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Spring 3.1 and MVC
        Testing Support
                     Sam Brannen

                   Rossen Stoyanchev
                    SpringSource, VMware
SpringOne 2GX
October 28, 2011
Sam Brannen
Senior Software Consultant @ Swiftmind
Java developer with 13+ years' experience

Spring Framework Core Developer
Lead author of Spring in a Nutshell

Previous SpringSource dm Server™ developer

Presenter on Spring, Java, OSGi, and testing
Rossen Stoyanchev
Staff Engineer SpringSource, VMware
Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow committer

Teach and consult, Spring Projects

Spring Web course author
NYC area
Goals of the
Gain an overview of testing features
in Spring 3.1
Learn about the new Spring MVC
Test Support project
Spring TestContext Framework

Testing with @Configuration Classes
Testing with Environment Profiles
Spring MVC Test Support
Show of Hands...
JUnit / TestNG
Spring 2.5 / 3.0 / 3.1
Integration testing with Spring

Spring TestContext Framework
Spring MVC
Spring MVC Test Support
Spring TestContext
Introduced in Spring 2.5
Revised in Spring 3.1
Unit and integration testing
Convention over Configuration
JUnit & TestNG
Spring & Unit Testing
POJO-based programming model

Program to interfaces
IoC / Dependency Injection

Out-of-container testability

Testing mocks/stubs for various APIs: Servlet,
Portlet, JNDI

General purpose testing utilities
Spring & Integration Testing
 ApplicationContext   management & caching

 Dependency injection of test instances

 Transactional test management
    with default rollback semantics


 JUnit 3.8 support classes are deprecated as of
 Spring 3.0/3.1
Spring Test Annotations
Application Contexts
   @ContextConfiguration, @DirtiesContext


Dependency Injection
  @Autowired, @Qualifier,   @Inject,   …

   @Transactional, @TransactionConfiguration, @Rollback,
   @BeforeTransaction, @AfterTransaction
Spring JUnit Annotations
  Testing Profiles
    groups, not bean definition

  JUnit extensions
    @Timed, @Repeat
Using the TestContext
Use the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner for
JUnit 4.5+
Instrument test class with
TestContextManager for TestNG

Extend one of the base classes
Example: @POJO Test Class

public class OrderServiceTests {

    public void testOrderService() { … }
Example: @POJO Test Class

public class OrderServiceTests {

    public void testOrderService() { … }
Example: @POJO Test Class

public class OrderServiceTests {

    public void testOrderService() { … }
Example: @POJO Test Class
@ContextConfiguration // defaults to
// OrderServiceTests-context.xml in same package
public class OrderServiceTests {

    public void testOrderService() { … }
Example: @POJO Test Class
@ContextConfiguration // defaults to
// OrderServiceTests-context.xml in same package

public class OrderServiceTests {
    private OrderService orderService;

    public void testOrderService() { … }
Example: @POJO Test Class
@ContextConfiguration // defaults to
// OrderServiceTests-context.xml in same package
public class OrderServiceTests {

    private OrderService orderService;

    public void testOrderService() { … }
Example: @POJO Test Class
@ContextConfiguration // defaults to
// OrderServiceTests-context.xml in same package
public class OrderServiceTests {

    private OrderService orderService;

    public void verifyInitialDatabaseState() { … }

    public void testOrderService() { … }
Example: @POJO Test Class
@ContextConfiguration // defaults to
// OrderServiceTests-context.xml in same package
public class OrderServiceTests {

    private OrderService orderService;

    public void verifyInitialDatabaseState() { … }

    public void setUpTestDataWithinTransaction() { … }

    public void testOrderService() { … }
Core Components
Tracks context for current test

Delegates to a ContextLoader

Caches ApplicationContext
Manages the TestContext

Signals events to listeners:
  before: before-class methods
  after: test instantiation
  before: before methods
  after: after methods
  after: after-class methods
TestExecutionListener             SPI
Reacts to test execution events
  Receives reference to current TestContext

Out of the box:
TEL: Prepare Instance
TEL: Befores and Afters
ContextLoader          SPI
Strategy for loading application contexts
   from resource locations

Out of the box:
ContextLoader   2.5
Putting it all together
New in Spring 3.1
Support for ...
testing with @Configuration classes
testing with environment profiles
made possible by ...
updated context cache key generation
SmartContextLoader           SPI
Supersedes ContextLoader

Strategy for loading application
From @Configuration classes or
resource locations
Supports environment profiles



ContextLoader   2.5
ContextLoader   3.1
Testing with
@Configuration Classes
   accepts a new classes attribute...
First, a review with XML config for

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans ...>

  <!-- will be injected into OrderServiceTest -->
  <bean id="orderService"
    <!-- set properties, etc. -->

  <!-- other beans -->

package com.example;
public class OrderServiceTest {
    private OrderService orderService;
    public void testOrderService() {
        // test the orderService
Let's rework that example to use a
 @Configuration class and the new


public class OrderServiceTest {

    private OrderService orderService;
    // @Test methods ...

public class OrderServiceTest {

    private OrderService orderService;
    // @Test methods ...

public class OrderServiceTest {

    private OrderService orderService;
    // @Test methods ...

public class OrderServiceTest {
    static class Config {

    private OrderService orderService;
    // @Test methods ...

public class OrderServiceTest {

    static class Config {
        @Bean // will be injected into OrderServiceTest
        public OrderService orderService() {
          OrderService orderService = new OrderServiceImpl();
          // set properties, etc.
          return orderService;
    private OrderService orderService;
    // @Test methods ...
What's changed?
Bean definitions are converted to
  using @Configuration and @Bean

Otherwise, the test remains
But what if we don't want a static
    inner @Configuration class?
Just externalize the config...

public class OrderServiceConfig {
    @Bean // will be injected into OrderServiceTest
    public OrderService orderService() {
      OrderService orderService = new OrderServiceImpl();
      // set properties, etc.
      return orderService;
And reference the config classes in

public class OrderServiceTest {
    private OrderService orderService;
    public void testOrderService() {
      // test the orderService
@Configuration + XML
 Q: How can we combine
 @Configuration classes with XML
 A: Choose one as the entry point.

 That's how it works in production
Importing Configuration
 In XML:
   include @Configuration classes via
   component scanning
   or define them as normal Spring

 In an @Configuration class:
   use @ImportResource to import XML
   config files
Testing with
Environment Profiles
  To activate bean definition profiles in tests...

Annotate a test class with

Supply a list of profiles to be
activated for the test
Can be used with @Configuration
classes and XML config
Let's look at an example with XML
app-config.xml           (1/2)

<beans ... >

   <bean id="transferService"
       <constructor-arg ref="accountRepository"/>
       <constructor-arg ref="feePolicy"/>

   <bean id="accountRepository"
       <constructor-arg ref="dataSource"/>
   <bean id="feePolicy"
   <!-- dataSource -->

app-config.xml           (2/2)

<beans ... >
   <!-- transferService, accountRepository, feePolicy -->

app-config.xml           (2/2)

<beans ... >
   <!-- transferService, accountRepository, feePolicy -->
   <beans profile="production">
       <jee:jndi-lookup id="dataSource"

app-config.xml           (2/2)

<beans ... >
   <!-- transferService, accountRepository, feePolicy -->
   <beans profile="production">
       <jee:jndi-lookup id="dataSource"
   <beans profile="dev">
       <jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource">


public class TransferServiceTest {
    private TransferService transferService;
    public void testTransferService() {
        // test the transferService

public class TransferServiceTest {
    private TransferService transferService;
    public void testTransferService() {
        // test the transferService

public class TransferServiceTest {
    private TransferService transferService;
    public void testTransferService() {
        // test the transferService
And now an example with
  @Configuration classes

public class TransferServiceConfig {

    @Autowired DataSource dataSource;

    public TransferService transferService() {
      return new DefaultTransferService(accountRepository(),
    public AccountRepository accountRepository() {
      return new JdbcAccountRepository(dataSource);
    public FeePolicy feePolicy() {
      return new ZeroFeePolicy();


public class JndiDataConfig {

    public DataSource dataSource() throws Exception {
      Context ctx = new InitialContext();
      return (DataSource)

public class StandaloneDataConfig {
    public DataSource dataSource() {
      return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
And finally the test class...

package com.bank.service;


public class TransferServiceTest {
    private TransferService transferService;

    public void testTransferService() {
        // test the transferService

package com.bank.service;
public class TransferServiceTest {
    private TransferService transferService;

    public void testTransferService() {
        // test the transferService

package com.bank.service;
public class TransferServiceTest {
    private TransferService transferService;
    public void testTransferService() {
        // test the transferService
Active Profile Inheritance
@ActiveProfiles   supports inheritance as well

Via the inheritProfiles attribute

See Javadoc for an example
Until Spring 3.1
application contexts were cached
but using only resource locations for
              the key.
Now there are different
New Key Generation Algorithm
The context cache key generation algorithm has been updated to include...

     locations (from @ContextConfiguration)

     classes (from @ContextConfiguration)

     contextLoader (from @ContextConfiguration)

     activeProfiles (from @ActiveProfiles)
The Spring TestContext Framework simplifies
integration testing of Spring-based
Spring 3.1 provides first-class testing support
   @Configuration classes
   Environment profiles

See the Testing with @Configuration Classes
and Profiles blog for further insight
Spring MVC Test
How Do You Test an
public class AccountController {

// ...
    public Account getAccount(String number) {
        return this.accountManager.getAccount(number);

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String save(@Valid Account account,
                        BindingResult result) {
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            return "accounts/edit";
        return "redirect:accounts";

Unit Test?
     Create controller instance

Mock or stub services & repositories
public void testSave() {
    Account account = new Account();
    BindingResult result =
        new BeanPropertyBindingResult(account, "account");

public void testSave() {

    Account account = new Account();
    BindingResult result =
        new BeanPropertyBindingResult(account, "account");
    AccountManager mgr = createMock(AccountManager.class);

public void testSave() {
    Account account = new Account();
    BindingResult result =
        new BeanPropertyBindingResult(account, "account");
    AccountManager mgr = createMock(AccountManager.class);
    AccountController contrlr = new AccountController(mgr);
    String view = contrlr.save(account, result);

public void testSave() {
    Account account = new Account();
    BindingResult result =
        new BeanPropertyBindingResult(account, "account");
    AccountManager mgr = createMock(AccountManager.class);
    AccountController contrlr = new AccountController(mgr);

    String view = contrlr.save(account, result);
    assertEquals("redirect:accounts", view);
Example With Failure
public void testSave() {
    Account account = new Account();
    BindingResult result =
        new BeanPropertyBindingResult(account, "account");

    result.reject("error.code", "default message")

Example With Failure
public void testSave() {

    Account account = new Account();
    BindingResult result =
        new BeanPropertyBindingResult(account, "account");

    result.reject("error.code", "default message")
    AccountManager mgr = createMock(AccountManager.class);

Example With Failure
public void testSave() {

    Account account = new Account();
    BindingResult result =
        new BeanPropertyBindingResult(account, "account");
    result.reject("error.code", "default message")
    AccountManager mgr = createMock(AccountManager.class);
    AccountController contrlr = new AccountController(mgr);
    String view = contrlr.save(account, result);
    assertEquals("accounts/edit", view);
Not Fully Tested
  Request mappings

    Binding errors

   Type conversion

Integration Test?


It Requires...
A running servlet container

  More time to execute

 More effort to maintain

   Server is a black box
it's an end-to-end test
the only way to verify...
         Client-side behavior

Interaction with other server instances

          Redis, Rabbit, etc.
We'd also like to...
   Test controllers once!

      Fully & quickly

    Execute tests often
In summary...
We can't replace the need for end-to-
              end tests

     But we can minimize errors

   Have confidence in @MVC code

      During end-to-end tests
Spring MVC Test
         Built on spring-test

         No Servlet container

  Drives Spring MVC infrastructure

Both server & client-side test support
       (i.e. RestTemplate code)

      Inspired by spring-ws-test
The Approach
  Re-use controller test fixtures

I.e. mocked services & repositories

Invoke @Controller classes through
      @MVC infrastructure
String contextLoc = "classpath:appContext.xml";
String warDir = "src/main/webapp";
MockMvc mockMvc =
    .configureWebAppRootDir(warDir, false)

Under the Covers
Mock request/response from spring-test

    DispatcherServlet   replacement

   Multiple ways to initialize MVC

    Save results for expectations
Ways To Initialize MVC
From Existing XML Config
// XML config
MockMvc mockMvc =
      .configureWebAppRootDir(warDir, false)
From Existing Java Config
// Java config
MockMvc mockMvc =
      .configureWebAppRootDir(warDir, false)
MockMvc mockMvc =
    standaloneSetup(new PersonController())
About Manual Setup
MVC components instantiated directly

   Not looked up in Spring context

       Focused, readable tests

But must verify MVC config separately
TestContext            Framework Example
public class TestContextTests {
    private WebApplicationContext wac;
    public void setup() {
      MockMvc mockMvc =
TestContext       Framework
 Caches loaded Spring configuration

     Potentially across all tests!
WebApplicationContext   not supported yet

    To be supported in Spring 3.2
In the mean time...
You can use a custom ContextLoader

 Example exists in spring-test-mvc
Step 1
  Add static imports



Easy to remember...
Also in Eclipse...
Add MockMvc* classes in Preferences

   Java -> Editor -> Favorites

       Helps content assist
Step 2
              Initialize MVC infrastructure

String contextLoc = "classpath:appContext.xml";
String warDir = "src/main/webapp";
MockMvc mockMvc = xmlConfigSetup("classpath:appContext.xml")
    .configureWebAppRootDir(warDir, false)

// ...
Step 3
                     Build Request

String contextLoc = "classpath:appContext.xml";
String warDir = "src/main/webapp";
MockMvc mockMvc = xmlConfigSetup("classpath:appContext.xml")
    .configureWebAppRootDir(warDir, false)


// ...
Step 4
                   Add Expectations

String contextLoc = "classpath:appContext.xml";
String warDir = "src/main/webapp";
MockMvc mockMvc = xmlConfigSetup("classpath:appContext.xml")
    .configureWebAppRootDir(warDir, false)

// ...
Step 5

String contextLoc = "classpath:appContext.xml";
String warDir = "src/main/webapp";
MockMvc mockMvc = xmlConfigSetup("classpath:appContext.xml")
    .configureWebAppRootDir(warDir, false)

// ...

                Sample Tests:

Client-Side Example
RestTemplate restTemplate = ... ;

    .andExpect(headerContains(String, String))
    .andRespond(withResponse(String, HttpHeaders));
Project Availability

        Request for feedback!

           Send comments

             Pull requests
Nightly Snapshot Available
    <name>Spring Maven Snapshot Repository</name>
In Closing ...
This Presentation
Resources for Spring MVC Test
Project Home:
Sample Tests:
Resources for Core Spring
Spring Framework:
Reference Manual: Spring 3.1 RC1

Forums: http://forum.springframework.org
JIRA: https://jira.springsource.org

Spring in a Nutshell … available in 2012
  Sam Brannen
  Web: Swiftmind.com
 Twitter: @sam_brannen

Rossen Stoyanchev
 Web: SpringSource.com
   Twitter: @rstoya05

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Similar to Spring 3.1 and MVC Testing Support

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Sam Brannen
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Sam Brannen
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Similar to Spring 3.1 and MVC Testing Support (20)

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J2ee standards > CDI
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Sam Brannen
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