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Twitter 101
Ashley Northington
DENOR Brands & Public Relations
About	 Ashley	 Northington
Ashley Northington is determined to help people,
organizations and brands share their stories with the
world. She is an award-winning public relations
consultant, entrepreneur, writer and media
connoisseur. She is the founder and director of the
boutique public relations firm,
DENOR Brands & Public Relations.
The	 Rundown
Class 4: Twitter
Class 5: Instagram & Pinterest
Class 6: Your Plan
Let’s	 Break	 the	 Ice!
Step 1: Log In to your Twitter Account.
Step 2: Introduce yourself to one person you do
not know and take a picture with that person.
Step 3: Post that picture on Twitter. In the
caption, use the hashtag,
Step 4: Search for @AshNorthington and
@DENORPR. Connect with me!
The	 Skinny	 on	 Twitter
Twitter is an excellent way to connect with people,
express your ideas and discover what people are
talking about in the world.
The microblogging platform allows its users to share
ideas and information in a series of 140-character
Brands often use Twitter to share information about
their services or products, gather information about
their target demographic, and, of course, engage with
potential customers, partners and others.	
The	 Skinny	 on	 Twitter
The conversations on Twitter are continuous
and can be overwhelming for the those
unfamiliar with the platform.
However, the tool is a great method to
leverage your brand and become a major
thought leader in your industry.
Here are a few strategies to emerge as a major
influencer on Twitter:
Tip	 No.	 1
Seems obvious doesn’t it? In order to become an
influencer on Twitter, you must Tweet often. Daily is
Resend tweets with different angles. Some social
media experts recommend that you send the same
tweet four times to cover all four U.S. time zones.
It’s action time!
Let’s tweet!
Post three tweets to Twitter.
Use the hashtag
Tip	 No.	 2
Follow the rule.
Follow the two ears and one mouth rule: Listen (and
research first) before you speak.
It is much better to listen about twice as much as
you tweet if you want a strong following that is
engaged and targeted to your purpose and
Tip	 No.	 3
Follow up.
Resend tweets with different angles. Some social media
experts recommend that you send the same tweet four times
to cover all four U.S. time zones.
If you want to mix things up, here are some different angles
you can take:
•  Use statistics to show significance: 90% of your sales come
from 10% of your list
•  Address tweets to the individual by including the word
“you”: Why You Should Focus on 10% of Your Prospect List
Tip	 No.	 4
Follow other people and brands – even if
they’re your competitor – who are relevant
in your industry. Talk to those folks often.
It’s action time!
Let’s find five people or brands
relevant to your industry.
Search using a keywords.
Follow these accounts.
Tip	 No.	 5
Find your keywords.
Use the Google Keyword Tool to find the
keywords that make up your industry or market.
Remember to divert a river, don’t dig a well. In
other words, tap into existing traffic rather than
generating it from scratch.
Tip	 No.	 6
Make A List. Check it Twice.
A list is a curated group of Twitter users. You can create your
own lists or subscribe to lists created by others. Viewing a list
timeline will show you a stream of Tweets from only the users on
that list.
Note: Lists are used for reading Tweets only. You cannot send or
direct a Tweet to members of a list, for only those list members
to see.
It’s action time!
Let’s create a list of accounts you
will follow on Twitter.
Creating	 Your	 List
To create a list:
Go to your Lists page. This can be done via the profile icon drop
down menu in the top right navigation bar or by going to your
profile page and clicking on Lists.
Click Create list.
Enter the name of your list, a short description of the list, and
select if you want the list to be private (only accessible to you) or
public (anyone can subscribe to the list).
Click Save list.
For more tips on navigating your lists: 
Tip	 No.	 7
Use Relevant Hashtags.
You’ll notice that the major influencers on Twitter
use hashtags often. These hashtags help drive a
conversation. If you want to be among those
influencing people, use relevant hashtags that are
easy to follow and identify.
How	 to	 Use	 Hashtags
Using a hashtag in a social post is as simple as adding the ‘#’ sign
before a single word or phrase without spaces or punctuation
(numbers are okay).  
Don’t string too many words together with a single hashtag.
If you tweet with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who
does a search for that hashtag may find your tweet.
Don’t #spam #with #hashtags. Don’t over-tag a single tweet.
Use hashtags only on tweets relevant to the topic.
Create your own hashtag to promote a specific product, event or
Tip	 No.	 8
Jump In!
You don’t have to be invited to the party on Twitter
to make a contribution. If you see one of your
followers or followees having a conversation you
know something about – jump in! It’s perfectly fine to
talk to folks and add to your own flavor to the
Tip	 No.	 9
It’s not just about you. On Twitter, you can afford to
share the spotlight every once and a while. Twitter is
about having a continuous conversation. Since you
can’t have a conversation by yourself (ok, you could.
But that’s not the point), be sure you’re sharing others’
relevant information.
It’s ok to share your links to your blogs or Facebook
posts, but be sure you’re sharing the links to other
influencer blogs and articles.
It’s action time!
Let’s share a few tweets that are
relevant to your industry.
Search your timeline.
Retweet any tweets you find
Numbers don’t lie, but fake ones do.
It’s important to gain a large following.
However, its more important to have a
following that’s connected and engaged in
our tweets – even if it’s smaller than what
you’d like.
It’s action time!
We’re going to break the ice
today by liking the pages of our
classmates on Facebook.
Ask me anything.
Here’s your chance to ask me
anything you want to know about
what we learned today.
Ashley Northington
DENOR Brands & Public Relations
700 Craighead Street, Suite 107
Nashville, Tennessee 37204
Office: 1.855.809.6697
Email: info@denorbrands.com
Twitter & Facebook: @ashnorthington | @DENORPR
ashleynorthington.com | denorbrands.com

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Twitter 101

  • 1. Twitter 101 Ashley Northington DENOR Brands & Public Relations
  • 2. About Ashley Northington Ashley Northington is determined to help people, organizations and brands share their stories with the world. She is an award-winning public relations consultant, entrepreneur, writer and media connoisseur. She is the founder and director of the boutique public relations firm, DENOR Brands & Public Relations.
  • 3. The Rundown Class 4: Twitter Class 5: Instagram & Pinterest Class 6: Your Plan
  • 4. Let’s Break the Ice! Step 1: Log In to your Twitter Account. Step 2: Introduce yourself to one person you do not know and take a picture with that person. Step 3: Post that picture on Twitter. In the caption, use the hashtag, #NBICSocialMedia101 Step 4: Search for @AshNorthington and @DENORPR. Connect with me!
  • 5. The Skinny on Twitter Twitter is an excellent way to connect with people, express your ideas and discover what people are talking about in the world. The microblogging platform allows its users to share ideas and information in a series of 140-character tweets. Brands often use Twitter to share information about their services or products, gather information about their target demographic, and, of course, engage with potential customers, partners and others.  
  • 6. The Skinny on Twitter The conversations on Twitter are continuous and can be overwhelming for the those unfamiliar with the platform. However, the tool is a great method to leverage your brand and become a major thought leader in your industry. Here are a few strategies to emerge as a major influencer on Twitter:
  • 7. Tip No. 1 Tweet. Seems obvious doesn’t it? In order to become an influencer on Twitter, you must Tweet often. Daily is best. Resend tweets with different angles. Some social media experts recommend that you send the same tweet four times to cover all four U.S. time zones.
  • 8. It’s action time! Let’s tweet! Post three tweets to Twitter. Use the hashtag #NBICSocialMedia101 ASHLEYNORTHINGTON.COM  
  • 9. Tip No. 2 Follow the rule. Follow the two ears and one mouth rule: Listen (and research first) before you speak. It is much better to listen about twice as much as you tweet if you want a strong following that is engaged and targeted to your purpose and passion.
  • 10. Tip No. 3 Follow up. Resend tweets with different angles. Some social media experts recommend that you send the same tweet four times to cover all four U.S. time zones. If you want to mix things up, here are some different angles you can take: •  Use statistics to show significance: 90% of your sales come from 10% of your list •  Address tweets to the individual by including the word “you”: Why You Should Focus on 10% of Your Prospect List
  • 11. Tip No. 4 Connect. Follow other people and brands – even if they’re your competitor – who are relevant in your industry. Talk to those folks often.
  • 12. It’s action time! Let’s find five people or brands relevant to your industry. Search using a keywords. Follow these accounts. ASHLEYNORTHINGTON.COM  
  • 13. Tip No. 5 Find your keywords. Use the Google Keyword Tool to find the keywords that make up your industry or market. Remember to divert a river, don’t dig a well. In other words, tap into existing traffic rather than generating it from scratch.
  • 14. Tip No. 6 Make A List. Check it Twice. A list is a curated group of Twitter users. You can create your own lists or subscribe to lists created by others. Viewing a list timeline will show you a stream of Tweets from only the users on that list. Note: Lists are used for reading Tweets only. You cannot send or direct a Tweet to members of a list, for only those list members to see.
  • 15. It’s action time! Let’s create a list of accounts you will follow on Twitter. ASHLEYNORTHINGTON.COM  
  • 16. Creating Your List To create a list: Go to your Lists page. This can be done via the profile icon drop down menu in the top right navigation bar or by going to your profile page and clicking on Lists. Click Create list. Enter the name of your list, a short description of the list, and select if you want the list to be private (only accessible to you) or public (anyone can subscribe to the list). Click Save list. For more tips on navigating your lists:  https://support.twitter.com/articles/76460-using-twitter-lists
  • 17. Tip No. 7 Use Relevant Hashtags. You’ll notice that the major influencers on Twitter use hashtags often. These hashtags help drive a conversation. If you want to be among those influencing people, use relevant hashtags that are easy to follow and identify.
  • 18. How to Use Hashtags Using a hashtag in a social post is as simple as adding the ‘#’ sign before a single word or phrase without spaces or punctuation (numbers are okay).   Don’t string too many words together with a single hashtag. If you tweet with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that hashtag may find your tweet. Don’t #spam #with #hashtags. Don’t over-tag a single tweet. Use hashtags only on tweets relevant to the topic. Create your own hashtag to promote a specific product, event or service.
  • 19. Tip No. 8 Jump In! You don’t have to be invited to the party on Twitter to make a contribution. If you see one of your followers or followees having a conversation you know something about – jump in! It’s perfectly fine to talk to folks and add to your own flavor to the conversation.
  • 20. Tip No. 9 Share. It’s not just about you. On Twitter, you can afford to share the spotlight every once and a while. Twitter is about having a continuous conversation. Since you can’t have a conversation by yourself (ok, you could. But that’s not the point), be sure you’re sharing others’ relevant information. It’s ok to share your links to your blogs or Facebook posts, but be sure you’re sharing the links to other influencer blogs and articles.
  • 21. It’s action time! Let’s share a few tweets that are relevant to your industry. Search your timeline. Retweet any tweets you find interesting. ASHLEYNORTHINGTON.COM  
  • 22. BONUS TIP! Numbers don’t lie, but fake ones do. It’s important to gain a large following. However, its more important to have a following that’s connected and engaged in our tweets – even if it’s smaller than what you’d like.
  • 23. It’s action time! We’re going to break the ice today by liking the pages of our classmates on Facebook. ASHLEYNORTHINGTON.COM  
  • 24. Ask me anything. Here’s your chance to ask me anything you want to know about what we learned today. ASHLEYNORTHINGTON.COM  
  • 25. ASHLEYNORTHINGTON.COM   Ashley Northington DENOR Brands & Public Relations 700 Craighead Street, Suite 107 Nashville, Tennessee 37204 Office: 1.855.809.6697 Email: info@denorbrands.com Twitter & Facebook: @ashnorthington | @DENORPR ashleynorthington.com | denorbrands.com