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SEMINAR RHI Technologies  Heat Pumps
Moving Forward
The Role of Renewables In Sustainable Design 2010 James Toland
Agenda Sustainable Development Various Forms of Renewables Introducing the Heat Pump Micro District Heating Soln Quality Guarantees Design Essentials Incentives towards Renewables European Honey Bee
Sustainable Development
What is Sustainable Development Brundtland Commission: “ .......is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
Some Areas to Consider Modes of Living Agricultural Practice Lifestyles Work Practice New Technology
Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy? Renewable energy is energy generated by natural resources – such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat – which are naturally replenished Examples are Heat Pumps Solar Thermal Solar Photo Voltaics Biomass Wind Hydro Anaerobic Digestion Geothermal Philipine’s Geothermal Power Station
Introducing the Heat Pump
The Principle of Heat Pump Technology Takes low grade energy in the ground, water, air This is effectively solar energy Transmits it to higher grade energy via a compressor This heat energy provides heating for the home or office It also provides for domestic hot water
The Technology
How it works!
Performance Measurement - COP? Coefficient of Performance A measurement of the ratio of energy input (electricity) to heat output For example: 2kW electricity to provide 7kW heat = COP of 3.50 Must however be compared like with like Common to compare GSHP’s at B0W35 (EN14511) Common to compare ASHP’s at A2W35 (EN14511)
COP – So What? EST Monitoring Programme – Installs pre Nov 2008 Professor David MacKay, Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Energy and Climate Change: “Heat pumps will be a crucial component of our low-carbon future, provided they perform well. It’s therefore essential to conduct trials to establish best practice, and perfect this technology for use in building throughout the UK.” However, 80% of monitored installs did not meet EU proposed level for classification as renewable energy of 2.6 Notably - European installs perform better Experience Equipment Quality
Heat Pump v Natural Gas - Comparison Space heating load  100 kWh per week Heat pump with COP of 3.5 Gas Boiler operating at thermal efficiency of 100% HP energy consumption  = 100/3.5 = 30 kWh Boiler energy consumption  = 100/1  = 100 Kwh
Heat Pump v Natural Gas – CO 2 At 2009 current UK generator mix emitted CO 2  - 0.43kgCO 2 /kWh of electricity used. Corresponding figure for natural gas is 0.194 kgCO 2 /kWh Based on previous example Heat pump emissions:  30 x .43  = 12.9 kgCO 2 Gas Boiler emissions: 100 x .194  = 19.4 kgCO 2 Therefore Heat Pump emits 33% less CO 2  that Gas Boiler
Heat Pump v Natural Gas - Cost Approximate price of fuels per kWh – gas  = 4.1p   electricity (inc. Low cost tariffs)  = 10p Hence comparison of actual costs: Gas = 4.1p x 100 kWh = £4.10 per week HP = 10p x 30 kWh = £3.00 per week Heat Pump saving of 26% on gas
Ground Source Heat Pumps
Advantages of Heat Pumps Lower Running Costs Low Carbon Footprint Long Life Expectancy Ease of Maintenance Low Temp Solution Environmentally Friendly No Fuel Storage Issues
Horizontal Loops
Closed Loop Boreholes
Borehole Temperatures
Ground Water Borehole Double borehole open loop keeps ground water level constant.  Boreholes should be kept a minimum of 15m apart Average water temperature  below 15m is 10-12°C Requires registration with  Environmental Agencies Water can also be used to supply domestic pressurised water
River Water Collector
Air Source Heat Pump
Air Source Heat Pumps Noise – 35 dBa Efficiency – COP to 3.8 Performance to -17° Defrosting Optimum Efficiency Standard versus Exhaust Air Micro District Heating Soln Single Phase v 3 phase Proven Throughout Europe 8kW and 10kW 153cm (H) x 110cm (W) x 75cm (D)
External Install
External Internal Install
Individual control of up to 7 heating & cooling zones Allowing for weather prediction Accounting for  favourable electric tariff Optimises HGL efficient hot water production Full remote control - all from your office desk! Control - Navigator ®  1.0
Compatability Stove Pellets Oil Solar Array Gas Boiler
Micro District Heating Solution
Energy Considerations Fighting Fuel Poverty with Renewables Reducing the Carbon footprint of the Housing Stock Reducing maintenance Costs Improving Reliability, Less Plant Positive Forces Code for Sustainable Homes Renewable Energy Strategy 2009 Climate Change Act 2008 Grant Aid Numerous New Legislation
Overview of MDHS
Key Advantages Heat Metered to Individual Properties Cost Benefits Meet CO2 Targets Remote Housing of Plant – Solar Panel Roofing Maintenance Accessibility Low Temperature
Typical Installations
Housing – The Duckett 10kW Heat Pump UFH Throughout Unique Project
Housing – The Old Barns, Cromarty 10kW Heat Pump UFH Throughout Unique Project
Medical Ctrs - Sacriston Terra Max 90kW – Incorporating Road Energy ‘ Specialist OGI’
Rail Stn - Parkway Greenest Station in Britain 26kW HGL – Heating from Ground Loops
Glenthorne High School, Surrey 70kW HGL Terra Max with Solar and Bore Holes
Castles - Mey District Heating 37kW GSHP 1000 Ltr Hygenik 5 x Boreholes The Castle The Green House The Visitor Centre
Schools – Bicton Primary Heating & Cooling  1,600m 2   90 kW HGL 5,200m Trenches 1,500 Ltr Hygienik UFH Throughout Savings - £9,300  pa over oil
IDM Energy – Latest Addition 3 Terra Max 90 27 Boreholes to 150 m 6.000 m² Floor Area Hot water for showers and WCs Savings per annum over Oil:  € 23,000 7 Year Payback IDM, New Hall 2008
Quality – Guarantees
Tested Microgeneration Certification Scheme Accreditation for small scale solutions up to 45kW Energy Technology Product List for Carbon Trust and other grants COP – 3.8 at A2W35 Input of 2.1kW electricity Output of 8kW of heat 8/2.1 = COP of 3.8
Planning Essentials - Terra Opt
Terra Opt - Planning Prompts for relevant data Analyses all parameters Weather in the region Ground conditions Heat Losses & Heat Gains Electric price tariffs Solar Input  Alternative energy supply Provides optimal solutions Reports alternative fuel option analyses
Planning Accurately
Incentives towards Sustainability
New FIT Tariffs - PV Went live 1 st  April 2010 Effectively taking from fossil fuels, giving to renewables Pay back periods significantly reduced Calculated at 5% to 8% Return Payments c. 36 pence per kW for 25 years Retrospective to July 09 Index linked
FIT Tariffs – PV Payments Pence/kwh Year 1 Pence/kwh Year 2 Pence/kwh Year 3 Duration (Years)  ≤ 4 kW (new build)   36.1   36.1   33.0   25  ≤ 4 kW (retrofit)   41.3   41.3 37.8   25   >4-10kW   36.1   36.1   33.0   25   >10 - 100kW 31.4   31.4   28.7   25   >100kW - 5MW   29.3   29.3   26.8   25 Standalone system 29.3   29.3   26.8   25
Incentivising Heat – Why? UK target of 20% reduction in CO2 by 2020 UK target of 15% of all energy by renewables by 2020 UK target for heat by renewables of 12% by 2020 EU Penalties Are Severe UK currently achieves 1% of heating from Renewables Various incentives being instigated by government Renewable Heat Incentive Warm Homes Green Loans
Renewable Heat Incentive RHI in Consultation - due to go live April 2011 Payment for kWh of energy produced (deemed) To bridge gap between cost of renewables v traditional Investment rate of return of 12% across all technologies With exception of solar thermal being r.o.r. of 6% Open to all types of organisations including LA’s Installations eligible from July 2009 onwards Products must be MCS accredited Installation by a MCS accredited company Greater ROR than FITs to reflect complexity of installations
Renewable Heat Incentive Technology Scale Pence/kWh Duration (Years) Ground source heat pumps Up to 45kW 7 23 Air source heat pumps Up to 45kW 7.5 18 Solar thermal Up to 20kW 18 20 Biomass Up to 45kW 9 15
Small Business - Scotland Loans for SME’s, Private Sector Landlords, NFP’s, Charities For upgrading to renewables demonstrating operational savings From £1,000 to £100,000 0% Interest Managed by EST for Scottish Government All Heat Pumps, Solar Thermal, Solar PV etc. Paid back over 8 Years Carbon Trust offer similar loans UK wide
Thank You

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SEAM Centre seminar - Sept 2010 (part 1)

  • 3. The Role of Renewables In Sustainable Design 2010 James Toland
  • 4. Agenda Sustainable Development Various Forms of Renewables Introducing the Heat Pump Micro District Heating Soln Quality Guarantees Design Essentials Incentives towards Renewables European Honey Bee
  • 6. What is Sustainable Development Brundtland Commission: “ .......is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
  • 7. Some Areas to Consider Modes of Living Agricultural Practice Lifestyles Work Practice New Technology
  • 9. Renewable Energy? Renewable energy is energy generated by natural resources – such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat – which are naturally replenished Examples are Heat Pumps Solar Thermal Solar Photo Voltaics Biomass Wind Hydro Anaerobic Digestion Geothermal Philipine’s Geothermal Power Station
  • 11. The Principle of Heat Pump Technology Takes low grade energy in the ground, water, air This is effectively solar energy Transmits it to higher grade energy via a compressor This heat energy provides heating for the home or office It also provides for domestic hot water
  • 14. Performance Measurement - COP? Coefficient of Performance A measurement of the ratio of energy input (electricity) to heat output For example: 2kW electricity to provide 7kW heat = COP of 3.50 Must however be compared like with like Common to compare GSHP’s at B0W35 (EN14511) Common to compare ASHP’s at A2W35 (EN14511)
  • 15. COP – So What? EST Monitoring Programme – Installs pre Nov 2008 Professor David MacKay, Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Energy and Climate Change: “Heat pumps will be a crucial component of our low-carbon future, provided they perform well. It’s therefore essential to conduct trials to establish best practice, and perfect this technology for use in building throughout the UK.” However, 80% of monitored installs did not meet EU proposed level for classification as renewable energy of 2.6 Notably - European installs perform better Experience Equipment Quality
  • 16. Heat Pump v Natural Gas - Comparison Space heating load 100 kWh per week Heat pump with COP of 3.5 Gas Boiler operating at thermal efficiency of 100% HP energy consumption = 100/3.5 = 30 kWh Boiler energy consumption = 100/1 = 100 Kwh
  • 17. Heat Pump v Natural Gas – CO 2 At 2009 current UK generator mix emitted CO 2 - 0.43kgCO 2 /kWh of electricity used. Corresponding figure for natural gas is 0.194 kgCO 2 /kWh Based on previous example Heat pump emissions: 30 x .43 = 12.9 kgCO 2 Gas Boiler emissions: 100 x .194 = 19.4 kgCO 2 Therefore Heat Pump emits 33% less CO 2 that Gas Boiler
  • 18. Heat Pump v Natural Gas - Cost Approximate price of fuels per kWh – gas = 4.1p electricity (inc. Low cost tariffs) = 10p Hence comparison of actual costs: Gas = 4.1p x 100 kWh = £4.10 per week HP = 10p x 30 kWh = £3.00 per week Heat Pump saving of 26% on gas
  • 20. Advantages of Heat Pumps Lower Running Costs Low Carbon Footprint Long Life Expectancy Ease of Maintenance Low Temp Solution Environmentally Friendly No Fuel Storage Issues
  • 25. Ground Water Borehole Double borehole open loop keeps ground water level constant. Boreholes should be kept a minimum of 15m apart Average water temperature below 15m is 10-12°C Requires registration with Environmental Agencies Water can also be used to supply domestic pressurised water
  • 28. Air Source Heat Pumps Noise – 35 dBa Efficiency – COP to 3.8 Performance to -17° Defrosting Optimum Efficiency Standard versus Exhaust Air Micro District Heating Soln Single Phase v 3 phase Proven Throughout Europe 8kW and 10kW 153cm (H) x 110cm (W) x 75cm (D)
  • 31. Individual control of up to 7 heating & cooling zones Allowing for weather prediction Accounting for favourable electric tariff Optimises HGL efficient hot water production Full remote control - all from your office desk! Control - Navigator ® 1.0
  • 32. Compatability Stove Pellets Oil Solar Array Gas Boiler
  • 34. Energy Considerations Fighting Fuel Poverty with Renewables Reducing the Carbon footprint of the Housing Stock Reducing maintenance Costs Improving Reliability, Less Plant Positive Forces Code for Sustainable Homes Renewable Energy Strategy 2009 Climate Change Act 2008 Grant Aid Numerous New Legislation
  • 36. Key Advantages Heat Metered to Individual Properties Cost Benefits Meet CO2 Targets Remote Housing of Plant – Solar Panel Roofing Maintenance Accessibility Low Temperature
  • 38. Housing – The Duckett 10kW Heat Pump UFH Throughout Unique Project
  • 39. Housing – The Old Barns, Cromarty 10kW Heat Pump UFH Throughout Unique Project
  • 40. Medical Ctrs - Sacriston Terra Max 90kW – Incorporating Road Energy ‘ Specialist OGI’
  • 41. Rail Stn - Parkway Greenest Station in Britain 26kW HGL – Heating from Ground Loops
  • 42. Glenthorne High School, Surrey 70kW HGL Terra Max with Solar and Bore Holes
  • 43. Castles - Mey District Heating 37kW GSHP 1000 Ltr Hygenik 5 x Boreholes The Castle The Green House The Visitor Centre
  • 44. Schools – Bicton Primary Heating & Cooling 1,600m 2 90 kW HGL 5,200m Trenches 1,500 Ltr Hygienik UFH Throughout Savings - £9,300 pa over oil
  • 45. IDM Energy – Latest Addition 3 Terra Max 90 27 Boreholes to 150 m 6.000 m² Floor Area Hot water for showers and WCs Savings per annum over Oil: € 23,000 7 Year Payback IDM, New Hall 2008
  • 47. Tested Microgeneration Certification Scheme Accreditation for small scale solutions up to 45kW Energy Technology Product List for Carbon Trust and other grants COP – 3.8 at A2W35 Input of 2.1kW electricity Output of 8kW of heat 8/2.1 = COP of 3.8
  • 50. Terra Opt - Planning Prompts for relevant data Analyses all parameters Weather in the region Ground conditions Heat Losses & Heat Gains Electric price tariffs Solar Input Alternative energy supply Provides optimal solutions Reports alternative fuel option analyses
  • 53. New FIT Tariffs - PV Went live 1 st April 2010 Effectively taking from fossil fuels, giving to renewables Pay back periods significantly reduced Calculated at 5% to 8% Return Payments c. 36 pence per kW for 25 years Retrospective to July 09 Index linked
  • 54. FIT Tariffs – PV Payments Pence/kwh Year 1 Pence/kwh Year 2 Pence/kwh Year 3 Duration (Years)  ≤ 4 kW (new build)   36.1   36.1   33.0   25  ≤ 4 kW (retrofit)   41.3   41.3 37.8   25   >4-10kW   36.1   36.1   33.0   25   >10 - 100kW 31.4   31.4   28.7   25   >100kW - 5MW   29.3   29.3   26.8   25 Standalone system 29.3   29.3   26.8   25
  • 55. Incentivising Heat – Why? UK target of 20% reduction in CO2 by 2020 UK target of 15% of all energy by renewables by 2020 UK target for heat by renewables of 12% by 2020 EU Penalties Are Severe UK currently achieves 1% of heating from Renewables Various incentives being instigated by government Renewable Heat Incentive Warm Homes Green Loans
  • 56. Renewable Heat Incentive RHI in Consultation - due to go live April 2011 Payment for kWh of energy produced (deemed) To bridge gap between cost of renewables v traditional Investment rate of return of 12% across all technologies With exception of solar thermal being r.o.r. of 6% Open to all types of organisations including LA’s Installations eligible from July 2009 onwards Products must be MCS accredited Installation by a MCS accredited company Greater ROR than FITs to reflect complexity of installations
  • 57. Renewable Heat Incentive Technology Scale Pence/kWh Duration (Years) Ground source heat pumps Up to 45kW 7 23 Air source heat pumps Up to 45kW 7.5 18 Solar thermal Up to 20kW 18 20 Biomass Up to 45kW 9 15
  • 58. Small Business - Scotland Loans for SME’s, Private Sector Landlords, NFP’s, Charities For upgrading to renewables demonstrating operational savings From £1,000 to £100,000 0% Interest Managed by EST for Scottish Government All Heat Pumps, Solar Thermal, Solar PV etc. Paid back over 8 Years Carbon Trust offer similar loans UK wide

Editor's Notes

  1. Over the course of today you will hear many definitions of sustainable development but possibly the most to the point is that coined by the Brundtland Commission. The BC, originally named the World Commission on Environment and Development was convened by the UN in 1983 to address growing concerns about the accelerating deterioration of the human environment and natural resources. The Commission was concerned with how sustainable development might be managed on a world wide basis with consideration given to inter country interaction on the issue given differing levels of social and economic development. And so Sustainable Development is ..... Ultimately the concept of ‘sustainable design’ suggests there is an onus on us all to make ourselves aware of how best to direct those who will build towards ensuring that we as humans remain in a state of equilibrium with our environment.
  2. Areas to consider under the banner of sustainable development are for example modes of living, ie the development of eco villages, sustainable cities. Food production, how we can ensure replenishment of the soil through crop rotation, resting land strategies and so on. Work practice, particularly pertinent today and most specifically areas such as sustainable architecture. How we as individuals consider our ongoing use of natural resources, how can we impact imrprovements in consideration of energy usage, food packaging. New Technology, playing a significant role at the simplest level new forms of low energy lightbulbs through to sophisticated building management systems and of course somewhere in between renewable energy solutions.
  3. There are many areas to consider when promoting sustainable design, however let’s look at how this might be done through the medium of renewable energy. OK, so what is renewable energy? These are a number of examples of renewable energy, and in particular we are interested in micro renewables such as heat pumps, solar thermal and PV, Biomass.
  4. The heat pump is a particularly obvious form of renewable energy albeit this assumes a number of things including good practice in the design, install and commissioning of. Get these right and the heat pump as we will demonstrate is a particular effective form of sustainable living.....
  5. A significant advance through IDM R&amp;D has been the introduction of the new Navigator control system. A truly intelligent unit has a host of features designed to get the best out of the space heating abilities of the heatpump whilst optimising the production of hot water. Additionally the Navigator takes into account variables such as external temperature conditions and trends predicting heat requirements into the future thus optimising energy usage say in terms of utilising low tariff electricity. Furthermore the Navigator enhances consumer control of the unit with the entire system being controllable from your office desk! Unlike heatpump controls generally the system is intuitive with for example „party setting“ designed to interupt the normal day to day operation to allow for a sudden one off change in usage
  6. Of course the IHS system allows for the integration of all forms of renewable and traditional systems as and when they might be required in the future. The thermal store being the central focus of our systems allows for the storage of all energy and ultimately the distribution of the energy to where it is needed to maintain maximum comfort for those relying on the system
  7. Bei einem errechneten Stromverbrauch von 32.000 kWh p.a. ergibt dies eine Jahresarbeitszahl von 5,68. Die thermische Sanierung umfasste 2 Maßnahmen: Vollwärmeschutz Grundwasser-Wärmepumpenanlage Ein wesentliches Ziel dieser Sanierung war auch die Erneuerung des Heizungssystems und die Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs.