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Value Propositions to
Encouraging Adoption
© 2015 Robert McNamee & Andrew Maxwell
Dr. Robert McNamee
Managing Director,
Innovation & Entrepreneur Institute
Fox School of Business, Temple University
Dr. Andrew Maxwell
Director Bergeron Entrepreneurs in
Science & Technology,
Lassonde School of Engineering
Afternoon Agenda
Introduction to Innovation Science
Value Proposition to Adoption
• 12:45 Stakeholder & Barriers to Adoption
• 1.00 Stakeholder & Barriers to Adoption Exercise
• 2.00 Business Models & Enabling Adoption
• 2.15 Business Models & Enabling Adoption Exercise
• 3.00 Group Presentations on Barriers & Adoption
Wrap up:
• 3.30 Recap &Lessons Learned
• 4.00 Networking & Decompressing
Innovation science
• Technologists may believe better technology = market success
• However commercial success requires understanding:
– How will customers become aware of your solution?
– How will they know it works?
– What will motivate them to purchase?
– How can you overcome user inertia (address concerns)?
– How can you identify early adopters?
• Achieving commercial success requires understanding how
different factors affect people’s decisions and behaviours
Innovation science requires a better understanding of
people, not just technology and is a behavioral science
Steps in Canvas #2
(Phase II of TechConnect)
1. Identify multiple market segments for each application (value proposition)
2. Identify relevant stakeholders for each market segment
3. Identify barriers to adoption relevant to each stakeholder
4. Identify other constraints/barriers for that option
5. Synthesize new approaches/business models to overcome barriers
TechConnect is about
Divergence and Convergence
During Phase 1
• Challenge assumption about application for a novel technology
• Identify alternate jobs and value propositions
• Develop frameworks to identify most promising applications
During Phase 2
• Challenge assumptions about the market segment
• Focus on changing user/customers’ behavior
• Recognize barriers to adoption
• Synthesize alternate ways to overcome barriers
• Analyze context specific approaches to adoption
TechConnect Outcomes
Outcomes from the process
• Identify additional or adjacent market opportunities
• Inform technology Development
• Include a plan to overcoming adoption barriers into both
technology and development plan
• Alternate options preferred by different participants
– University technology transfer offices,
– Inventor
– Entrepreneur
– Corporation
– Economic development agency
TechConnect outcomes
vary for individuals
University Technology Transfer Offices look for:
• Licensing opportunities (revenues /reputation)
Inventors look for:
• Interesting applications for technology (uptake/ publications)
Entrepreneurs look for:
• Creating a viable and sustainable business (fundable/scalable)
Corporations look to:
• Enhance current offering and leverage existing resources
All participants benefit from a better understanding of the
technology commercialization process
Maxwell’s three laws of
innovation inertia
1. There is a natural tendency for organizations to keep
doing what they’re doing and resist changes. In the
absence of a force, they will continue to do what
they’ve always done.
2. Larger organizations require more force to change
what they are doing than smaller organizations.
3. For every force there is a reaction force that is equal
in size, but opposite in direction. When someone
exerts a force on an organization, he or she gets
pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard.
Motivation to adopt
• Perceived benefits can include…
– Saving money, increased utility or enjoyment
– Increase reliability, safety or environmental performance
– Reduces risks
• Perceived costs can include…
– Acquisition costs, switching costs,
– Uncertain outcomes/reputation
– Increased technology, financial or operational risk
• To motivate a change in behavior you can increase benefits
and reduce costs, and demonstrate this
1. Where do you add value?
(Application / market segment)
efficiency for
After market
OEM parts
Direct deal
with fleet
• Start with understanding the
• Identify fundamentally different
market segments that might
see the value proposition
• May include segments you
need to to validate, or gather
more information on
2. Who are stakeholders?
(individual or
fleet) Distributor /
of device
After market
OEM parts
ARB Fuel Supplier
mer reports
• Start with understanding each
market segment
• Identify fundamentally different
individuals in each segment who
see the value proposition
• This can include: users, economic
buyers, technology buyers and
• Each will have different
motivations and concerns when
adopting technology
• There may be some common
stakeholders between segments
3. What are barriers to adoption?
(Benefits vs costs)
of costs vs
Ease of
Technical risk
about long
term effects
on other parts
of car Performance
over time
Not invented
• Start with understanding each
• Identify how they perceive cost
and benefits
• Consider five types of barriers:
– Economic
– Technical/operational
– Personal risk
– Market/Financial risk
– Reputational risk
– Behavioral
After market
OEM parts
4. Other constraints?
(Internal: organization, resource)
(External: market, environement)
(Contextual: building awareness)
Safety testing
l and
CAFÉ fleet
• Identify internal, external and
contextual factors that might
influence perception:
– Internal constraints include
existing business strategy, current
organization and resources
– External constraints include
technology, market,
competition, legislation,
– Contextual factors include
challenges in building awareness
and overcoming liability of
After market
OEM parts
5. Identify how you can modify
business, revenue and innovation
factors to overcome barriers
Addressing barriers to adoption,
• Can you increase the perceived
benefits or reduce the perceived
• Can you change the business model
(i.e. form factor, channel partner)
• Can you change the revenue model
(reduce initial cost or financial risk)
• Can you embed features in the
technology or revenue model
(increase observability, trialability,
5a. Strategic options to stimulate
innovation adoption
capability to
record fuel
• Relative Advantage – better
than the alternatives it will
• Compatibility – easy for user to
assimilate innovation
• Complexity – easy for user to
learn to use the innovation
• Trialability –easy for a user try
out the innovation
• Observability – how readily can
a user see the results /
• Brainstorm alternate ways in
which you can modify the
technology, business model etc.
After market
OEM parts
5b. Business model options to
stimulate adoption
capability to
record fuel
• Integrate into existing offering
• Embed compatibility with current
• Integrate into existing supply chain
• Reduce installation/integration
• Change form factor for market niche
• Focus on one performance dimension
• Integrate into partners offering
• Make it easy to measure performance
• Brainstorm alternate ways in which
you can modify the technology,
business model, etc.
Design device
as a clamp on
enabling end
users to
After market
OEM parts
5c. Revenue model options to
stimulate adoption?
capability to
record fuel
• Offer for free (trial) before you
have to purchase
• Turn a capital purchase into a
service agreement
• Charge per use or for savings made
• Steeped charges for increasing use
• Offer basic service for free, with
premium options
• Integrate with other product or
service offerings
• Brainstorm alternate ways in which
you can modify the technology,
business model, etc.
After market
OEM parts
Design device
as a clamp on
enabling end
users to
install Have a fuel
supplier offer
for free as
part of a fuel
Licensing vs. venture creation as
commercilization alternates
Factors that favour new venture creation
• Technology is sold as a complete solution
• Market for technology is growing, lacks standards and is not
dominated by major player
• Technology and business development costs are not excessive
• Technology likely to disrupt the market
• Required technical and management expertise and resources
available locally (and not controlled by competitors)
• Inventor wishes to play critical role
• Time to product launch is less than 12 months
• Identified early adopters
• Risk capital readily available
Closing Thoughts
• TechConnect process deconstructs the technology
commercialization process into a series of divergent
and convergent stages
• Highlights importance of proprietary technology
• Embeds market facing questions into each process
(speeds up time to market or fails fast)
• Helps inventor identify and choose options
• Asks important questions to ask at each stage
• Helps participants better understand technology
commercialization process (technological/behavioral)
Thank you to our partners

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Kalyan Matka Guessing | Satta Matka 420
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Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
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Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
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Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
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Tech connect fall 2015 value proposition to encouraging adoption

  • 1. Value Propositions to Encouraging Adoption © 2015 Robert McNamee & Andrew Maxwell Dr. Robert McNamee Managing Director, Innovation & Entrepreneur Institute Fox School of Business, Temple University Dr. Andrew Maxwell Director Bergeron Entrepreneurs in Science & Technology, Lassonde School of Engineering
  • 2. Afternoon Agenda Introduction to Innovation Science Value Proposition to Adoption • 12:45 Stakeholder & Barriers to Adoption • 1.00 Stakeholder & Barriers to Adoption Exercise • 2.00 Business Models & Enabling Adoption • 2.15 Business Models & Enabling Adoption Exercise • 3.00 Group Presentations on Barriers & Adoption Wrap up: • 3.30 Recap &Lessons Learned • 4.00 Networking & Decompressing
  • 3. Innovation science • Technologists may believe better technology = market success • However commercial success requires understanding: – How will customers become aware of your solution? – How will they know it works? – What will motivate them to purchase? – How can you overcome user inertia (address concerns)? – How can you identify early adopters? • Achieving commercial success requires understanding how different factors affect people’s decisions and behaviours Innovation science requires a better understanding of people, not just technology and is a behavioral science
  • 4. Steps in Canvas #2 (Phase II of TechConnect) 1. Identify multiple market segments for each application (value proposition) 2. Identify relevant stakeholders for each market segment 3. Identify barriers to adoption relevant to each stakeholder 4. Identify other constraints/barriers for that option 5. Synthesize new approaches/business models to overcome barriers
  • 5. TechConnect is about Divergence and Convergence During Phase 1 • Challenge assumption about application for a novel technology • Identify alternate jobs and value propositions • Develop frameworks to identify most promising applications During Phase 2 • Challenge assumptions about the market segment • Focus on changing user/customers’ behavior • Recognize barriers to adoption • Synthesize alternate ways to overcome barriers • Analyze context specific approaches to adoption
  • 6. TechConnect Outcomes Outcomes from the process • Identify additional or adjacent market opportunities • Inform technology Development • Include a plan to overcoming adoption barriers into both technology and development plan • Alternate options preferred by different participants – University technology transfer offices, – Inventor – Entrepreneur – Corporation – Economic development agency
  • 7. TechConnect outcomes vary for individuals University Technology Transfer Offices look for: • Licensing opportunities (revenues /reputation) Inventors look for: • Interesting applications for technology (uptake/ publications) Entrepreneurs look for: • Creating a viable and sustainable business (fundable/scalable) Corporations look to: • Enhance current offering and leverage existing resources All participants benefit from a better understanding of the technology commercialization process
  • 8. Maxwell’s three laws of innovation inertia 1. There is a natural tendency for organizations to keep doing what they’re doing and resist changes. In the absence of a force, they will continue to do what they’ve always done. 2. Larger organizations require more force to change what they are doing than smaller organizations. 3. For every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction. When someone exerts a force on an organization, he or she gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard. 8
  • 9. Motivation to adopt 2 • Perceived benefits can include… – Saving money, increased utility or enjoyment – Increase reliability, safety or environmental performance – Reduces risks • Perceived costs can include… – Acquisition costs, switching costs, – Uncertain outcomes/reputation – Increased technology, financial or operational risk • To motivate a change in behavior you can increase benefits and reduce costs, and demonstrate this
  • 10. 1. Where do you add value? (Application / market segment) Increased efficiency for internal combustion engine After market parts OEM parts supply Direct deal with fleet operator Instructions • Start with understanding the application • Identify fundamentally different market segments that might see the value proposition • May include segments you need to to validate, or gather more information on
  • 11. 2. Who are stakeholders? Automobile owner (individual or fleet) Distributor / Service Centers Manufacturer of device After market parts OEM parts supply NHTSA/EPA/C ARB Fuel Supplier (comple- mentary) Insurance Agencies Auto media/Consu mer reports Auto-maker manufacturing Auto-maker technical team (primary) Auto-maker Dealers Auto-maker management and marketing Instructions • Start with understanding each market segment • Identify fundamentally different individuals in each segment who see the value proposition • This can include: users, economic buyers, technology buyers and influencers • Each will have different motivations and concerns when adopting technology • There may be some common stakeholders between segments
  • 12. 3. What are barriers to adoption? (Benefits vs costs) Perceptions of costs vs benefits (major) Reliability, maintenance costs Ease of installation/ compatibility Technical risk Uncertainty about long term effects on other parts of car Performance over time Not invented here Liability concerns Instructions • Start with understanding each stakeholder • Identify how they perceive cost and benefits • Consider five types of barriers: – Economic – Technical/operational – Personal risk – Market/Financial risk – Reputational risk – Behavioral After market parts OEM parts supply
  • 13. 4. Other constraints? (Internal: organization, resource) (External: market, environement) (Contextual: building awareness) Safety testing (time/cost) Warranty issues Product liability insurance costs Environmenta l and performance regulations Competitive environment CAFÉ fleet regulations Instructions • Identify internal, external and contextual factors that might influence perception: – Internal constraints include existing business strategy, current organization and resources – External constraints include technology, market, competition, legislation, shareholder – Contextual factors include challenges in building awareness and overcoming liability of newness After market parts OEM parts supply
  • 14. 5. Identify how you can modify business, revenue and innovation factors to overcome barriers Addressing barriers to adoption, consider • Can you increase the perceived benefits or reduce the perceived costs? • Can you change the business model (i.e. form factor, channel partner) • Can you change the revenue model (reduce initial cost or financial risk) • Can you embed features in the technology or revenue model (increase observability, trialability, compatibility)
  • 15. 5a. Strategic options to stimulate innovation adoption Embed capability to record fuel savings • Relative Advantage – better than the alternatives it will replace • Compatibility – easy for user to assimilate innovation • Complexity – easy for user to learn to use the innovation • Trialability –easy for a user try out the innovation • Observability – how readily can a user see the results / • Brainstorm alternate ways in which you can modify the technology, business model etc. After market parts OEM parts supply
  • 16. 5b. Business model options to stimulate adoption Embed capability to record fuel savings • Integrate into existing offering • Embed compatibility with current practice • Integrate into existing supply chain • Reduce installation/integration complexity • Change form factor for market niche • Focus on one performance dimension • Integrate into partners offering • Make it easy to measure performance • Brainstorm alternate ways in which you can modify the technology, business model, etc. Design device as a clamp on system, enabling end users to install After market parts OEM parts supply
  • 17. 5c. Revenue model options to stimulate adoption? Embed capability to record fuel savings • Offer for free (trial) before you have to purchase • Turn a capital purchase into a service agreement • Charge per use or for savings made • Steeped charges for increasing use • Offer basic service for free, with premium options • Integrate with other product or service offerings • Brainstorm alternate ways in which you can modify the technology, business model, etc. After market parts OEM parts supply Design device as a clamp on system, enabling end users to install Have a fuel supplier offer for free as part of a fuel supply contract
  • 18. Licensing vs. venture creation as commercilization alternates Factors that favour new venture creation • Technology is sold as a complete solution • Market for technology is growing, lacks standards and is not dominated by major player • Technology and business development costs are not excessive • Technology likely to disrupt the market • Required technical and management expertise and resources available locally (and not controlled by competitors) • Inventor wishes to play critical role • Time to product launch is less than 12 months • Identified early adopters • Risk capital readily available
  • 19. Closing Thoughts • TechConnect process deconstructs the technology commercialization process into a series of divergent and convergent stages • Highlights importance of proprietary technology • Embeds market facing questions into each process (speeds up time to market or fails fast) • Helps inventor identify and choose options • Asks important questions to ask at each stage • Helps participants better understand technology commercialization process (technological/behavioral)
  • 20. Thank you to our partners

Editor's Notes

  1. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  2. A compelling value proposition is one that motivates adoption, where the costs and risks of adoption are significantly less than the benefits. The value proposition is linked to the motivation to adopt, which is linked to the difference between the benefits and the costs : How would you quantify the benefits? How can you demonstrate the benefits? How does the competitive environment influence willingness to adopt?
  3. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  4. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  5. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  6. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  7. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  8. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  9. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  10. “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market place of any single thing.” There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.
  11. There are pros and cons of each, in terms of impact, recognition, engagement, financial reward.