUp() */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mockContext = new IsolatedContext(new MockContentResolver(), getContext()); editNumber = new EditNumber(mockContext); editNumber.setFocusable(true); } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 58. complete actual tests /** * Test method for EditNumber#EditNumber(android.content.Context) */ public void testEditNumberContext() { assertNotNull(new EditNumber(mockContext)); } /** * Test method for EditNumber#EditNumber(Context, AttributeSet) */ public void testEditNumberContextAttributeSet() { // TODO // use a real AttributeSet for this test not null assertNotNull(new EditNumber(mockContext, null)); } /** * Test method for EditNumber#clear() */ public void testClear() { editNumber.setText("1234"); editNumber.clear(); assertEquals("editNumber should have been cleared", "", editNumber.getText().toString()); } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 59. complete actual tests public void testSetNumber() { final double d = 1.23d; editNumber.setNumber(d); final double dr = editNumber.getNumber(); final String msg = "editNumber should be " + d + " but is " + dr; assertEquals(msg, d, dr); } public void testGetNumber() { final double d = 0.98d; final String ds = Double.toString(d); editNumber.setText(ds); final double dr = editNumber.getNumber(); final String msg = "editNumber should be " + ds + " but is " + dr; assertEquals(msg, d, dr); } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 60. input test public class TemperatureConverterActivityTests extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<TemperatureConverterActivity> { // … @SmallTest public void testInputFilter() { TouchUtils.tapView(this, celsius); final Double n = -1.234d; sendKeys("MINUS 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 PERIOD 4"); Object nr = null; try { nr = celsius.getNumber(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { nr = celsius.getText(); } final String msg = "- should be filtered to " + n + " but is " + nr; assertEquals(msg, n, nr); } } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 61. input filter public class EditNumber extends EditText { // … invoke init() from  constructors /** * Initialization. * Set filter. * */ private void init() { // DigistKeyListener.getInstance(true, true) returns an // instance that accepts digits, sign and decimal point final InputFilter[] filters = new InputFilter[] { DigitsKeyListener.getInstance(true, true) }; setFilters(filters); } } copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 62. resources ● http://dtmilano.blogspot.com ● http://easymock.org ● http://code.google.com/p/hamcrest (matchers) ● http://mockito.org/ ● http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/t ools/monkey.html (ui exerciser) ● http://ricston.com/ricston­training­for­android/ ● http://android.codtech.com copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 63. “If things seem under control,  you're not going fast enough.” ­­ Mario Andretti copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com
  • 64. thank you testing on android london, december 2009 diego torres milano diego@codtech.com copyright © 2009  cod technologies ltd  www.codtech.com